A ruthless Prince by the name of Zeal, is known to be a young and merciless tyrant. He murdered his family to become King. Now the only thing standing in his way to his goal is marriage. The ruthless Prince sets his eyes on the Kingdom of Maybelle and Princess Lilly. Her parents King Nathaniel and Queen Diana try everything to keep their middle daughter from falling into the wrong hands. Their hopes of preventing a war to protect the people of Maybelle and their daughter are greatly tested. Will this be the end of Princess Lilly? After only 18 years of life has her life come to an end? What does Prince Zeal have in mind for Princess Lilly and her future? Can she manage to survive his wrath? What adventures will she embark on?
Love the characters and development . Definitely one you need to read. Love the different elements the author used. Can't wait to read more as the story continues to get better every time a new chapter is added.