The never ending nightmare

--------------Lilly's POV----------------------

Princess Lilly felt herself lying on her bed, she remembered feeling freezing cold then a sudden gush of warmth flooding through her body. She began to hear the fire crackling, in the back of her mind she began to think that he was coming, she was just really praying that the maids got too cold and let the fire.... However that thought landed on false hope. She heard her door open followed by footsteps and murmurs, sudden cries here and there coming from what sounded like her mother. Princess Lilly kept fading in and out of consciousness, trying to focus her thoughts to hear what was being said. What stuck out in her mind was the cackling fire keeping her warm, her mother's cries and a sudden hand holding hers.

"My poor baby girl.... I never thought we would be here again." Princess Lilly overheard her father say to her, she didn't know why but she felt a sharp pain in her heart, a sudden memory was brought back to her, a memory should rather forget, pain that she'd rather abandon. That was the horrible day when her elder brother died, she heard her father broken crying next to her, she was unable to move due to the sleep holding her hostage. She felt powerless and unable to move. Her heart stopped when she heard a very cold articulate voice. " From what I understand this would be a second child, that you two would lose if she dies correct?" At first she didn't know who the strange voice belonged too...Until she heard her mother speak.

"Yes...Zeal if you must know..She....She'd be.." The queen tried to speak but ultimately stopped unable to finish her sentence. Lilly's heart sank hearing his name and she tried to keep herself calm, doing her best to play her part. Lilly tried to listen more but sleep was grabbing her and, sinking her further into its very depths. The Princess lost the fight and was asleep again.


---------------Several hours later-------------

After the tense conversation in Princess Lilly's room, the King and Queen had guards closely monitor Lilly's door making sure that Prince Zeal did not step foot inside her room. Unfortunately with Prince Zeal in the palace refusing to leave this meant Lilly was going to have to stay asleep. Anytime the young Princess woke up, she would be greeted with a cup of water and something to make her go back to sleep. Everyone was on pins and needles. The chefs and servants began to prepare dinner for the royal family. The chefs cooking up steamed mixed vegetables, the best cuts of pork meat, egg flower soup, presenting the best wine from Maybelle's vineyards, chef salads, a couple types of fruit salads, and chocolate meringue pie for dessert. All while the servants got the dining hall ready. This was going to be the first time that neither of the King and Queen's children were present for a meal, even their daughter-in-law was told to eat in her quarters for her safety.

Needless to say they were dreading that dinner, even more so since the tyrant was going to be present. As you can imagine they had a lot on their mind, Nothing prepared the King and Queen for what came next.

---King Nathaniel's and Queen's Diana's POV---

"Hello mother, father, it's wonderful to see you again." The King and Queen were greeted on their way to the dining hall, they froze and looked up to see their children and their children in law! Their mouth open as they stared in disbelief, they saw their eldest daughter, their youngest daughter, including their first born son! Who was back very early from his trip. "We know everything, let us know what we can do to help but we're not leaving." said their eldest son. Time froze for the doting parents as they stood their dumbfounded, filled to the brim with emotion. Their eldest son who was the spitting image of his daddy, brown hair that was semi long and kept neatly out of his eyes. Brown eyes, standing 6'5" with a muscular built. He wore a black suit, nice black tie and leather loafers.

The Prince was standing by his wife Duchess Clara, who had almost white hair, piercing blue eyes, stood 5'4", and was slim built, her chest was about a C which was smaller then the King and Queen's daughters Seleste, Lilly and, Veronica. Clara was usually soft spoken and minded her own. She was wearing a simple long dark gray dress, that tied behind her, a simple silver necklace to match her silver earrings. Clara wore light blue eye shadow, a soft pink lipstick, black eye liner and some rouge. Seleste was wearing a light purple to the knee firm fitting dress with a sweetheart neckline, white shoes. Had her blonde hair in a loose perfect bun, and wore light make up that complemented her features.

You could see her baby bump, while Seleste's husband Prince Andrew stood right beside her. He stood 5'11" with black hair, brown eyes, and a perfect jaw line. He had a semi-muscular built, where you could tell he worked out but not a lot. He wore a black suit with a purple under shirt to kinda match his wife. He kept his hair short and slightly shaved at the back and sides. Veronica Wore a simple yellow to the knee dress and had her blonde hair down, light makeup to compliment her features and a pair of light yellow shoes to match your dress. Prince Mateo wore black pants, gray long sleeve shirt, black shoes and had his semi short curly dark blonde hair kept neatly out of his face. He stood 6'0" and had a slim built. "Are the two of you okay?" they heard their sons voice and snapped out of their shock. "Yes we're all right we just weren't expecting to see any of you, we're happy to see you we just weren't expecting you." The Queen replied.

"I'm just glad that we don't have to face a dinner without at least one of our kids being home yet." The King spoke with sadness in his voice "Father you should know that Veronica and her husband will come to visit just like Andrew and I. Next time we'll bring the kids, I'm sure you would love to see little Jackson and Ella again." Seleste spoke. " Of course we would and, it's lovely to see all of you." The Queen spoke replied. "So is he here?" Asked their son Prince Felix in a pissed off tone. " Yes, unfortunately he is." King Nathaniel replied. Before the conversation could go any further a servant came to let them know their meal was ready...

