
2nd July 1981, London

I was sleeping soundly. It was a long time since I had such a good sleep.

{Kid! Wake up!}

I was forcefully taken from the arms of Morpheus by a sharp female voice. I opened my eyes and looked around. Confusion was visible on my face as I saw no one. And I don't believe that such a voice could have come from one of the five babies that are in this room with me. I could see the sun rising from the small gap in the white curtains covering the window across me. So right now should be an early morning. But who has the audacity to wake me up so early?

{Why are you looking around like a fool? I speak to you directly in your head kid!} The voice rang again.

'That's shouting not speaking, so I will be grateful to you if you could lower the volume of your voice in my head. I will soon get a headache otherwise. Wait. You are Agony right?' I replied to Agony with my thoughts.

Agony. The dark purple and dark pink colored Symbiote. My third Gift. When I heard the sharp female voice in my head, I soon put things together. What else could be the voice in my head, if I have not gone crazy yet. I was wondering why she hadn't tried to talk to me sooner. Maybe she was sleeping when I was just reincarnated?

{You finally remembered about me kid. I want to talk with you.}

'Well nice to meet you Agony. Yes, we could talk but before that, could you change the way you address me? I don't want to be called a kid.'

I am already twenty years old. At least mentally. I barely recovered from how Anna and the orphanage's Director called me a baby and a little Suou last night and they will most likely call me like that for a long time from now on. I don't want to be constantly called kid by Agony on top of that.

{But you are a little kid right now. How do you want me to call you? A little girl?} She told me sassily.

My small baby eyebrows furrowed in displeasure. 'Just call me by my name.'

{Fine, I will call you Suou then. You are no fun.}

'What did you want to talk about, that you had to wake me up at this unholy time of the day.' In my past life, I was not a morning person, and looks like this aspect is still with me even after my reincarnation.

{Athough I have access to your memories and know what kind of a person you are I want to hear the answer to this from you...}

So the Symbionts have access to their host's memories. Good to know.

{...How do you plan to use me and my powers?} She asked with seriousness in her voice.

A tricky question, especially because I know almost nothing about what type of Symbiont Agony was. Was she one of the Symbionts that believed that they were a naturally benevolent species that spread peace throughout the universe? Or was she one of the exiled Symbiotes that were basically predatory monsters that parasitized their hosts and only used them in the order to spread a terror?

Really, the only things that I know about Agony, are her color and that she is one of few Symbiotes that have hair, and that she had mostly female hosts. Oh and also that she can generate and spit out acid.

Well, I already know my answer to this question.

'I don't want to use you. I want us to be friends.'


In my past life, I didn't have anyone to call a true friend. After I was hospitalized, I closed myself off from the others. Most of the friends that I had until then didn't even come to see me in the hospital. And the few that did, soon stopped visiting too. Really, it was mainly my fault as I was depressed and angry at the unfairness of my situation, so I really was not in the best shape of mind at that time and I said things that I shouldn't have. But I couldn't bear the looks of pity they were giving me.

Who even wants to be friends with someone that will most likely die soon. All that will come from it, would be sorrow and pain. I didn't want anyone to feel that because of me, so I didn't even try to make new friends. It is alright to feel the pain but it's not all right to spread the pain to others in the hope to feel better.

But now I have been reborn, so it's okay to want some friends. I don't need many friends, a few will do. I was really happy when I got Agony as my third Gift. Someone that can't leave me. Someone that will be with me forever. Someone who I can depend on. Someone who I can connect with. Well in this case we are literally connected.

'So what do you say? Do you want to be friends? After all, you are connected to my soul so you can't leave me and we will be together for a long time because I am pretty much immortal thanks to being a Demon. And I really need someone that I can trust in this life.'

{All right then. We will be friends.}

A dark purple tentacle with some dark pink lines emerged from my left shoulder and reached for my right baby hand. Then it performed an exaggerated 'handshake' and disappeared back into my body.

Ok. That was weird.

I wonder where in my body Agony even is but something is telling me that I will be happier without knowing.

