
… urgh.

The hell happened? One moment I was walking to my job and the next…

In the next I saw something akin to a bright pink light explode onto my chest.

No way…


Did I die?

["Yes. You indeed have died, unfortunately."]

Who's there!?

["I speak from within your head, mortal. Though, your death is an unknown anomaly as you were set to perish 23 years into the future after having founded your company which would have propelled humans farther into the unknown of the universe."]

… w-what happened? Why did I die early then?

["… As I said. An anomaly has appeared in your reality. Something improbable and has already been given top priority to hunt down."]

So I'm dead and I don't know who…

Or what killed me? That's just fucked.

["Mortal, though you are not aware, but your non-existence has pushed your world back by 130 years. As a result, you no longer fit into the cycle of reincarnation due to the imbalance between humanity's path and direction. As a result, I have taken it upon myself for being the present overseer for your world that keeps the other more destructive species in your universe at bay with a cosmic barrier."]


Aliens? Are you saying that aliens exist? Wait, wait, because of my death, you somehow got involved so what, now humanity is saved or something?

["In a manner of speaking, yes. You are also hereby given a chance. An offer for whatever you desire since your next death will become your last. You will have 3 'wishes' of your choice. Just as long as it is not overbearing, I can give you a second chance anywhere in the multiverse."]

Reincarnating? I'll seriously get wishes and get reincarnated?


… I want to know who killed me.

["That is impossible at the moment. For as I have just said, that your killer is an anomaly. I am not even sure what it is but it has the power to punch through the fabric of reality and go wherever it wants."]

… great. Then, for my first wish, I wish for immortality.

["That is easily granted; however, eternity is a solemn blessing and curse, mortal. Without mental fortitude or will, you'll perish in spirit long before your body dies."]


I just don't want to die again.

["Your reasons are yours. I will not judge you, only warn you of what you now have."]

… okay.

My next wish is to have an RPG system along with a sentient AI.

["I see… Your wish is granted however, you will not have access to its full functions without your AI."]

That's fine. For my final wish, I wish for the power to cross countless dimensions as I wish.

["… that's pushing the limit, mortal. But, considering it is because you wish to find your killer, I will grant this. You are now compensated and we shall never meet again as the next time you perish somehow even despite your immortality, you will cease to exist. You will be sent to a random universe and you may begin there. Your new body will be chosen at random and you may not choose which body to inhabit as it will be at random. Good luck, mortal."]


Opening my eyes, I felt pain. A searing and difficult pain but I got up with a jerk and groaned while pushing off the heavy weight of a large piece of debris from above me.

"Fuck!" I think I was still injured but the pain was worse as I felt my left arm was stinging terribly. "Ugh?!"

I was shocked when I saw my left arm was missing and a red bloodied stump was left. I gritted my teeth as my mind was somehow relatively calm given the situation.

["Congratulations on obtaining your new vessel host."] I heard a sudden androgynous voice speak from within my head but in a lower and calmer tone than the ancient voice I heard before. ["I am your personal AI, Host. Considering the circumstances, I urge Host to withdraw a congratulatory High-grade healing potion from your inventory."]


How do I do that?

["Host needs only think about the potion and extend your right hand."]

Like…this? Woah.

There it was, a glistening yellow-gold liquid within a glass bottle the size of my palm.

Do I just drink it?

["Yes, Host."]

I then bit into the cork while spitting it away and then downed the whole thing. Just as I did, I collapsed forward as the glass bottle shattered onto the ground while I gritted my teeth as my left stump began to sear even fiercer in pain while something was bubbling and soon, I was left with looking at my new left arm.

Pushing myself back to my feet, I then barely realized I was wearing very heavy armor all over my body minus my left arm, a couple gaps in the armor which must have been what killed my previous host, and how I could easily move around in it.

Hey, what's with this armor? Where am I?

["Host is in a f-[REDACTED]."]


["Apologies… there seems to be a problem with accessing that information. One moment please while I connect with the realm of information..."]

Uh… okay?


["All done! Host is currently within a splintered reality that has been fragmented due to the loss of its cosmic anchor."]


["This reality is one that closely resembles or is a direct parallel to a reality the Host has once read and even played in passing from your past life but seemingly forgot."]

Okay, what is this place?

["You are currently in the [Halo Universe], Host. A splintered one where the main anchor or the protagonist of this universe has perished due to some reason and thus lead to the extinction of all sentient life in the solar system."]

"The fuck!?" I shouted and was stunned as this gorgeous voice was going to take some getting used to. "If that's the case, who the hell am I?"

["Host has permanently integrated into one; Spartan-087… designation: [Kelly]."]

"Hold up… I'm… I'm a Spartan? Wait, is this real!?" I couldn't believe it, wait, didn't my AI just say that?

["Yes. Host is experiencing short term memory overlap as the original hosts memory is being wiped clean to make room for your consciousness and former memories."]

"Really? Then, will I be fine?" I asked.

["At the moment, yes. However, the world you are in is already infested with the Flood or rather, an organic and vicious infestation that has succeeded 99% in wiping life from the universe.

The bodies all around you are the Spartans that perished during a grand battle against most likely other Elites, Brutes, and also other compromised Spartans that were infected. "]

"That's… sorta fucked." I exclaimed while wandering around and picking up a half-empty shotgun. "Hey, can I put things in my inventory?"

["Yes. Only will it and it shall be done."] I followed the instructions and the gun soon disappeared.

I nodded and then began walking around while taking everything from the corpses minus the corpses themselves of other Spartian for the technology as well as I truly wanted to give them a proper burial but the sheer number of them all was too vast for one person alone to dig. So I mostly took the technology and armor sets with a guilty heart but this would be worth it as I was by no means a saint any more than I was a villain.

I gathered the near-endless tanks, crashed and intact planes, shuttles, alien armors, and vehicles. I then stopped at a large ruined facility and then with a firm will, pressed my hands into the floor as it all suddenly disappeared into thin air while leaving behind an empty plot of land.

"Okay… did I miss anything?" I asked myself.

["My scans show nothing is left of worth to Host."]

"Good. As for my power to travel through dimensions, how do I use it?"

["Ah, yes! That power has been integrated through me and all you need is to say which reality you want to travel to. I will do the rest, Host."]

Okay, let's go to the Naruto universe.

["Right away and-DUCK!!"]

My instincts I didn't know I had flared and I pivot my left foot while ducking in a spin and pushing off the ground as I uppercut whoever it was that tried to kill me just then by trying to spice me in half with a glowing sword.

"Grahhh…" The monster took a few steps back as its active camouflage began dissipating and soon revealed a tall and scary looking bipedal monster. "You humans… need only stay dead… so die-Gak!"


I didn't waste my breath and instantly took out my shotgun while firing it at point blank range. The shot echoed as a new hole tore through the monster's head as it then collapsed without any further resistance and fell to the ground.

The barrel was still smoking as I felt incredibly calm as I had just taken my first life and yet, I wasn't disgusted or panicking. It was all just like breathing but the cries of my AI soon pulled me from my thoughts.

["Host! Are you okay!? That elite somehow snuck past my scans as its life reading was just above the Host to detect, I had almost threatened the Host's safety! I'm sorry! I'm really-Really sorry!"]

"It's…" Before I could continue, I then realized that the mo-Elite had some kind of active camouflage. "It's alright, Allie. I'm fine."

I had inadvertently named my new system the name of my past ex-girlfriend.

["Y-Yes… Uh, the calculations for the Dimensional Jump is set, Host."]

"Good." I then pocketed the armor of the corpse of the Elite and its energy weapon as well. "Let's go."


There was a flash of light and I soon disappeared from that world all together.
