Lady drama

It was the next day in Maybelle. It had been a long night for everyone with the rebuilding process. Even the royal family were seen rolling up their sleeves and getting dirty. They worked tirelessly finding wounded people, clearing rubble and delivering resources to people that needed them. Prince Brandon had been avoiding his father and his 'Mistress', as he called her. Not wanting another fight or argument, he kept his distance from his father and made sure it was difficult for his father to find him. Throughout the night, Brandon's father had been persistent on wanting to talk to him about the young Prince's attitude towards his fiance. Needless to say, a few times it got physical. By the end of it, Brandon had broken ribs, a split bloody lip and a bloody nose. Along with a few bruises covering his body. Brandon had already been sore from the fighting and the current work of aiding Maybelle in recovery. His father didn't walk away with nothing. Brandon held his own, he gave his father a black eye, a concussion, a broken arm and a dislocated shoulder. The king was also covered in bruises throughout his body. He was still determined to try and find some form of ground with his son in hopes that he would respect his soon-to-be stepmother. The king knew about his future wife's past and her nicknames. Let's just say she had no problems getting around. A few of her nicknames were Lady of the night, Duchess floosy or Sloppy tuna. The King hoped that the Duchess would turn over a new leaf and start new as his bride. He just really wanted his son's support and for Brandon to at least show respect in the public eye. It bothered the King, being at odds with his son. The situation really was tearing at him. He had never put hands on either of his kids before, he just wanted to apologize to his son and explain everything.

The king was still looking for his son when a storm began to roll in. The wind was picking up and thunder was heard off in the distance. "Lady Astrid Nichole Tobias!" Someone shouted off in the distance, drawing King Albert's attention. He turned his head in the direction of the voice and found his future wife looking a little too friendly with a young Duke. He watched closely as a servant ran up to the duchess urging her to go inside. The rain began to fall before he watched his future wife walk away. Doubt began to seep in. "Can I change her heart?" He asked out loud to himself. "No you can't, haven't you heard about the scandal between Lady Astrid Nichole Tobias, Duchess of Witherthorn and The Duke of Earlton?...The Duchess is a known home wrecker and a gold digger. She destroyed a 35-year marriage between The Duke of Earlton and his wife Lady Rose'ann Winston, Duchess of Cainsbridge and former Duchess of Earlton.. They had a marriage everyone dreamed of and 5 loving kids. That family is now destroyed. She also ruined the marriage between the King and Queen of Egypt, The Emperor and Empress of Japan. The engagement of Princess Theodora and Prince Joseph, they had a promising future together. It was a perfect match. Not to mention other relationships she has destroyed. How about the worst scandal known worldwide? The affairs with the Emperor and Empress of China, the affair with the King and Queen of Russia even ruined their son's future marriage, almost causing war. Shall I continue?" Brandon said while staring down his father. "I know she has made mistakes in the past. I would never expect you to call her mom, just be willing to play nice while out in public. She makes me happy. I miss having someone.." Albert replied sadly.

Brandon softened up when he saw his father looking heartbroken. His dad was usually happy and smiling, even in battle he seemed carefree. "I'm not against you being happy, I want you to be, but I have concerns. She is the first woman in 10 years that you have even looked at or even considered marrying. I don't want you getting hurt, I saw how far down the rabbit hole you went after mom died.. I don't want to see you hurting like that.. I don't want you to marry her and things go wrong down the road. I'm just asking you to please slow down, you just jumped in without even thinking. You didn't even give Abby or I time to meet her before you announced that you two were engaged. You didn't take us into account, she needs to prove that we can trust her." Brandon explained. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize, I should have given time and have you and your sister meet her. I'm willing to slow it all down, but I ask that you give her a chance." Albert replied. "I'll keep my opinions to myself, I'll do my best to play nice, but if she crosses lines I'll expose her." Brandon said firmly before walking off. Albert looked hurt but he was happy that they found some form of ground to stand on. "Greg." Albert called out to his right-hand man. "Yes sir?" A tall, skinny man with brown eyes and salt and pepper hair appeared behind the King while adjusting his glasses. "Follow Lady Astrid, keep a very close eye on her, list everyone she talks to and note her body language. I want to know if she has really changed, like she claims." Albert ordered. "Yes your highness," Greg replied, then disappeared. Later that day, the King already had a dozen reports on his future wife. She was caught flirting with several of the nobles and throwing his name all around. Bragging about her future marriage to him.

