Into the unknown

As the sea pushed and pulled Lilly in all directions keeping her further and further away from the ship, she began to hear yelling across the way, "Damnit! Someone better get her! Don't let her float away even further than she already has!!" Screamed a very pissed off Princess Zeal. Lilly only hoped that the sea would be on her side and take her away as far as possible. She didn't breathe a sigh of relief until she heard them say they had lost her. She continued to float for days maybe even weeks until finally she washed up on an unknown island. She washed up on tan sandy shores, Lilly tried to stand but she also had to focus on getting herself steady and stop shaking. She felt nauseous and that was the least of her worries. Lilly had a deep gash on the side of her head, her stab wounds were now needing new bandages as she achingly remembered being tossed around the ship and being hit, stabbed and bruised from things in that room she was once before.

Her body reminding her of all the torment she went through only to remind her she was hungry and dehydrated. Lilly began to look around to find supplies for her survival. "I'm gonna need to get a plan going and quick, my body is weak enough if I don't get the basics and soon I might not make it. I need to find dry wood for a fire, get myself warm then find food and fresh water. I also need to build a temporary shelter to keep me safe from the elements." Lilly spoke to herself.." I need to be a decent distance from the water the closer I am colder I'll be." continued Lilly. Keeping no mind that she was speaking to herself. Lilly began to walk up on some dry wood she found on the beach, she carried enough to build a fire, her next step was to find dry ground far enough to were she wasn't close to the water, but still in walking distance, Lilly was happy to discover that the waters that carried her turned into fresh water, because the waters before were salty and dehydrated her even more.

Lilly started setting up her campfire, placing the wood down and looking for stones to light her fire. When she had the stones and the fire was lit she gave herself sometime to warm up. She didn't just sit there however, she was surveying the area above high and down low. Princess Lilly was so happy to find different fruits, she saw coconuts and other berries of different variety. Lilly found some fresh water fish in a pool that had a sand bar slightly cutting it off from the sea. Lilly was able to make herself a water canteen from bamboo. Lilly was relieved once she got water in her system. She even created her own fishing pole with some bamboo and coconut fibers, Lilly began to think back to when her father taught her everything she knew...

------------------Lilly's Flash back------------------------

It was a bright warm spring day, Lilly's father took her and her other siblings out to the fields to teach them skills he was dead set on them learning. Lilly starred off a bit looking at the lilacs giving purple waves to the tall brown grass she snapped her attention back once she heard her father speak. "Now when you make your fishing pole make sure that it's strong and use the coconut fibers to keep it held together and make sure you knot everything tightly. You don't want to make your pole to long or to short." said their father "Dad do us Princesses really need to learn these things? I can understand our brothers but why us?" Asked Princess Seleste.. "It's very important that you learn these things, because what happens if you girls get abducted? You never know when you'll need these skills, for all I know you may never need these skills but, at least there skills that you have in case you do need them..Skills you can even pass on to your children to help keep them alive if they ever need it. This is why I teach you, why you learned how to hunt, why you learned how to track people and animals, why now I'm teaching you how to fish and, create your own fishing poles. Why I'm teaching you how to tell poisonous berries versus non-poisonous berries. Why you are also getting taught how to reuse what you kill." Their father explained.

----------------------End of flash back--------------------

Lilly sat there staring at the fishing pole she didn't realize she created. She smiled to herself and said "Thank you daddy, you we right." Lilly couldn't help but feel proud. Lilly put the string and baited hook in the pool of water, as she waited patiently to catch her food. Once she had food her next step was to build a shelter. Lilly used her waiting time surveying the area, she knew she would need wet clay, wood, branches, bamboo, more coconut fibers and twine to accomplish her goal. Lilly understood she needed to get this all done before it gets dark, with no way to tell time she needed to act quick. Lilly caught her fish, prepared it, cleaned it and cooked it. She quickly gobbled down her fish and started to get to work on getting the supplies for her shelter. The first thing she did was created tools to help her build, Lilly's first tool she made was a hammer that doubles as an ax to help her chop wood and vines. she also crafted a tool to dig.

