His Beginning

Zeal paced back and fourth impatiently, wondering why Lilly wasn't there yet. He began to think maybe something went wrong and now they needed to prepare to fight. Minutes ticked by and he seemed to grow more impatient, the Prince was turning red in the face and his anger was growing to the point of exploding. He began to pick things up and throwing them across the room. His rant was thankfully cut short, when a knock at the door interrupted him. "WHAT!?" Prince Zeal screamed from his rage. "We have the Princess, where do you want her?" One of the men asked. "Bring her in!" Prince Zeal demanded. His anger slowly going away, once he realized he got his way. The men swung open the door and came walking in one at a time, Poor Lilly was still fast asleep when they barged in, she was slung over one of the man's shoulders her hair all in her face. Still unaware of the danger she was in. "Let's move out!" Prince Zeal demanded in an angry tone. "Lay her on my bed immediately!" Prince Zeal demanded. The tall man who was carrying the Princess walked passed the Prince and laid the young woman down on Zeal's bed before excusing himself from the room.

After the men left to deliver Prince Zeal's order to move out, Zeal looked at Lilly who was currently fast asleep in his bed and, he smiled. An evil smile, one that let others know there was no good that could come from anything that evil man had in mind. By the time Lilly woke up she was already more than half way to Prince Zeal's Kingdom, she found herself locked in a room alone, with n way out. She was scared and shaking fearing that Zeal had gotten his hands on her once again. Lilly tried banging on the door, screaming for someone to let her out, begging for help and to be set free until finally she came to her senses and started looking for a weapon. Lilly ran through her memory trying to figure out what she could remember. She recalled that she felt extra tired after dinner and the rain wasn't helping so she went to bed early. After she fell asleep nothing came to mind other then when she woke up. She woke up dazed and confused with her new surroundings. Lilly propped herself up on her hands starring around the small empty room. She heard the water from outside that was now all around her, she heard the wind and some unfamiliar voices. Yet she drew a blank on how she ended up on a boat. Terror was kicking in when she realized who might have stole her from her home again. Lilly dug through the drawers, through boxes, dressers, cabinets anything that could hide a possible weapon to defend herself.

She eventually came up with nothing other then a pen. Lilly reached for it off of the desk just as the door swung open, causing her to spin around in haste. She found a mean young lady around her age, she had brown eyes, black short hair and freckles. The girl had a very disrespectful vibe. The short fat girl was clearly stuck up her nose carrying a tray of food. The girl glared at Lilly before dropping it on the ground and walking out, leaving quite the mess. Lilly was baffled, she never met the girl before but she wasn't fond of her. "Sorry about her she's not happy unless she's spreading her legs ha!" An old man said walking in after the girl had left. "Pardon?" Lilly asked shocked at the man's words. "It's true she has a rep for being a homewrecker, she even split up an engagement of a young couple all because she saw what she liked. The guy's a real sleaze bag and is known for being an alcoholic. It's rumored he beats on women too. So no wonder she's bitter she married the fool and had a kid with him, so no way for her to escape haha." The man continued. "Who are you people?" Lilly demanded not caring about the gossip. "I'm the Captain of this vessel and we are headed back to Prince Zeal's Kingdom where you will become his Queen." The Captain replied. Lilly's heart dropped to her feet and her blood ran cold. "NO!" Lilly screamed "I demand you take me back home this minute!" Lilly shouted. "Sorry miss I can't do that." The Captain replied and walked out Lilly raced to the closing door and fought the door from closing, using all her strength she even managed to place her foot in the door trying to gain more leverage. Unfortunately the Captain over powered her leaving her falling to the ground.

