Her End


After the wedding, Lilly was locked in a cold dark room. Her body was shaking from anger and hot tears that fell down from her eyes. She was being forced to get on a different white dress and veil to be crowned as Queen. Her reign would be short if Zeal had anything to do with it. Lilly tried her best to control her emotions and be the Princess her parents raised her to be. In the end, her father's temper came out. Lilly yanked off her veil, got up from the bed that she had found herself sitting on. Grabbed a decorated table and tossed it with all her might, she broke vases and mirrors. She took portraits off the walls, stabbing them with a letter opener she found during her rage. throwing them across the rooms, cutting up clothes she found and even lit the room on fire while she was still in it. How she did it? She started a fire in the chimney and threw curtains, clothes and anything that was burnable in and around outside the fireplace, causing a blaze to erupt and engulf the room.

Lilly's body, still trembling with anger, glared through the flames as Zeal, the maids and other workers came rushing in. The fire burned weakly compared to the young Princess's anger. The glare that Zeal got from his new wife sent a chill down his spine. "You're insane! A Queen should never act like this!" Zeal fired at Lilly. Lilly laughed hysterically and replied, "I never agreed to be your Queen! You stole my hand so I'll steal your soul! Your head is mine, Zeal! I will have my revenge! Your days are numbered Princess." Lilly replied with venom dripping down her tongue with every word. Zeal stood in shock, unable to move. His breath stuck in his own body. Was this the same Princess that he knew before? Someone who had once coward to him? Was even afraid to look him in the eyes before now? He didn't recognize her, she looked strange with the hot flames around her, the death glare shooting straight at him and the murderous words pouring out of her mouth. It seemed almost unreal. Who was she? "Put out the flames! Your Queen is in there!" Zeal finally shouted, finally gaining his composure. All the workers did their best putting out the flames but they seemed to keep getting bigger and stronger. The heat was unbearable, while Lilly stood there the whole time in the center of the room glaring at Zeal.

Her eyes never broke away from the freaked-out tyrant King standing before her. Seeing him like that made her feel strong and she was a little drunk off of it at the moment as she began to sweat from the heat of the flames around her. She heard the servants freaking out and crying for her to come back to reality before she fell victim to the flames. However, at that moment, she was caught in a stale mate with her unwanted husband. She had no interest in pleading for anything or to answer the cries of the servants. She stayed right where she was and didn't surrender. She stood still on her burning ground as everything around her turned to ash. She kinda liked the view. Her smile grew and she could no longer contain her laughs at the pathetic King. "I'm gonna finish what you started, Zeal, I'm gonna wipe out the rest of your blood line, that currently begins and ends with you! Then I'll take over your Kingdom since you gave me the legal rights to do so after your death! The best part is, your kingdom will have a new King and you won't be around to enjoy it!" Lilly proclaimed through her laughs. Lilly could't imagine how mad she looked, but right now she couldn't care. For once, it was Zeal who was trembling. Lilly wished that all those lost souls and survivors that were done wrong by him, could see Zeal like the way she did right now. Scared, shaking and lost for words. The site really made her happy and she knew her father would be proud of her. Her mother might feel embarrassed by Lilly's actions, but who knows? Her mother was often a funny duck. Some things Lilly thought she would get in trouble for often made her mom laugh.

"I'll make you eat those words! By the time you're done baring my children, I'll kill you! I'll over breed you like cattle and end you!" Zeal said boldly, and Lilly laughed, causing Zeal to step back. "You are a fool! Driven by power, killing innocent members of your family just so you could ascend the throne, you will never touch me. Zeal, if you try you will find your precious jewels removed while I enjoy my new earrings!" Lilly shot back in a daring tone. Zeal let out a gasp he took a step back and held his breath. "Who was this women?" He thought to himself. Her hate was overwhelming the flames were now starting to die out as several servants rushed to splash water on the flames even soaking Lilly with buckets full of water. Zeal stood speechless looking around the room, at the damage and at his young bride. Her wedding gown had parts of it melted, most parts were burned, including the veil as both veil and gown were singed by the flames. Zeal felt anger that he never felt before, he turned red in the face and screamed. "EVERYONE GET OUT, GET OUT OF THIS FUCKING CASTLE UNTIL I SAY YOU CAN RETURN!" A silence fell on everyone and all the servants rushed out, within less then 10 minutes the entire castle was empty other then Lilly and Zeal.