'Can I see your face?'

A thick line of goo emerged again from my shoulder. Coming before me, on its end formed Agony's head with long and voluminous purple hair. Her face had big white coma eyes with ragged edges and a wide mouth with raws of a sharp teeth.

Scary but fascinating.

"So what do you think? Am I beautiful?" She asked with her sharp voice now sounding in the air.

"Yes," I replied with my now cute childish voice. Great, another reason not to talk.

On Agony's face appeared a really scary smile and she disappeared back somewhere into my body. Looks like my compliment made her happy. I think.

'Now there is one more problem.'

{I am also aware of it.}

I am hungry.

'What should we do?' I turned to my new Symbiote friend for help.

{Just start crying. Someone will surely come and feed you.}

That idea occurred to me too but I still hoped for some better idea. It appears that I don't have any other choice in this situation. I will have to swallow my remaining pride and shame. It's okay to cry, I am a small child now after all. Ahh, this is so embarrassing.

'Agony, can you make me cry somehow?'

{Although I have access to your memories and can feel your emotions I can't affect them. Something is blocking me from doing that. I think it's the power of your soul. As I am connected to it I can feel it affecting a few things in you, like your mind and that scary thing in your chest.}

'You mean the Demon Seed?'

{Yes. The scary thing that is but I feel that it makes you and even me slowly stronger.}

'So you can't make me cry?'

{Maybe I can, if you let me hit you.} Hmm, an interesting idea, but I will rather not go with this one.

I already cried last night after I thought about me being a girl now and let go of the rudimentary control that I have over my young new body. I am now a baby so I should act like one. My body was feeling hungry so I did what babies normally do in this kind of situation. I cried. But when I cried, the other five babies in the room woke up and suddenly started to cry too.

Why did they start crying? That was not my fault. Absolutely not. I hurriedly stopped my crying and again put a blank look on my face and played innocent. There are five children already crying and someone will surely come to pacify them so I don't need to cry anymore. And I really don't want to be seen crying again.

Soon the doors of the baby room opened and through them came Anna and another woman that I have not seen before. She too looked like she is just in her twenties. She had a pair of brown eyes and she too had brown hair but in a darker color and had them in a short ponytail. Anna had her long light brown hair in a braid. They both wore simple long-sleeved dresses in a dark blue color.

"Today they woke up earlier than usual. And loudly too. Melissa, I will go check on our newest addition so please deal with the others in the meanwhile." Said Anna and went in the direction of my crib. She then bent over me and picked me in her arms. Looks like I will be carried around again.

"So how did you sleep little Suou? Will you tell me something today? Yesterday after the initial cry you went mute. Oh, I forgot to put diapers on you. Fortunately, you didn't need on a toilet during the night."

So she is planning to put the diapers on me now. I will really die from shame if this continues. Why was there no other way than to be reborn as a baby? This is torture for my adult mind.

{It's not that horrible. Secretion of the metabolical waste and indigestible part of the consumed food from your body is a natural biological process. So man up. Oh, you can't actually. You are a girl now. Hehehe}

'It's good that you are having fun, but you are not helping me so shut up.'

She undressed me from the red onesie she has put on me before and put on me the diapers despite my silent protest and the inner tears. After that, she dressed me again in the onesie.

The rest of the morning consisted of me being carried with the other babies to the dining room and being fed with some boiled beans. Who the hell eats the boiled beans for a breakfast. Is it because I am now in the orphanage or is it a British thing.

In the dining room were already some older kids around the age of fifteen that were from the looks of it helping with the preparation and the serving of the food. Some of them helped feed the little ones.

I was spoon-fed by Melissa and she praised me because I didn't make a mess while eating. I took the praise with a roll of my eyes which made Melissa giggle.

During the lovely breakfast, I turned my gaze to the big calendar hanging on the wall next to the door leading to the hallway.


So Voldemort is still alive and kicking, huh. Well not for long. He will soon be done in by his own Killing Curse, thanks to Lily Evans's sacrifice and the Wizarding World will have its Savior.