The Only One I cannot Surpass

At 10 pm at night sound of a car entering the compund was heard. William parked his Rolls Royace in the garage where all of the luxurious and sports cars that he owned were kept.

He opened the main door and went straight for the kitchen. Where he knew a certain someone would have cooked the dinner dinner as the chef was absent today.

On opening the kitchen door he was greeted with a delicious aroma.

Lucious, his back turned to the door was busy cooking something. He did not even bother to greet his godfather who was already headed for the dining table without even changing his clothes.

"What are we having today.... Steak I guess"

William spoke shamelessly, sniffing the aroma like a dog he did not even careing that he, someone

He always loved it when Lucious cooked food. Everything he made always ends up in a disaster but that was not the case for Lucious. He did not know how he learned to cook like that but he was glad that he learned anyway. There were times when their chef took leaves without giving any prior notice and today was one of those days.

On such occasions Lucious had to cook the food himself and because of that William also ends up having a delicious meal.

"Please go and change your clothes first.....uncle"

Lucious replied without turning around.

"Ahh.... right "

William stood up and went to his room. He quickly took out his casual clothes from the almera. After changing into the new pair and washing his hands he was back in the kitchen within hardly 2 minutes.

There were 2 plates of well done stake on the table already, with a pair of fork and knife with each. However one of the plates had a slightly larger portion. Not by much, but it was noticeable.

William took his seat and was about to take the larger portion when Luscious's voice came.

"That one would be mine... Uncle"

Annoyed, William pulled the second plate towards himself. This was nothing new to him, whenever Lucious served the meal, he would always take a larger portion for himself. The only exception to this unsaid rule was Ashley whom Lucious always served equally. He on the other hand was always discriminated.

Picking up his silverware, William proceeded to take his first bite. Just as he took the bite, all of his annoyance vanished. The stake was tender and had a well balance of every ingredient, it melted in his mouth as soon as he put it in. It was like one of those stakes which you eat at some five star restaurant for quite a cost.

".... Delicious"

were the only words that managed to come out of his mouth before he took another bite.

Lucious did not gave any attention to William's praises. He was used to this, it akways happened when he cooked something. His cooking must be really good for William and Ashley both to praise him whenever he cooked, he thought.

Lucious also pulled a chair for himself and picked up the cutlery.

He then proceeded to eat the stake like it was just some normal food that he ate daily, not any hint of emotion on his face.

"..... Lucious.."

William spoke, gulping down another bite,

"You know.... Ashley is comming home tomorrow..... "

Lucious just nodded his head as a sign that he was listening. Proceeding to take another bite.

".... Apparently her exams ended early....."

William spoke, his hands on the cutlery, cutting another piece of the tender meat.

".... I will have to do go the the bureau tomorrow. So..... you should go and pick her up from the.... "

William said, gulping down another bite. He was not minding his manners at all. After all he was tired of acting all disciplined and formal in front of all the people the whole day. At home he can be himself. Lucious did not mind him at all Ashley would criticize him for his habits every now and then, but still it worked.

"Why can't you go it because of you new girlfriend, you sure cling to her huh"

Lucious said.

His voice was same as ever but still William felt the pain of that sarcasm hidden in those words.

"No no.... It's nothing like that. You know I have a very important task to do tomorrow. I have to deal with his supers organisation that is trying smuggling human body parts. They have a lot of strong supers in their ranks.

You understand right. After all I am also Exodus, Captain of CCD squad one. The face of justice. The banisher of all evil. "

William, gave a superman pose. One of his hands holding a silver knife and the other a fork.

"Uncle... That is so cringe"

Lucious spoke, looking at a grown man acting like this was really a cringe.

"Anyways Uncle,.....can you tell me something"

Lucious asked, getting his focus back on the stake.

"Sure, go ahead"

William replied, getting back from his pose and stuffing his face again.

"Uncle why did you choose the name Exodus as your public name"

"Oh that, I did not choose that, it was given to me by someone. "

William finished his plate and proceeded to stand up, walking to the sink.

"Who gave you that name..Uncle"

Lucious, who was still busy eating asked further.

William put the dirty table and cutlery in the sink and turned to the window, looking at the moon which was was outlining the shapes of clouds in the night with it's light.

"It was given to me by him.... Chronos... The number one super, the only super that I could not surpass. "