Lilly's heart started to race, fear began to wash over her, he wasn't sure why but she had a bad feeling about the situation. "It's time I teach my bride what it means to respect her husband!" Zeal growled through his teeth. Zeal moved towards Lilly slamming the door and approaching her, Lilly took several steps back with her hands in front of her, she wasn't sure what he was going to do to her, but she was scared. Zeal snatched Lilly by the arm and slammed her to the floor. The floor was covered in ashes and water. Lilly could feel the warms on the floors the fire had left, she struggles underneath Zeal, as he used his strength against her. Zeal had an evil smile on his face, as he forced Lilly's legs to spread, Lilly was feeling panic flood through her. And she tried to squirm away. "I'll fucking kill you if you touch me you fucking tyrant!" Lilly screamed at the top of her lungs, Zeal laughed "I doubt that." He replied. Lilly felt

Zeal's hard on between her legs, her heart thumping in her chest loudly, she tried biting, scratching and hitting Zeal but nothing worked. It seemed to excite him more. He began to tear away her clothes leaving nothing behind, it looked at her exposed body in the moonlight and smiled. "This is going to be fun." He said as his manhood began to ache. Lilly began to cry out for help "Nooooooo, Mommy, Daddy help me!!" Lilly screamed as Zeal dry humped Lilly. Tears were clouding her eyesight as Zeal's hands wondered Lilly's body leaving traces of the fire on her body.

Zeal was tired of Lilly struggling so he flipped her over on her stomach, tied his belt around her wrists and tied it to the metal bed frame so she couldn't escape. From there he took her innocents by force and all Lilly could do was sob. He toyed with her for hours having his way, not letting her go and a he had put it she was serving her purpose. By the time he finishes he cut her free and left her laying on the floor. Lilly still shell shocked from the event cried herself to sleep, begging not to fall pregnant. Lilly woke up to the sun in her eyes, she had got up exhausted and in pain, she saw the reminder of last night's events and forced herself to stand up. She was wobbly to say the least. Slowly walking to the bathroom she ran some bath water and soaked, hoping to wash away last night. She felt so ashamed and broken from what Zeal had done. She needed to come up with a plan of attack, she was going to end him for everything he had done. Lilly got out of the tub dried herself off, covering herself with the towel she went to step out to the bedroom for her clothes, when she saw maids all in the room. "GET OUT!! NOW!!!" Lilly Screamed at the ladies causing them to jump and run out, slamming the door behind them.

Lilly was sore from last night, she didn't care about being nice right then and there. She got dressed and walked through the castle, getting to know her surrounds she kept an eye out not to run into anyone she didn't want to see. Lilly planned to find a room that she could make her own and lay low. She had no plans on letting Zeal touch her again. Lilly continued to walk until she found a hidden staircase behind a massive portrait, she walked up the stairs as the large portrait closed behind her. It was a long, winding staircase that led to a small room, Lilly felt relieved when she saw that the heavy wooden door, had locks, four dead bolts, one lock for the door handle and a sliding lock. Lilly found secret passage ways going through the castle, allowing her to move unnoticed through the entire building. Lilly was able to move a twin bed and a collapsible bed frame to her new secret room, She brought up oil lamps, candles, blankets, pillows a rug, a desk, chair and some other supplies, including knives and other weapons. Lilly brought up some non perishables, some snacks and water. Lilly found a fan and a space heater to bring it up. She got her new room set up in less then a day and a half. Lilly marked where she could hear others talking and where she could see others without being seen.

The only inconvenience to Lilly's temporary room was she didn't have a bathroom, so she would be at risk anytime she needed to shower or use the restroom. Lilly was still worried about pregnancy and prayed that she had nothing to worry about. After about a week if hiding and only coming out of her room when she needed going through the secret corridors she over heard Zeal in an office. "So the world is aware that Lilly is my Queen now eh? And Maybelle is threatening to attack? Ha ha. Tell them if anything should happen their pregnant daughter will be killed instantly!" Zeal ordered to one of the people who quickly spread word to all the surrounding Kingdom's. Lilly gasped and ran back to her room. Tears began to form. "How could he just assume that I'm with child?" Lilly thought to herself. Lilly's head began to hurt so she laid down. She slept for quite a while before finally waking up. Night had fallen and her head was feeling better. Lilly snuck her way down through the secret passages. She was able to find an empty room that didn't look like it had been used in a while. She went in and started the shower, as she stepped in she felt relief and the warm water felt so nice running down her body. Lilly's eyes were closed as she was washing her hair and all of a sudden she heard.

"Found you." Lilly jumped and spun around shocked to find a naked Zeal standing now in front of her, he was smiling and before she had processed what was happening, Zeal grabbed her, spun her around and slammed himself deep inside her. Lilly tried fighting to get him away from here but she failed. He went several rounds before Lilly passed out, she was fading in and out of consciousness. Everytime she woke up Zeal was still having his way with her. Lilly's head went dizzy and it wasn't until she slightly woke up and heard some servants voices that she found out. Zeal was keeping her drugged that way Lilly couldn't fight. Several months have passed and Lilly was showing signs of early pregnancy. It was confirmed by a doctor that she was with her fist child. Lilly got up without the servants knowing and went to shower. Lilly grabbed herself weapons and ran back to her secret room. She was pissed about the turn out and how much time she lossed. Lilly sent out secret letters to her parents and to Brandon updating them on everything and how now she was being smarter with hiding in the castle walls. Not going out unless she needed to empty her bucket or when she needed more supplies. She found another secret room in her room allowing her to store more things and she was careful not to have the candles or the oil lamps lit during the times she could get caught.

