The Second Strongest

"So, he really is .... The strongest.....But how did he gave you your name..uncle"

Lucious spoke his voice still dull but there was now a tint of curiosity in his eye.

William did not reply, still staring at the night sky, he touched the scar on his cheek. The scar which was like a black spot on a magnificent painting, it was what ruined his perfect face.

"You know Lucious,... This scar was given to me by Chronos."

He finally decided to speak, breaking the minute long silence.

William turned, looking away from the window. He then walked to the dining table once again.

Leaning agnaist left edge of the table he continued.

"Apparently I was set up on killing a S rank criminal..... What was his name again... Lex.. Ya his name was Lex but the public called him Behemoth. He was a strength type super.

He could practically destroy a whole building just with a punch. "

William stopped, his eyes wandering off as if remembering that very day he was speaking of.

"Please continue, Uncle"

Lucious, who was quite all this time spoke Still unable to understand why William was going off track.

Putting the last bite of his stake in his mouth. he looked up.

"Right..... So apparently that Behemoth guy had a screw lose, he was just mindlessly destroying everything in sight when I reached at the scene....but I have to say, he was quite powerful."

"Was he stronger that yourself, Uncle"

Lucious asked, putting his now empty plate along with the cutlery in the kitchen sink.

"No no, he was not stronger than me. Do you think every second super on earth is stronger than me huh"

William said smirking. He never loses a chance to boast of his position as the second strongest hero.

"Then, please continue"

"I am doing just that, "

"No you're not"

"You punk.... ... "

William sighted and decided to continue with his story .

"So where was I..... ya so that guy was destroying building. So I stopped him, beating him up just enought that he cannot move his body for for a month..... But I had underestimated him. When we were apprehending him, he killed one of my squad members, and you know how he did that... He practically tore the guy's head off with his teeth."

William's hands shook a little, his voice now slightly heavy. Even if he did not showed it, he really liked his squad. A Squad was something with which you work for years, and his was a little special. It his group of friends from the academy who together applied for CCD enrollment and formed their own squad. All of it's members were dear to him.

"I immediately wanted to kill him, I was even about to do it but then he appeared..... Chronos.

I suppose was also there for stopping the guy's rampage however he arrived a little after us. I don't even know how he managed to be late with his speed but anyways I suppose that was the case.

.. As I said.....I at that moment was not in a condition to listen to reasons. One of my oldest friends was lying there with his head ripped off and the one who did this was there....smiling at me....mocking me as if I cannot do anything to that shit"

William took a deep breath, calming himself down.

"And so I did the stupidest thing a person could do... I attacked Chronos. And you know what happened after that...I found myself laying of the ground the next moment, blood trickling down from the brand new scar on my cheek"

"It seems like you are not that strong uncle.. "

"No, that is not it..... It's just that he is that much strong.... stronger than anyone I have ever met"

William took a pause, eying Lucious from head to toe, as if he did not see him daily.

"And you know Lucious.... you remind me of him"

"Remind of who, uncle... your dead friend"

Luscious tilted his head to the side. His red eye looking at his godfather, who was now once back to the window.

"Chronos.... it's just that..... the air around you.... the wibe that you give is a little like him"

Lucious's lifted his right eyebrow, confused. Just what was William trying to say here,....did he know about him.

William, noticing the confusion on Lucious's face just waved his hand and sighted.

"Forget what I just said..... don't overthink things".

Silence once again crept it's way into the room.

Lucious just looking at his godfather. His eye however wondered elsewhere.

" Uncle, what did you do after that"

Lucious finally broke the silence.

"After what"

William quickly followed up with his reply. He did not want to be stared at again.

"After you got your ass kicked"

Williams's left eye twitched. For someone to talk to him like he was some high school bully who just got his ass handed over to him by a teacher.

If it was a public interview then he would have already left like he mostly did. But now he was answering all the questions Lucious was asking. Lucious initating a conversation himself was a thing that happened rarely. And he also wanted to make him more... social.... or should he say normal.

"I was calmed down, by my other squad mates with some firsts, what elese".

Not wanting to stretch the already streched out conversation William moved from the window. His feet taking him to the stairs.

"Uncle,.... but all of this story.... how is this related to you getting you a name by him".

But it seemed that Lucious was feeling rater talkative today.

He voiced another question before William could escape.

Turning his head around, William spoke... annoyance clearly dripping from his eyes. He had been trying to avoid that embrassing topic which skipped from his mouth.

" Now that will be a story for another time my dear Lucious" He spoke, his voice overly dramatic.

He then turned his head around.His steps continued to move ahead. Claiming the sairs, he spoke.

"And please Lucious, for God's sake get yourself a change of clothes . You have been literally wearing them for like a whole week. I don't want you to go to the airport like that.

Ashley would blame me for that too, you know"

Saying that he headed upstairs. Leaving a confused Lucious on the dining table.

What was that all about, huh... William literally turned the talk from his Super name to a sad story of a beloved friend dying. And in the end he did not even tell him how he got his name... Was it normal for conversations to turn out like this.

He however did not know that, he did not talk to many people after all. Most of the intresting people he finds mostly.... end up dead.

Sighting, he also stood up from the table. He however did not go toward the stairs but to the kitchen window.

Opening the window he looked outside. Blood red mist starting to leak out of body. He took a step and stood of the window ledge.

"I guess that you might not know uncle, .... but you are not the second strongest."

Saying this he jumped from the ledge.

But instead a body hitting the ground from the second floor...A streak of blood red smoke took shot from the window on the second floor of the mansion.
