Maybelle creeps closer

The storm rages through the night, flash flooding starts to take it's toll on the Kingdom as Maybelle gets ever closer. The servants were taking up extra shifts and constantly running back and forth through the halls. They had a rough night, cleaning up water, emptying buckets that were placed under leaks. Exhaustion was taking over and everyone kept pushing through. Zeal slept soundly through the night unaware of the mayhem around him. No one dared to wake the sleeping tyrant, if they did it would be the end of them and, they're bloodline! So when a part of the roof caved in thanks to the rainfall no one said a word until he woke up. Rumors spread throughout the castle that it was a sign.... Predictions were stated that soon Zeal will fall. When Emily woke up and heard the rumors she felt a sense of pride. On the other hand Zeal was pissed to say the least, he was looking for the individual that started the rumor to put an end to them and the rumor.

Zeal was notified about the damage done to the throne room....It didn't go to well for the individual informing him. "Why didn't anyone wake me up to inform me?!" Zeal screamed, his face turning red and a vein popping out in the middle of his forehead. "We didn't want to wake you your highness, we know how important it is for you to sleep." The stammering servant said while slowly backing up. Zeal gritted his teeth and, unsheathed his sword swinging it swiftly towards the young man killing him with one blow. Zeal stormed off to the throne room to see the damage. His loud footsteps echoed through the halls making others around him turn tail and hide. His guards kept pace with Zeal, their footsteps just as loud and heavy as the angry King. When Zeal arrived at the doors to the room he bashed open the doors and, saw the collapsed roof. His rage grew fast and he yelled almost a war cry he grabbed his sword and started cutting people down like trees. Blood splattered everywhere as he swished his sword around in the air. He stole the lives of even his most loyal guards.

After he stopped his tantrum he shouted. "Get people in here and fix this now!! Have it all done before sundown tonight!!" Zeal demanded. servant took off running to find someone to do the repairs. The poor servants heart was racing, his eyes wide open and he looked hysterical racing into town. "Help! Help! The King has gone mad! We need someone! Anyone that can quickly do repairs!!" The poor middle age man cried out through the main part of the town. As the servant went off yelling looking for help Zeal was giving demand to the rest of the servants. "Get someone in here now to clean this shit up!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Servants quickly came rushing in helping each other pick up the disease and, dragging them out, placing them outside the palace for the families to get them. Other servants began to quickly scrub the floors and walls to get rid of the bloodshed Zeal was single handedly responsible for.

You could hear the chaos throughout the walls, fear was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Servants walked on eggshells trying to keep their heads low, praying they would make it home. "Sire!! Maybelle is getting closer!! They are faster than what we thought!!" a knight came rushing in looking for Zeal, he ran through long corridors and a few rooms before finding the irritated King pacing back and fourth talking to himself. The knight came to a halt knelt down and caught his breath. "Sire, Maybelle is close, we don't know how they made such speeds but they are practically at our backdoor. The knight finished and steadied his breath, it halted as soon as Zeal stopped his pacing and spun around to face the knight. "What....What.. Did you just say?" Zeal said in a low growl. "Maybelle is practically at our backdoor." The knight briefly replied. "How?!" Zeal screamed at the top of his lungs. "We don't know your highness." The knight began to tremble.

Zeal looked at the knight with furry and screamed. "Figure it out!!" The knight shot up to his feet and saluted Zeal and shot off out of the room, he breathed a sigh of relief once he was back at his station. How was he going to figure out how Maybelle's fleet got to their boarders so fast? He might have to tell the King something but what? The guard just shook his head trying to not think about it all and sighed. Maybelle was approaching and there was going to be a war.... No one was really prepared for Zeal had been tucked away and screaming at his advisors to come up with a plan but not a single plan was good enough for the King. He kept shutting everyone down and yelled at them to come up with something else. Maybelle was strong and they don't go down very easily. "They are here for the Queen, honestly I don't see why we have to fight to keep her here....I say let the poor girl go home already." One of the soldiers said. "Hold your tongue if Zeal heard you he'd cut off all our heads!" Another soldier replied. "We'd be lucky if that's all that happens to us!" Another replied while walking around the corner.

"The King expects me to play psychic and figure out how the hell the Maybellian's made it so far in, in such little time. What am I supposed to say?" The frightened knight asked his higher up. "Firstly watch your tone, our young Queen is Maybellian, she has the power to save us. So until she proves we can't trust her be mindful of your tone." The higher up replied. "And where did you run off too Commander? Come around that corner real quick for what? What makes you think we can trust the dumb girl?" A mouthy red haired man snapped at the guy in charge. "Well if you must know, I was in a meeting when I heard about our visitors.... Further more I think she will help because she knows what it's like to be held captive and fight to live." The Commander replied. The red haired man looked annoyed. "Always something." He mumbled under his breath. "Yes will those are the perks of being in charge." The commander popped off. "So what's the plan of attack?" One of the knights asked. "There are none. The Commander replied "Defense?" Another knight asked. "None the King wasn't happy with anything we had to say." The Commander replied.