She found out Maybelle was planning to attack Zeal's Kingdom after Lilly's baby was born, her father sent her a sword at one point, giving her more protection. Lilly told her parents how she planned to take over Zeal's kingdom after his death. Her father sounded pleased. Months had gone by and they were trading plans until eventually communication stopped, because Lilly gave them a warning that Zeal may have caught on to messenger birds flying in and out. Zeal wasn't freaked out about not knowing where Lilly was because he knew two thing, she was pregnant with his child and she was somewhere in the castle. Zeal was a very ruthless king and his people were living in terror under his reign. Lilly's baby bump was small right now and couldn't be seen but she felt the presences in her stomach. Often times leaving her in discomfort. One day Lilly was in the storage room when she found a bigger room that had a bathroom, it's window was where no one could see any movement or light. It was warmer and it had a full bathroom. Lilly felt a little mad. "Why couldn't I have found this room before hand!" Lilly thought to herself. She also found that both the room she was using as storage had locks including the slightly bigger room. Lilly smiled and began to move her room to the one with the bathroom. By the end of it she double checked the locks on the first door, locked the storage room door then finally locked her new door to her new room. Lilly laid back feeling exhausted with major back and stomach pain.

Lilly laid back taking slow deep breaths, while fighting off nausea. She had a stem of emotions going through her. She had been drugged for three months straight and repeatedly taken advantage of that entire time. Only to find out she is now pregnant with a child she didn't want. She was so afraid she was going to hate her own flesh and blood. She felt so indifferent about her pregnancy. She wasn't excited, she was scared, she hated that she was pregnant, she was angry and frustrated. All while feeling powerless. Often times she thought of ways to end her pregnancy, heavy lifting, falling down stairs something, anything but she couldn't bring herself to do it. The innocent life inside her had her emotions all mixed up. Right now all she could think about was how tired and hungry she was all the time. And how much she needed to use the bathroom, Lilly realized that right now her body wasn't her own. She had weird cravings that wouldn't go away. The never ending nausea, back pain and stomach cramps left Lilly feeling miserable. She had little to no control over her own emotions and would find herself crying out of nowhere when she needed to be focused with her plans to gain control of the Kingdom and kill her unwanted husband.

One night Lilly was sleeping and felt so uncomfortable with just life in general she walked around the empty halls of the kingdom, she felt over heated and her swollen stomach was hurting her, she couldn't sleep and clothes were becoming to small for her so she had to look around through some closets so that way her growing stomach had more room. Lilly also found another fan and walked back up to her room without getting caught. Lilly walked to the kitchen ate through some desserts and other food not realizing how much she was pigging out. Lilly managed to polish off a tray of meats, cheese, crackers and olives, ate through chocolate chip muffins, cupcakes and a soup she found very delicious. By the time she finished Lilly began to sneak her way to her room. Thankfully she didn't get caught but she did pass out immediately afterwards. Lilly woke up late and she was now one month into her pregnancy she felt so drained around the clock trying to push her way through it all was a nightmare. Lilly was trying to get motivated for her plan to kill her husband. Assuming the throne wants he's dead won't be an issue for her, since she was married to him, once she did that she could run the Kingdom how she wanted to and rename the Kingdom if she decided too.

Lilly laid on the bed thinking about her plan until it finally hit her that she would wait until her parents invasion to kill Zeal. That way she could take advantage of the chaos, leaving him vulnerable to her attack, Lilly rolled over and looked at the sword her father sent her and nodded at it. All she had to do was keep active, eat healthy and choose foods that would give her energy to help her with the exhaustion she felt. Because as it sat now her father could attack at anytime. The King of Maybelle was pissed that his little girl was forced to marry a tyrant and now bare his child. All he could do was pray for his daughter's safety and for his plan to work! It has been 2 months now that Lilly got pregnant and the baby weight is beginning to effect her lower back a little more, but she still lays low, only coming out of her room when she needs to. Zeal had been coming and going to war since their wedding night 8 months ago making it easy for Lilly to read about the history of Veiltest and it's people. She learned about their laws and what their flag meant to them. Which was a far cry from Zeal. Their flag meant to be respectful, be kind and give a helping hand to others when it's needed while still being humble. Lilly continued to read up on the laws and history of Veiltest until she passed out in her bed.