Once she got these basics tools made, she began to dig the foundation of her shelter, then she started cutting logs up and splitting bamboo. The Princess grabbed a few boulders and broke them to shape them on how she needed them to be placed throughout the foundation of the four corners. These boulders will be used to help support the four corners of the foundation. Lilly didn't want anything too big just something basic big enough for a bed, little chimney to help keep her warm, A couple hand made chests to keep her things in and a little room she could turn into a restroom. Lilly started digging and placing the boulders where she needed, dug holes to put the wood in to stand the walls up once she started connecting the four walls and adding more support, Lilly realized the sun had gotten brighter and much hotter she now had an idea of roughly what time it was and how much time she had left in the day. Lilly was kind of happy to know she had time to get this somewhat finished. She was placing bamboo, twine and wood she had chopped up to flat boards on the outside of her walls. Lilly was using wet clay to help everything stick and seal nicely. Lilly was getting tired but continued to endure as she made herself a ladder out of sticks and twine to get up on the foundation to work on her roof

Lilly understood it was going to be incredibly important to keep water out at all costs. Lilly was just finishing up the roof and putting the final touches on it when she heard thunder off in the distance. Lilly quickly began to seal where the chimney was and do last minute touches hoping her efforts were enough. Once she was finished she went around her hut to make sure it was reinforced properly. Lilly couldn't help but to be thankful that her father taught her how to survive and be fast when building shelters. Lilly began to look for the closest water supply to put bamboo in the ground and create pipes for running water. Once she did she dug into the ground leading back to her hut and and connected end to end until it reached a hole to her home made water tank for her shelter. She even gave it a pilot light that she used to warm up the water heater. She got it all connected and running. Lilly was beat and decided to take a break. She still needed to make a bed and the chest to place items in but she was so tired and sore. It wasn't until the sun began to set that she got back to work. She grabbed the left over bamboo and wood to create her bed, using the coconut fibers and twine to keep it all together, she placed it in her hut and started slapping clay all over the bed bottom to top to ensure it wouldn't break. Once she was finished it was dark outside and Lilly decided to sleep. She had yet to make her door so it was even more colder in her hut.

Lilly woke up to the sun shining on her face, the Princess welcomed the warmth offered to her, she unwillingly got up to finish the rest of her hut. Lilly created her door even made sure it locked and started getting her chests made she placed them in her hut, made her toilet got it hooked up and running and even got her sink and shower finished and running. Lilly felt quite proud, Once she took a break Lilly went and began to fish so she could eat and get more fresh water. Lilly decided to take a break and only come out to get food and water until she was a little more stable on her feet. Her injuries were causing a lot of complications and still limiting her movements. After some time Lilly began to collect wood and placing it in one of her chests. She began to collect fruit and found a way to dry out the fish so it last much longer allowing her to stock up. Lilly even began to make cups out of bamboo and bowls out of coconuts.

The princess began to feel proud and felt like even her father would be proud of her for the work that she has done to survive. Lilly begin to make weapons to hunt, she was able to make herself some arrows and a crossbow to help her kill deer and bears including Spears and knives. She made her own needle an threads to sew. Lilly made her crossbow and arrows out of deer and bear bones, using their skin and fur to make clothes, bedding and shoes. Lilly was nervous unsure how long she would be stuck on this unknown island but she would always explore the little island and get to know it's habitat. Lilly was surprised to find a hot spring in the mountains, Lilly began to make a hut near the hot springs so she had two places to go when she was wondering the mountains or when she was near the beach. After a year and a half Lilly got used to being alone and fending for herself.

Until one day Lilly woke up to a large ship and reddish orange sells off at the shore lines, Lilly grew nervous in the time she was there she had never seen any visitors. Lilly knew she was going to be cautious. Her stomach did flipflops while praying they wouldn't discover her hut down at the beach. Lilly favored the mountains and it's rich soils and hot spring. "I'm going to need to keep my head down for a while.." Thought the Princess... Lilly continued to look on at the ship watching as people began to exit and set up camp. Lilly didn't recognize anyone but for some unknown reason a knot was former in her stomach. Who were these visitors? What did they want? Why here and why now? Lilly rushed back to her hut in the mountains and prepared a bag she made with supplies, food and water incase she needed to flee.

She knew it was going to at least be a day in a half to make it to her and, she also knew there were parts in the mountains that allowed her to spy on them unnoticed. Another reason she loved the mountains it allowed her to have view over the beach and there were so many hiding places and under water caves she could swim to and hide for extended periods of time. Lilly jumped when she heard a gun shot off in the distance. She threw her back pack over her shoulders and took off running to figure out why there were shots fired. There were no bears, deer or any other predators on the beach, they were all up in the mountains, it was at least half a days hike just to get to the foot of the mountains.. So why? Lilly found a cliff looking over the beach and saw the men with the guns, they were shooting at air...Why?! Just then a young man came marching out screaming, he looked to be in charge or at least that's what it seemed. Lilly couldn't hear what was being said but no one looked very happy, eventually they all walked away in a huff and went back to work. Lilly went back to her hut and made sure she was ready to run of she needed to.