Who are my island guests?

Princess Lilly had just finished her breakfast when she heard noises carry off the ocean. Her new guests were quite loud, Lilly was keeping her distance from the strangers. She had no idea why they were there and she didn't recognize the ships flags. She knew they weren't her kingdom's ally but she wasn't sure if they were Maybelle's enemy either. Did Prince Zeal send them? The curiosity was killing her, so Lilly made a choice she was going to risk getting close to find out why they were there. She grabbed her bag and started down the foot of the mountain, Lilly made sure to pack for her hike, she built shelters in the past so she could rest along the way. It was going to be a day's hike before she reached the bottom of the mountain. Then it was going to be a few hours before she reached the beach through the jungle. The jungle was going to offer a lot of cover thanks to all the vegetation. She knew the island like the back of her hand, she knew the routes to avoid and the routes that had her food sources. Lilly headed out of her hut starting her journey to spy on her guests. As Lilly was walking she could see her breath in the cold air, frost covered the mountain terrain, ice floating on the water's surface as she passed a tea-colored pond. Birds chirping all around and the sun peaking out over the horizon. Bears were building their dens as the snow coat the ground. Winter was rolling in with it's beautiful canvas.

The orange, pink and yellows were shining through the trees giving quite the glow to Lilly's surroundings. As Lilly continued to walk on the white dusted path, she could hear gun shots in the distance causing her heart to speed up. Lilly stopped in her tracks holding her breath until everything falls quite again. Feeling a little more calmer she began to take a step, her heart still pounding in her ears and chest. Who were these people? What did they want? Was she crazy for going near them? What was she going to do once she got close to them. She kept pondering these thoughts on repeat for an hour. The men's voices echoing through the air as the waters and wind carry their voices. She wasn't used to people speaking so loudly. Everyone she has ever been around were soft spoken. Lilly continued to walk until the sun began to set, she found one of her shelters and decided to call it a night, Lilly was a little on edge because she was closer to them than before. She didn't sleep very easy, she didn't hear them once night closed in but could see smoke off in the distance. Their fire gave Lilly a unsettling reminder of their presence. She woke up to any little noise on the off chance she needed to run. Needless to say she was exhausted come morning.

Lilly began her walk before sunrise, unable to sleep, with her nerves all bunched up she felt restless. She was hoping to get to their ship before midday. Lilly had been walking for a good few hours before she stopped in the jungle, she laid down in one of her hide outs to get some shut eye. It didn't take long for the jungle to start waking up, the wild life began to move all around her hideout. Lilly was to tired to move from her bed so when she finally woke up the sun had already set. She decided to rest a little more and stay until morning. Lilly was close enough to the beach that she could smell the smoke more and what they were cooking. Cod with lemon her stomach growled and her mouth watered. Lilly couldn't take her hunger anymore, she decided to eat one of her lion jerky she made about a week ago. Lilly was still considering what she would do once she reached her guests. Would she talk to them? Lilly pondered until her mind finally drifted off. When day break came she was off again, navigating through the forest that was now covered in 7 inches of snow, snow still falling from the sky freezing Lilly's lungs. It was colder today and there was no sun, the colors in the sky covered with grey gloomy clouds. Lilly finally reached the beach no one was in sight. So she decided to take the risk and climb aboard the vessel.

Lilly began to sneak around the ship, trying to find clues as to who these men were and to find a map to see where she was, Lilly was unaware the anchor had been lifted up, the ship now entering further into the sea. "So I'm in Kazarr's territory... They aren't allies however they're not enemies either.." Lilly said out loud to herself. She wasn't sure when she made it into the Captain's quarters things were kind of a blur for her as her body was numb thanks to the cold and all the walking. "Who are you?" Lilly heard a strange voice, her breath now getting stuck in her throat, Lilly spun on her heels facing a strange man. The strange man had blonde hair and brown eyes, stood roughly 6'0", he was toned and had his hand on a sword that was in it's sheath, attached to his right hip. He was dressed in Captain's closing. The man grew impatient as Lilly scanned him. "Well?" He asked impatiently. "My.. My name is Princess Lilly from Maybelle and I was on the island.." She replied in a rush. "Princess? Maybelle?" The Captain questioned. "Yes, I was kidnapped and wound up in rough seas I've been trapped on your island." Lilly replied. "My island? I don't own this archipelago, the King of Kazarr does." He replied dryly. "Why are you on my ship and in my office? Do you have a death wish?" He questioned. "No I don't. I was seeing if you and your men were friend or foe. Plus I was looking for a map to see where I was." Lilly replied sternly/ "So what? You're expecting a free ride now?" The captain replied coldly. "Pardon?" Lilly asked confused. "The anchors are up and we are heading into deep sea, why should I let you stay aboard?" He asked "Maybelle and Kazarr have no bad blood between each other, we have stood on natural ground for ages. If you take me home I'll make sure you're heavily compensated." Lilly said hoping to bribe the Captain.

