So it begins

Lilly standing ready to strike the growing shadows down, braces herself and calms her racing heart. She lifted her weapon in the air preparing to swing, the shadows growing closer. Her heart beating loudly in her ears. She draws a breath and slowly lets it out, she takes a couple of steps and swings. The larger of the individuals dodge her attacks, "Hummingbird!" A happy voice said with relief. "Father!" Lilly said loudly whispering. "I can't believe you're here!" Lilly said relieved as she quickly rushed up to her father and hugged him. "Of course, I'd be here, I can't let my daughter overthrow a tyrant and take over a Kingdom all on her own." King Nathaniel replied.

"Thank you father." Lilly said smiling. "You look just like your mother back when she was pregnant." King Nathaniel said proudly. Lilly smiled and then got down to business. "Zeal is on the second floor, there are several guards at the top of the stairs with two doors across from each other. Possibly more guards in the room. I believe he has a hostage, I heard screaming and I think it might be Tikki she is missing." Lilly said in a serious tone. "We heard the scream, we have some knights stationed in the trees there are at least five guards in the room with Zeal and a female tied up in a chair. King Nathaniel replied matching Lilly's serious tone.

"So what's our plan?" King Nathaniel asked Lilly. "We need to split into two teams, one discreetly lures the guards in the hallway down the stairs and away from the tower. From there the second takes out the rest of the guards and Zeal. Do the Knights in the Trees have any weapons? Some archery could come in handy. Lilly replied to her father. "That's a good plan and, yes I'll send one of our knights to tell the others to stand ready, they will be prepared to fire at any time." King Nathaniel replied. One of the knights got the hint from the King and bowed his head quickly excusing himself to inform the rest of their allies who were currently stationed outside along the tree lines. "Alright you, you and the four of you are in the first group go get their attention and lure them to the tree lines, from there the archers will act as backup," Lilly said pointing to a group of guards standing on the right side behind her father. They all nodded and began to head up the steps.

Lilly and her father stayed tucked away behind the wooden boxes listening to the whole thing. The rest of the guards stayed out of site in different areas downstairs of the tower in case they needed to act as backup. The knights began to creep upstairs and just as they reached the top, one of the knights used his shield to shine light in one of the guard's faces. He was able to lure three of the guards down the other knights stayed out of sight while the guards rushed down to chase after the five knights. Once they were out of the tower the other remaining knights crept up to the top of the stairs and rolled a small ball to the feet of the remaining guards in the hallway. Causing them to react and follow the rest of the knights down the stairs and out of the tower.

Once the tower was cleared out from the knights and guards from upstairs, Lilly said to wait for their knights to return. Lilly started talking about the second part of the plan. "Okay, There are 5 confirmed guards up in that room, Zeal and an unidentified woman.. From what you said Zeal is in the room on the left, the room on the right is a broken-down bathroom with a caved-in roof. We have him outnumbered and out-skilled. We just need to wait for the rest of the knights to come back including half of the archers. The archers will go in first with explosive bows to blind them. The swordsmen will come in and cut down anyone in their way. Father, you make sure to get the women out of danger. I'll cut Zeal down." Lilly said. Her father smiled and said, "That's my girl." 

Sounds of footsteps drew them out of their conversations and they listened ready to attack. Just as they were about to attack their knights came into view and they lowered their weapons. "Tell us everything about how it went," Lilly said. The knight nodded. We lured them down and out to the tree line in two groups by the time the second group came out the first group of guards were already cut down, the archers took out three of them." The knight briefly spoke. Lilly nodded. "Good, let's go and finish part two of the plan." King Nathaniel replied. They quietly left the safety of the staircase and crept up the stairs. The archers went in the front and readied their bows. They were ready to fire once the door opened. They reached the top of the stairs and walked closer to the door. Lilly sighed and readied herself. King Nathaniel stood to the side and opened the door, the archers rushed in and shot their bows.

They managed to take the guards by surprise, the archers separated and went to all sides of the room keeping their distance, the swordsmen came in moving swiftly slashing down the guards and cornering Zeal. King Nathaniel rushed in and grabbed the woman who was tied to a chair and carried her out while she was still tied up. He got her down the stairs and out of the tower. He sat her down and cut her free, her cold body fell forward and the King caught her. Laying her down and covering her with his cape. He said a prayer and raced back to his daughter. When he got to the room where his daughter was he found Lilly staring down a sword's blade pointed at Zeal. "You stole me from my home, my people, my family, then you stole my hand, my innocence. You even had the nerve to implant me with a seed I didn't want! Forcing me to bear your child!" Now I'll steal your life. Lilly said seething with venom. "Don't look so mad wife, because of you my bloodline will continue." Zeal replied smirking.

Zeal jumped up and almost got Lilly with a surprise blade he had hidden. Lilly jumped back in time and was able to dodge. Lilly rushed forward and went to lung her blade into his chest and barely missed. Zeal did a backflip able to dodge the attack then once he hit the ground he rushed at Lilly colliding his blade with hers. The tyrant King grinned and went to swipe at Lilly. She slid to the side and caught Zeal on the arm. Zeal rushed backward and looked at his cut arm in shock. "Not bad my Queen, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised you are a Marybellian after all." Zeal said smirking. "Shut up!" Lilly spoke and rushed Zeal again. Blades were colliding, blood was splattering through the air. Zeal had injuries on his legs, chest, left shoulder, and a stab wound in his stomach. Lilly had a stab wound on her right shoulder blade. She was standing tall when Zeal rushed towards her. Standing ready with one swipe Lilly badly injured both of Zeal's legs so he couldn't stand or walk anymore.

Lilly walked towards Zeal and lifted up her sword but before she could take her final strike her father stopped her. "Wait." Her father said. "Lock him up." "What? Why?" Lilly asked. "Because he has to be alive a little longer, your child has to be born while his father is alive. Otherwise, it will complicate things when you take over the kingdom, your child will be illegitimate, regardless of marriage." "Damn, I forgot about that. things are so complicated when you're a royal." Lilly said under her breath. "Once this child is born you will die by my hand," Lilly said to Zeal still seething with venom.