"Oh great we made it just in time, I'm curious what this little heathen looks like, if he thinks for a minute that he'll marry my sister or even touch a hair on her head, I'll kill him where he stands." Prince Felix replied.

The king couldn't help but to smile at his son's reply. They began to make their way to the dining hall, they spoke about the situation and how they were trying to avoid a war. They even tried throwing in some details on how to get Lilly out of her current situation, after all she can't stay asleep forever. This was real life not sleeping beauty. Just as they were walking in they immediately caught sight of Prince Zeal. He was sitting at the table waiting to be served. The royal family not saying a word yet clearly pissed at the site, went to their seat. The King at the head of the table, The Queen sitting on the King's right side, Prince Felix sitting on his father's left side and his wife beside him. Princess Seleste sat next to her mother and Prince Andrew sat next to Prince Zeal. On the other side of Prince Zeal sat Prince Mateo and between Prince Mateo and Duchess Clara sat Princess Veronica. They all were silent for a moment as their plates were sat down in front of them.

With in a single moment the silence was cut with a knife and the air was quickly filled with anger! " So are you all here to see my wife and future Queen Lilly?" Spoke Prince Zeal very boldly. "I'm sorry what did you just say?" Prince Felix spoke and you could hear the warning in his voice. " Pardon? I'm sorry I thought you could hear my question, I said are you here to see my future Queen Lilly?" Prince Zeal said with a playful smile on his face. "My sister will NEVER marry the likes of you, you blood thirsty power hungry tyrant!!" Princess Seleste snapped. "What even makes you think you are worthy of my dear sister?!" Princess Veronica snapped back. "We told you didn't we? You will NEVER marry our daughter and you will never have our blessing!" The kind roared in furry. The servants that remained in the room waiting for their next orders were starting to get shaky in their boots, wanting to leave the room as quickly as possible but knowing they couldn't.

Anger was now suffocating the entire room, yet the Prince looked to be pleased by their reaction. "She's going to be my wife, she's going to be my queen and, she will be bearing my children. When I'm done with her or I'm bored of her, I'll kill her. There's no stopping that, I set my sights on her and she is mine." Prince Zeal said proudly, Prince Felix jumped to his feet and practically flew across the table, he snatched the Prince up by his collar and a fist fight broke out. Prince Felix punched Prince Zeal in the face several times, breaking his nose and giving him two black eyes. Prince Zeal broke from the raging brothers grasp and landed a solid punch giving Felix a nasty bloody black eye. Felix took a kick to the stomach dropping him and Zeal kicked him in the face, Felix jumped up and kicked Zeal in the chest causing the young tyrant to spit blood out. Felix got picked up by Zeal and Zeal slammed Felix on the table breaking dishes and getting food all over the ground. The King having enough and not wanting the situation to get any more out of hand yelled for the guards. Within seconds the dining room doors slammed open and several very big men came flooding in and breaking the fight up.

"NOW THAT IS ENOUGH! THERE WILL BE NO MORE FOOLISHNESS!!" The King shouted. The two Princes glared at each other and ultimately returned to their seats. The servants came and picked up the mess and brought out more food, The meal was ate in total silence. Once the meal was finished everyone was tired, Veronica and Mateo stayed in Veronica's old room. Seleste and her husband also stayed in Seleste's old room, while Prince Felix got seen by the doctor, had his injuries taken care of then, went to see his sister. After a short time he went to his room to lay next to his wife. If this was just the first night of that damn tyrant being behind the Palace walls...How was the next few days going to go? More importantly how long was he planning to stay? Everyone's blood was boiling, Lilly was incredibly kind, warm hearted and loving she didn't deserve this bad luck. So why her?

-------Prince Felix's POV----------------------

Prince Felix laid there in his bed listening to the soft breathing of his wife, his head spinning from the current circumstances that his family and Kingdom were currently in. He was like his father he was very good with strategies and, so he was very good with figuring out how to get out of touch situations and, talking his way out of war. He was usually pretty good with coming up with compromising deals with other kingdoms so that way the situations would benefit both his Kingdom and other Kingdoms. However when it came to Zeal, not only was he not willing to cut a deal but, he was even willing to go to war! He hated that he claimed his younger sister, he hated that he had such disrespect for his family, his homeland and, his kingdom. The only thing he could think of is that he needed to get his sister out of this situation even if that meant war. If war was on the table they needed to come up with a very good strategy to win. Felix knew about this Prince and how he murdered his family in cold blood, just to assume a stupid throne! All because he was the second and youngest born of his family. He knew that he had a powerful army but then again so did Maybelle.

There was surly going to be blood shed on both sides of the battlefield. The Prince tried to sleep with his blood still boiling, absolutely angered by not only the Prince Zeal's disrespect but the words that he had the guts to say. He tossed and turned all night that night worried about his sister's well-being. What laid in store for the future? How was tomorrow going to go?

----------------Author's note-----------------

Hey y'all I'm super sorry this chapter is short and it took so long to publish. I have been so busy lately but I promise to publish a new chapter every other day or so. Thank you for reading!!