"We're pirates Princess, I could just kill you and take everything you have." The Captain replied as he thought about what Lilly had offered. "Plus it's bad luck to have a woman on a ship." He continued. He began to draw his sword when Lilly felt her heart jump. "Yes, well as true as that might be you would have more of an award if you get me home alive. Surely you've heard about Maybelle's riches? Because of the volcanic soil our vineyards are top notch and rich. We have so many mines, diamonds, rubies, emeralds you name it we have it, it's a small but plentiful kingdom. I know you know about it." Lilly spoke while her heart raced. "Get me home safe and my father the King will ensure you get all the riches you can carry." Lilly continued that stared at the Captain, her heart now beating in her ears. The Captain thought for a moment than said "You'd be costing me greatly, Maybelle is on the opposite direction than where I'm heading." He replied annoyed. "Than let me come with you, than you can take me home." Lilly tried to reason with the Captain. Still trying to read him, Lilly didn't let her breath out until he put his sword back in it's sheath. How was she going to convince this stranger to take her home?

------------------------------------------------Captain's POV----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Hey Sherman." The Captain called to his second in command. "Yes Captain?" A young brown haired and blue eyed boy replied. He stood 5"10" and was toned with light freckles scattered on his face. "Check out a situation for me and keep it to yourself. Bring Davey and Max with you too since they can keep their mouths shut." The Captain said sternly. "Um okay? Shoot?" Sherman replied. "Check out someone called Princess Lilly in the Kingdom of Maybelle....possibly missing...taken from her Kingdom.." He said hesitantly. "Um Okay but that's going to be 2 weeks there and two weeks back...Why?" Sherman asked suspiciously "I'm aware just do it!" The Captain replied impatiently "Go! Get your supplied and get Davey and Max to go with!" The captain said gripping tightly to his sword, he really hated being questioned. "Aye Captain Wade" Sherman said quickly walking off to collect the men and supplies for his journey.

-------------------------------------------End of POV------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For the following two weeks Lilly would find herself trapped in a cold dungeon, her only visitor was the Captain who would constantly question her for details. Occasionally he would bring her food and drink. Lilly would tell the Captain about her life, how her parents made her fake being sick and how she was kidnapped and even injured. She even told the young captain about how she came to the island. Eventually when he decided he was done hearing her speak, he would get up and walk away weather she was still talking or not. She gave the Captain her Royal amulet that proved her to be part of the Royal family. He just took it and left, leaving Lilly alone with her thoughts. Fearing for her future. She prayed for a miracle.

------------------------------------------------Captain's POV----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Sherman you're back, good what did you find out?" The Captain said as he watched his men board his vessel. "Well I-" Not here in my office The Captain replied cutting Sherman off. The Captain was walking off leaving Sherman to run and catch up to him. Once they were in the small office Sherman continued. "Maybelle is missing their middle Princess and the information on her is.. Her name is Lilly Primrose Elizabeth Avianna Marie Maybelle, royal's love their long names... She is the second Princess of Maybelle, she is the Duchess of Cypresswoods, the countess of Rosewood, Marquesses of the house of Tudors and Viscountess of the house of Wenshire. This girl carries several titles like the rest of her family she's even a Duchess of Mooncomb. She has been missing for awhile, apparently she was kidnapped by the blood thirsty Prince Zeal. After he slaughtered his family to assume the throne he went out shopping for a wife. The King and Queen of Maybelle have one hell of an award out for whoever brings her back alive and unharmed. Here's the poster and what she looks like." Sherman finished handing his Captain the flyer. The Captain took the flyer and busted out laughing. Sherman looked a bit concerned fearful his Captain went mad. "You won't believe who fell into our laps Sherman." The Captain said with a mischievous grin. "Uuumm....." Sherman replied unsure of what to say. Captain Wade rarely ever smiled much less laughed. "The damn fool was telling me the truth." The Captain spoke leaving Sherman dazed.

-------------------------------------------End of POV------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lilly was still in the dungeon passed out asleep clinging to a paper thin blanket for any little warmth she could get, she wasn't able to sleep peacefully since her stomach kept growling from her hunger and the freezing cold air around her. She was trying to figure out a way to get through to the captain and convince him she was telling the truth. Her nose, toes and fingers all burned from the cold, she shivered under her little blanket. CLANG CLANG SQEEEEAAAAK came noise from the dungeon, Lilly jumped up to her feet after just having been asleep, she felt herself falter as she went to catch herself. Her vision blurry she vaguely saw two people walk towards her. Lilly went to put her arms up in defense still barley keeping balance. she couldn't speak thanks to the exhaustion. Lilly felt herself fall, she tried to mentally prepare for the harsh impact but found herself crashing into warmth. Was this a person? Or is she just to tired? Her mind went blank as the darkness swallowed her whole and she felt herself be carried away.