"So now what?" Another knight asked, "Good question." The commander replied. The men starred in disbelief, "We can't make a move until he agrees and accepts one of our plans. We've tried urging him to no avail. The fact is he's stuck in his tracks but expects us to move." The commander continued. He then faced towards the Ocean where Maybelle was directly in his site. "This wretched Kingdom may finally fall.... Our last two Kings were a joke.." The commander said while trailing off. "Yes but, we haven't had a Queen in over two centuries. She may be what we need." An unknown voice spoke, dripping with age and years of wisdom. The commander turned on his heels to see an elderly short man with white and gray hair passing his shoulders, dull gray eyes looking back at him. "Good to see you again, Advisor Andrews glad to see your old bones still kicking." The commander replied with a smile. "I still wasn't told what to tell the King." The frightened knight replied. "Don't tell him anything, stay close to me and pray he don't recognize you." The Commander replied. "Yes will I would say that our young King is taking after his grandfather the mad king Jullian." The old man replied while starring out into the vast ocean. "Not quite old man, the mad king could at least make a judgment call unlike the current tyrant King." The commander replied.

"Yes, will maybe he's a little more mad and less smart." Advisor Andrews replied. As the men talked, peering over the cliff, Lilly was busy preparing for the fight. She started gathering weapons and armor that would fit her and shield her unborn currently in her womb. Making an escape plan for her friend and telling her where to meet her after the fighting was done. Lilly made sure to carefully navigate through the halls, not being seen and, more importantly, not running into Zeal. She gathered a few medical supplies, clothes, food and water. She wasn't sure how much longer her family would be getting to her but she knew she needed to do some training her father taught her. As Lilly finished up gathering her supplies she carefully snuck her way through the inside of the walls, up the winding corridors and, back into the hidden rooms. Lilly sighed as she walked into the rooms dragging her feet. She felt absolutely exhausted. Her stomach felt sore and swollen, she felt uncomfortable in her skin. The muggy weather wasn't helping. Her breasts were becoming tender and sore and she couldn't wait to free her breasts from her bra. As Lilly placed all her supplies away, she took a deep breath and removed her shirt, unclasping her bra, she completely stripped down until she was in nothing more than her black panties. With her swollen feet and aching back she walked over to the bed and dozed off. She felt so heavy she couldn't keep her eyes open much longer.

It was nightfall when Lilly woke up, the room dimly lit and the curtain flowing in a nice cool breeze. It was a pleasant surprise considering how humid it was prior. Lilly got up and put an outfit on she had specifically set aside. It was a pair of black loose-fitting pants that tied around her waist. a gray baggy short sleeve shirt. Comfy shoes and for her armor, she had black gloves to help her grip that also had metal plating on the knuckles. She had chainmail and shin guards. Lilly made sure it wasn't too heavy so it wouldn't affect her movements. She clipped a dagger on the side of her left hip and practiced with the sword she took from the bunkers. She started to swing it around to get a feel for it, then practiced on the dummy she took from the training grounds the day before. Lilly swang with all her might, making sure to keep up with the heavy hits, quick reflexes and fast approach. Making sure to also through in a few punches and kicks here and there. She continued to practice until the sun came up. The sun was high in the sky by the time Lilly decided to stop and take a shower. While she was cleaning herself, she stopped at her stomach, she realized she had the body of a woman and the child within was calling it home. Lilly stared at her stomach, her hands still in place. A hint of anger and embarrassment hit as she remembered the events and how the seed came to bring life inside her. She couldn't deny the owner of the one who implanted it within her. Lilly shook her head and grabbed the side of her head, crying as anger boiled. She cried for the child she was forced to bare, for the embarrassment she felt, for the innocents she lost. She cried because of the fact she lost a part of herself. Lilly stopped crying when she heard a soft knock at the door. Lilly? Are you alright?" A soft worried voice spoke from the other side of the door. "Y-yeah I'll be right out." Lilly replied quickly and washed her face. She grabbed a towl and dried her poor body off and began to put her clothes on. She grabbed a pair of simple brown pants and a white button-up shirt, choosing to remain braless for the sake of comfort. When she opened the door she saw food was waiting for her and a pair of worried eyes staring at her. "I'm alright." Lilly said breaking the silence. She began to walk forward and looked at the meal. "It looks delicious thank you!" Lilly said with a smile.