Lilly felt a mix of emotion, the most prominent were anger and sadness. Lilly's blood was boiling as she tried to think of a plan. They only gave her a spoon to eat with so the only two things she could use was a pen and a tray. One of the first ideas was to smack whoever walking in, in the face with the tray then stab them with the pen before making a run for it. From there she would run to the closest life boat and make her attempt back home. Lilly picked herself up from the floor grabbed the tray flinging the food everywhere and took her position behind the door. Lilly stood there waiting for several hours watching the sun go down she couldn't help but to feel strangely calm things to the silence and the waves. Lilly knew not to fully relax and she made sure she didn't drop her guard. Lilly had been staring at the wooden floor for a while watching the sun fade from the sky. She was growing impatient just wanting to hit someone as hard as she could. Just as she thought there was no hope, she heard the door knob rattle and then the door creaked open. Lilly waited until she saw the people's shadow, they stepped into the room slowly seeing that the room looked empty. Just as they stepped in further one of them got a tray to the face, falling backwards and slipping and mashed potatoes. Lilly then dropped the tray and stabbed the other person in the shoulder before making a break for it.

Lilly bolted through the ship, making sharp turns and rushing up stairs before reaching the deck. She quickly looked around for a life boat. Her heart was pounding loudly as she felt it pulsing through her body. Lilly continued to race through the ship, ducking and dodging anyone that might see her before she finally came across the life boats, it took a good 10 to 15 minutes to find them. Lilly raced to untie the boat and get it ready to lower down to the surface of the water, before she felt someone grab her from behind. Lilly resisted thrashing around, kicking and punching the unknown man's arms before getting knocked unconscious by something unknown and hard. Lilly fell limp in the mans arms blood trickling down the side of her head to her chin. Drops of blood began to hit the floor board of the ship. "Damn you didn't have to hit her that hard!" A man shouted. "Sorry I panicked!" Another man shouted back. "The Prince is going to have our heads for this!" The first man replied as he carried the bleeding Princess in his arms. They walked back through the ship and down the flights of stairs until they made it to Prince Zeal's room. "What happened!?" Zeal demanded his anger beginning to rise. "It was an accident we never meant it sire." The man replied fearful while carrying Lilly. "She was untying one of the life boats and panic set in." The other man replied.

Zeal looked pissed and he rubbed his face in frustration. "Put her on the bed and get the doctor!" Zeal demanded impatiently. The men quickly placed Lilly on the bed and rushed out to fetch the doctor. Praying that she could be saved, because if not any chances of them living is next to none. After the two men rushed out, Zeal grabbed some rope and tied the Princess to the bed, so she couldn't escape again. The Doctor walked in 30 minutes later to treat Lilly's head. He was an old man with white hair and brown eyes. Large glasses that would slide down the bridge of his crooked nose, he was average height with a slim built. His face was stone cold, he worked in silence and he worked fast leaving just as quick as he appeared. Zeal looked down at the Princess who now had bandages on the side of her face and smirked. He felt proud that she couldn't move now. He walked to the other side of the bed and laid down, not caring that the Princess would feel uncomfortable with him beside her. He figured he owned her, so he could do whatever he wanted and not care. The sun completely disappeared from the sky and the waves were calm. The night was clear but cold. Zeal had passed out sometime during his wait for Lilly to wake up. However she hadn't moved an inch since she got knocked out.

When Morning arrived they had just docked in Zeal's Kingdom, Lilly was awake but groggy thanks to her head injury. Her eyesight was blurry and she had a massive headache. It hurt so bad she didn't want to lift her head up. She wasn't given much choice as they forced her to walk off the ship and onto the pier. Lilly tried to resist but the pain in her head was overwhelming. She had almost fallen a couple times and she felt pretty nauseous. The men got tired of Lilly being stubborn and picked her up carrying her as they walked to the carriage. Lilly was still kicking and wiggling trying to loosen their grip on her so she could break free and run. Lilly did get them to let go but they dropped her and caused Lilly to hit the back of her head as she landed on her back. It made the pain worse and she rolled over into a ball trying to get her breath back. The black and grey gravel underneath her made everything worse. Lilly tried to catch her breath but she was lifted up by two men carrying her by her arms. Lilly was still struggling from their grip when they tossed her into the carriage that was waiting to return her and Zeal to the Palace. Lilly caught her breath as she sat on the floor of the carriage starring outside, she had never been treated so harsh before and it made her feel more mixed emotions. Her lip was split and bleeding, she was cold and tired but yearned to go home. The horses began to move and Lilly jolted up jumping out of the moving carriage. She tumbled and rolled down a hill until she finally reached the bottom, she got cut by a few branches and she felt dizzy. However she got to her feet and tried to run.