So far it only looked like she was merely flirting. He prayed it wouldn't go any further. "Greg, please ask Lady Astrid to meet me in the library." King Albert asked. Greg nodded and left, leaving Albert walking to the library on his own. Albert reached the empty library, seeing over a hundred rows of tall bookshelves going five stories up. He walked passed several shelves and up to the second story of the library finding a quiet sitting area in front of a lit fireplace. He took a seat and took a breath, trying to figure out what he will say to his fiance. After a good 10 minutes, Astrid finally showed up, holding her head high and delicately walking across the floor with her chest puffed out. "Your highness?" Astrid greeted him with a curtsy. Her smile showed innocence but he knew what was really behind that act of hers. "Lady Astrid, please take a sit and let's talk." King Albert replied sternly. Astrid looked nervous, taking a seat across from the King, staying silent. "I know about your past, yet I still fell for you, I'm not a fool, I know about your activities... flirting with all the nobles?" Albert replied with a straight face. Astrid's face dropped and her heart started racing. "Your highness, I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding. I understand that's hard to believe given my past. However, I am not flirting my apologies if that's what it seems." Lilly said with a nervous smile. The King placed his finger to his lips and studied the woman. He could tell by her body language she felt uncomfortable. "I wish that I could believe that... If I sense in anyway that you are just using me, I will end our proposal and make it public. You already have a bad lighting in the public's eye with 11 failed engagements. Not to mention all the scandals you've been in, breaking up royal relationships, almost causing war between 9 countries before you were even 17! Since the age of 18, all 11 of your engagements went down the drain because of your loose morals. So many people do their best to stay clear from you, not wanting to get involved with you. I was really hoping you would change. 36-year-old, 3 children out of wedlock that you never see or have anything to do with. While your parents raise them. You don't even know who fathered them. You didn't even name them. Your oldest son, Prince Leonardo, turns 20 this year. You were only 16 when you had him.. Your second son, Prince Felix, turns 10. You were 26 then. Finally, your daughter, Princess Odette, turns 5 this year.. People call you washed up, used goods, even calling you the shame of your country. I've never heard good things about you. The most well known name I hear you called is The shameful Princess of Methia Empire." The king said bluntly.

"Why are you bringing all this up?" Astrid demanded, feeling her fiance's scrutiny. "I'm bringing it up because even though I knew all about your past I still gave you a chance, I gave you my heart, went against my children's wishes and ignored everyone's warning. Begged my son to give you a chance. You were the first woman that caught my eye and made me feel alive, made me feel like I was someone that was loved in a way that I have missed since my wife's death. She was a real Queen, a Queen to my heart, my country and to our family. I know no one could ever replace her. I gave you a chance and you played me..... I would love to have you by my side, as my wife and as the King's Consort. In order for that to happen, you have to prove to me that I can trust you, prove that you can stay loyal. If you fail, then there will no marriege. Grow up and become a mother to your children." The king stated firmly. "How do you expect me to do that? Bruce is an adult, Todd is almost a teenager and Lin is a kid!" Astrid replied, frustrated. "You don't even know the names or the ages of your own children even after I told you! DISGRACEFUL!" Albert replied, full of anger. From oldest to youngest, Leonardo is currently 19 for another 2 weeks, Felix is going to be 10 in 5 months. Your daughter Odette turns 5 at the end of the year! How do you not know this?! You gave birth to them! Never mind, we are done. I don't want someone by my side who doesn't even know her own children's names or ages! When my children were born, they had me wrapped around their pinky. I would do anything for my kids. I know all about them. The very thought of missing a day of their lives cuts me to my core. Their mother always joked that my backbone disappears anytime our kids come around." The king replied with a soft smile. Astrid got angry and hopped up to her feet. "You don't have the right to judge me! Or compare me to that dumb bi***!" Astrid screamed at Albert and he immediately got p*ssed, "You will NOT talk about my Queen that way, she was a damn good noble woman. More importantly, she was a damn good mother! She understood what it meant to be a decent human being. She also never abandoned anyone or anything!" King Albert snapped "Get out of my sight!" He demanded in a scary tone. Lady Astrid stormed off in anger. How was she going to do damage control? The fact was, it was getting difficult to find a suitor. If it got out that another engagement failed she really would be ruined. Her parents have threatened to cut her off if she ruined this engagement.

