Tension Thick In The Air

Lilly walked toward the small table and sat down "It really does smell good. Thank you, Tikki." Lilly said to her friend using the nickname she gave her while staring at the food. "It's no problem, are you nervous about the next few steps? The same pair of worried eyes had become glossy and filled with concern. "No, no I'm fine," Lilly said trying to keep herself together. "I can't show weakness," She thought to herself. Off in the distance a loud *BOOOOM CRRAAAAaackle* blasted through the air. The sudden burst caused everything around them to freeze. No one dared to speak or move. After several minutes Lilly took a breath stood up and, walked to the window to see where the source of the noise came from.

Lilly peered out of the window to see smoke in the air, there was fighting in the waters. "So it's already begun?" Lilly said nonchalantly "Hmph" Lilly said as she popped out her right hip and turned away, she walked back to the table, sat down, and began to dig into the food that her friend made for them. "I'm worried, how are you going to fight when you are pregnant?" Lilly was taken aback, she looked at Tikki and replied. "I fight and, I remove his head....Both of his heads." Lilly said winking at her friend. *Gasp* "My Queen!" Lilly busted out laughing at the reaction from her friend. "My'lady that was wildly inappropriate." Lilly looked back at her close friend. "Maybe but I didn't stutter and I can't turn myself into a liar. That would be far worse." Lilly popped off in a serious tone. There was a heavy silence between the two for several minutes.

"Mi'lday I'm sorry if I offended you, I must admit you did surprise me by saying such things." Lilly looked up from her plate and smiled. "You didn't offend me, I'm just thinking about the plan and how I need to finish the last-minute preparations." Lilly wiped her mouth after replying. Once they finished eating they both helped clean up, after Lilly did some last-minute training they sought the plans she had laid out. As they talked over the plans the cannon fire was getting closer and buildings were beginning to shake. "Maybelle is getting closer, Veiltest won't hold up for long," Lilly said while holding onto a table for support while she was looking up and moving her head around. "When do we start?" "Be ready at any time they won't be on land til morning's first light, so get rest," Lilly replied to her friend Tikki.

"Okay." Lilly heard a faint reply. A loud sigh came out of Lilly as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Let's get rest." Lilly then walked over to the bed and laid down to rest. A short time after Lilly passed out her friend disappeared from the room and walked all the way through the hidden spaces and places, all the way to the hidden corridors. Once she came out into a main hallway she began her journey to sneak through the palace like a fox on a mission. She went into a room that was dark and closed the door after walking for 20 minutes. "I'm here." She whispered. "About time, what news do you have?" The mysterious cold voice demanded in a deadly tone. "Maybelle will be here at first light, they bring a rather large army, here are the copies of the Queen's plans." She replied reaching out her hand.

"Good, you may go." The man snapped causing her heart to jump. She quickly took off and rushed back to a sleeping Lilly. "I'm sorry." She said softly to Lilly before lying down to sleep. Cannon fire rang on for hours the sky full of smoke and the screams of people panicking flooded the air. Lilly slept peacefully unaware of what her "friend" was doing behind her back. Lilly trusted her and would be crushed if she knew her trust was broken. The night dragged on and the cannon fire slowly died out. An odd stagnant peace filled the air. It was ominous and uncomfortable, no one was aware of the amount of bloodshed about to occur on both sides just for the fall of one man and a father on a mission to protect his child.

The buildings shook one last time and yelling began to echo through the castle just as the sun began to rise in the sky. Lilly stirred in her sleep not wanting to wake up, Why did her body feel so heavy? Why couldn't she wake up? Her eyes burned and were heavy from the exhaustion she labeled as a side effect of her pregnancy. Against her better judgment, Lilly rolled over and continued to sleep. Little did Lilly know her friend who was currently sleeping next to her had drugged her to keep her from waking up anytime soon! Lilly slept until the sun was high in the sky. Lilly woke up shook off the heaviness and, jumped out of bed racing to get dressed. Maybelle was already on land men and women were slain on both sides. Knights fighting and falling. It was chaos and filled with smoke from the firearms. It was a true slaughter ground from hell. 

"Tikki! How could you let me oversleep?!" "Tikki?!" Lilly said while she raced to put her armor on. She placed her weapons in their respective place and ran through the rooms and corridors. Lilly had no time finding Tikki even though she had a thousand questions. "Was Tikki responsible for me not waking up?" Lilly thought to herself. Lilly began looking all over the kingdom trying to find her "husband" so she could gladly make herself a widow. Her heart began to race with anticipation both nervous and eager to find Zeal. Wanting his head on the platter, she continued to search for him. Running through the long halls and busting every single door open she began to feel tired and cramping began down below. "I should stop for a break, it's so quiet here. I need rest so I have the energy to fight." Lilly thought to herself. Had she not been pregnant she could have continued to search for him and fight but currently, the weight in her stomach was causing back pain, and the cramps begged her to stop and rest. As she was walking she came across an empty room, she walked in and locked the door, she went to the bathroom and ran a warm bath. "This is a bad idea but I have to do something or I'll lose my child." She thought to herself and when it hit she realized for the first time she claimed her child.

Suddenly the baby inside her was more than just a curse or an unwanted pregnancy, suddenly she acknowledged her child's existence and claimed it as her own. Did Zeal win by her admitting to this? Was this what he wanted? Will she love this child? Or will she continue to hate it? Will she continue to feel shame as the child was proof of what he had done to her? Lilly sighed. "I can't die here so this thing has to live for the time being." Lilly thought to herself.. Did she mean to call the child a thing? If anyone knew she did would they look down on her? With so many questions she shook away and, slid into the warm bath water. she soaked enjoying the water the cramps quickly dissolving. Lilly sighed, she lay there for about 10 minutes before she heard guns firing in the castle. she jumped as one of them went off and screams briefly filled the halls. "Time to get up." She said as she unplugged the water and got up then out of the tub. She quickly got dressed then opened the door rushing out and officially joining the battle.

She quickly made her way down the halls trying to find where her tyrant husband was hiding. Still no luck after two more hours of looking. "How big is this place?" Lilly thought. She finally reached the end of the palace but no Zeal. "Where the hell is he?" She thought to herself irritated now as she was hungry. Lilly went out of the castle and onto the grounds still determined to find him. As she was walking she found herself heading into the forest. after about 45 minutes of walking into a beautiful lush green forest, she found broken cobblestones and a barely standing tower that was falling apart. She opened a large heavy wooden iron door and, walked into a small hallway. Leading up broken stone stairs she quietly made her way up the spiraling staircase. Just to be greeted with eight big guards standing at the top of the stairs. They were guarding a room but she didn't know which because there were two of them or maybe one was a bathroom.. She wasn't sure.

Luckily they didn't see her and she slowly backed herself down the staircase. "I need to think of a plan and fast!" Lilly thought to herself. She quickly found a place downstairs to hide which was under the staircase behind some wooden boxes. She sat there for a few minutes thinking of a plan on how to take the guards out. After all, they were standing between her and her freedom. "There are probably more guards in those rooms too.. typical of him to hide." Lilly thought to herself. "Aaahh" a scream suddenly shot through the tower putting Lilly's heart into overdrive. "That sounds like Tikki!!" Lilly said quietly. Now filled with more questions and fewer answers Lilly paced back and forth trying to think of a plan. Lilly stopped in her tracks and drew her sword when she heard a footstep from the same floor as her. She stood ready when she saw multiple shadows coming straight for her.