Lilly ran through tall trees and brush, as fast as she could, her lungs were burning and her head was pounding. Her body threatened to give out on her at any minute. She stumbled a few times as she raced deeper into the woods. As Lilly was running full speed her knee gave out causing her to face plant, she was really exhausted and struggled to see straight as her vision turned double and more blurry. Lilly struggled to get to her feet just as she turned to make sure no one followed her she sprinted forward and before she looked in the direction she was headed she crashed right into Prince Zeal who now had quite the grip on her. Lilly made eye contact with the Prince, fear shot through her body and she began to struggle. Screaming to let her go at the top of her lungs she stepped on his foot and he glared at her. Zeal was quickly over it as he bashed his face into hers, a solid head butt that caused the Princess to faint. Zeal smirked feeling proud of himself as he carried the Princess back to the carriage. Lilly draped over Zeal's shoulders as he walked all the way back and throwing her in the carriage like a sack of potatoes. He hopped in and took is seat and the horses began to move once more. "I'll have to break you, so you're not so damn stubborn woman." Zeal said looking at Lilly with an evil smile on his face.

After a 40 minute ride they finally reached Zeal's palace, he stepped out of the carriage, leaving Lilly to the servants. He walked into the Palace to meet with the Preacher to get a ceremony set up as soon as possible. He told the Pastor as soon as Lilly woke up there was going to be a wedding. The old man didn't argue with the Prince just agreed and began to prepare. Lilly was in a grand bedroom and while she was a sleep the servants changed her into a wedding gown and completed with a veil with diamonds incrusted on it. The wedding gown was a ballgown that touched the floor, it had cream colored beading on it and snowflake like patterned for it's lace. The gown had a sweetheart neckline and long white gloves that went up to the Princess's forearms. It was safe to say that her dreams of marrying Prince Brandon were currently out the window. When Lilly finally woke up, she couldn't sit up without everything spinning to the point she thought she would fall off of whatever would support her. She closed her eyes again and rolled her head over to the side only for a rush of nausea and dizziness to greet her. She hated everything right now. She just wanted to be home and not in this pain or in this random room! Her frustration was building but so was the discomfort in her body. Lilly kept her eyes closed and drifted off to sleep. Hoping that when she woke up she would feel better then what she did.

When Lilly woke up hours later, the sky was pitch black and she couldn't see any stars. She slowly sat up to get a better look out the window, her head still feeling heavy and the pain still lingered. She was unaware there was a servant staring at her waiting to take her to go get married. Without even speaking or giving the Princess time to realize she was in a wedding gown. Lilly was yanked off the bed and marched down a long empty plain red walls with black flooring halls. Until they reached a large set of heavy wooden brown doors. Lilly stood there confused and still wrapping her head around everything when the unknown servant opened the door and shoved Lilly in aggressively. Not caring about her current physical state. Lilly was shoved further into the empty room, where the servant lead her to the front of the room, where she was to stand and take her vows. Without saying a word the servant left and Lilly stood their confused. She looked around the large empty room and moments later the door barged open. Lilly quickly turned in fear and her whole body shook when she saw Zeal and a pastor walking towards her. For the first time since she was awake she looked down to see that she was wearing, pulled on the veil that was on her head and looked around the room again in disbelief. Zeal and the pastor were now next to her and she took off running. Just as Lilly reached the heavy wooden doors they closed and locked on her. Lilly began to bang on the door screaming "Let me out! I won't marry that sick monster, I'd rather take my own life let me out!" "There's no way out, the only way any of us are leaving is when we take our vows." Zeal said with an evil grin. "Over my dead body you monster!" Lilly screamed and chucked something hard and semi heavy at Zeal. She missed because he dodged and the object shattered after hitting the ground.