Astrid stopped half way down the stairs and walked back to the King, who was still fuming from their spat. "I'm sorry your highness, I spoke in shame because you're right, I am a dishonorable woman. However, I was not flirting with anyone. I don't expect you to believe it, but it's true. I was being praised for not acting like I have in the past. It felt nice... I don't want our engagement to end and I would love to have a relationship with my kids.. I just don't know where to begin. I'm ashamed to even be in their presence. I'm sorry for speaking poorly about the Queen. Please give me another chance." Astrid spoke softly. Albert stared at her and saw her standing in front of him with her head down. "I'll give you one more chance, don't blow it!" He said in a huff, then he turned his back and walking out of the library, leaving Astrid sitting by the fire crying. She knew he could save her reputation and keep her from not getting cut off from her parents. No one else wanted her because of all her past deeds. From the age of 13, she had gotten involved with small crimes, alcohol addiction and was sleeping around with anyone that would fall for her. Truth was, she knew her time was running out and she needed to settle down and fast before she lost everything. She was hitting on those nobles out of habit, but now she needed to stop doing things like that, the realization of her reality had hit her. Sure, she was 36 and he was 42, but he was still attractive and very kind to her. She had to make this work. She's never begged anyone to stay before, but she couldn't lose the very person that was saving her reputation. She was at least able to save her engagement, but she needed to smooth things over and fast. "Greg...You there?" She called out at the man staring at her in the shadows. "Yes M'lady.." Greg replied. "How can I fix this? I-I don't want him to stop loving me... I want him to stay." Astrid cried. "Give him time." Greg replied softly before leaving.

Night fell and it was still raining. Albert hadn't seen Astrid since their fight early this afternoon. "What has she been doing?" Albert asked Greg. "She was in the library crying her eyes out for a few hours, then she went to her room and cried herself to sleep." Greg replied. "Did she seem genuine?" Albert asked. "Yes." Greg replied. "I'll go talk to her." Albert replied "She might still be sleeping she hasn't ate anything since breakfast." Greg replied. "Bring some food for her and I to her room." Albert said and Greg nodded Albert walked to Astrid's room and walked in finding her asleep he gently woke Astrid up by placing her in his arms. "Don't cry anymore, I'm sorry things escalated so lets move forward." Albert said gently. "That sounds wonderful." Astrid said she was beginning to fall back to sleep on Albert's chest when Greg came knocking on the door. "Come in." Albert said softly. Greg walked in with a tray of food for them. "Here you are." Greg sat the tray down on a night stand and left the room. "Time to eat love." Albert said softly. "Thank you but I'm really not hungry." Astrid said as tears fell out of her eyes and she sniffled. His heart broke at her reply. It seemed like she really was in pain. "You need to eat some, once you had your fill you can go back to sleep." Albert gently replied, sitting her up. Astrid sat up and began to eat. Once she was finished, she fell right back to sleep. The night carried on without incident. The rain caused flash flooding throughout Maybelle. It caused some mudslides and some crop damage as well. It all seemed like a stroke of bad luck. The night was cold and Maybelle's future was uncertain.