Zeal laughed and walked up to Lilly snatching her by the arm and pulling her towards the pastor, Lilly spit in Zeal's face and was hitting and kicking him, however he didn't let go. He got Lilly back where the servant originally had her standing when she first entered the room. "Go ahead lets get this going, I have a honeymoon to get to." Zeal said with a smile. Lilly glared at the pastor and said "I'll kill you if you open your false holy mouth peasant!" Lilly has never degraded anyone before by right now she didn't care. Her blood was burning and her body felt hot with cold chills, she wanted to getting into a fist fight but at the moment physically she didn't have the strength. She was still healing. "Let's start!" Zeal snapped at the pastor pulling him out of his fear of Lilly and, reminding him the fear he has of Zeal. " Right let's begin then.... Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. We're gathered here tonight, to celebrate the love of this man and, this women...To unite as one... If anyone should object then speak now or forever hold their peace.... " The pastor paused in awkward silence for a brief moment. "I refuse!" Lilly snapped "I refuse to marry this bastard!" Lilly said in a harsh tone. Zeal laughed, then starred at the pastor "Let's continue." Zeal commanded and the pastor nodded. "Uhm...Do you Princess Lilly take this man to be your husband, to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?" The pastor asked awkwardly. "No." Lilly said sternly, the Pastor looked at her in shock then looked at Zeal. The pastor looked like he was about to fall over as sweat began to drip down his face. "Let's continue!" Zeal snapped now being impatient. "..... Prince Zeal will you have this woman to be your wife, to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" The pastor asked in a shaky voice. "Yes." Zeal responded while staring daggers at Lilly who refused to look at him and was busy looking around.

The pastor brought the rings out and Zeal snatched Lilly's left hand, it caught Lilly off guard and she tried to force her hand back, Zeal had a grip on her. "From the earliest times, the circle has been a symbol of completeness, a symbol of committed love. An unbroken and never ending circle symbolizes a commitment of love that is also never ending. As often as either of you looks at this symbol, I hope that you will be reminded of the commitment to love each other, which you have made today.

Will each of you repeat after me? I, Prince Zeal, give to you Princess Lilly this ring, as a symbol of my commitment to love, honor, and respect you. With this ring, I thee wed." Zeal repeated after the Pastor placing the ring on Lilly's finger. The Pastor then looked at Lilly and said "Please repeat after me Princess Lilly. I, Princess Lilly give to you Prince Zeal, this ring, as a symbol of my commitment to love, honor, and respect you. With this ring, I thee wed..." The Pastor said waiting for Lilly to repeat as he placed the ring in her hand. Lilly looked at the ring and turned red with anger. She then took off the ring that was placed on her finger and threw both of them as hard as she could. "Fetch dog!" She commanded to Prince Zeal as she spun on her heals and attempted to break a window. "Screw the rings!" Zeal shouted and stormed up to Lilly he spun her around and punched her in the face causing her to almost fall. Lilly got pissed and because he had a grip on her fists she stomped on his foot and headbutted him breaking his nose. Lilly couldn't help but smile when he saw his eyes water, she felt proud but it didn't last long. Zeal grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back to where they were and snapped "Finish the damn thing!" The pastor nodded and just said "By the power invested to me by the church I annoyance you two husband and wife, God bless and you may now kiss the bride!" The pastor rushed out like word vomit. Zeal forced a kiss on Lilly causing her to fall backwards. After all of her resisting and her very clear protest she was now married to the tyrant! Within an hour of their ceremony he was announced King...His beginning of it all...