What an interesting little surprise.

Lilly was sitting at the old wooded desk, staring at her feet, when a heavy knock shattered the silence around her. She quickly jumped to her feet and looked at Mateo. He put his hand up signaling her to stay calm as he walked to the door. "It's me." The Captain said, waiting for the door to open. Mateo opened it, letting the Captain in. "So when did you become a Queen Princess?" The Captain asked in a bitter, harsh tone. "What? Never. My older sister Seleste is Queen of the country she married, but as for myself and Veronica, we are Princesses. It's true that Veronica will be Queen one day...Where did you get that misinformation?" The Princess asked, puzzled by the Captain's question. "Well, according to your Prince Zeal or King according to his claims, the two of you are married." The Captain said, holding back laughter. Lilly stood speechless with her mouth open. She struggled to get words out. With no luck, she shook her head no. Still trying to find words, the Captain burst out in laughter. "Got it! He's delusional!." The Captain claimed while laughing uncontrollably at Lilly's reaction. Lilly, still standing there stunned. She couldn't think of anything to say, no words came to mind. After all this time he was still looking for her! Now he's claiming they were married and they were King and Queen! Lilly felt dizzy and began to stumble back. "He's still out there looking for me? Am I even going to be safe from him once I return home?" Lilly asked out loud. "Should be, you're a Princess of an entire freaking Kingdom lady." The Captain replied in a serious tone. Lilly looked at the Captain, he was looking a little intimidating the way he was standing there staring her down.

Lilly nodded and got back up on her feet, still feeling shaky. "Is he, he gone?" Lilly asked, still shaking. "Yeah, but I imagine this won't be the last time we see him." The Captain replied. Lilly again nodded, unsure what to say or do next, she stood there awkwardly. "Stay away from the window, keep the curtain down. Right now, I don't know if we will be able to shake them. I can't even guarantee if they figured out where we are headed." The Captain said before turning around and leaving the room. He was so serious, that it caused her shaking to break into her very bones. "Don't worry we'll get you home." Mateo said before leaving the room. "Thank you." Lilly replied before the clicking of the door. She was now left with her anxiety, Lilly wondered if this would ever end. Her hands were shaking, realizing that Zeal was almost on the same ship she was on. What would have happened if the Captain hadn't convinced him that there were no women on the ship? Would there have been a fight? Would she have been discovered? The Captain, Mateo and a couple other men knew the secret of her being there. What chaos would welcome here if the entire crew found her? Lilly couldn't wait to be back home. Lilly had double checked the window, making sure it was closed and locked. Lilly wasn't sure how she was going to avoid the window entirely, since the bed was directly underneath it. The sun was beginning to set when the Princess heard a knock at the door. She jumped up and slowly walked to the door and paused inches away.

"Captain? You in there?" A strange man asked. He sounded young, possibly around the Princess's age. Lilly quietly walked back to the bed before she realized she had forgotten to lock the door earlier. By the time she realized it, the door knob turned and the door was being cracked open. Lilly rushed to the small bathroom, closing the door quietly behind her. "Can I help you?" A familiar voice asked. "Looking for the Captain." The young man replied. "He's in his office, he's rarely in his room, little tit for tat to keep you alive... Don't go into the Captain's room unless he gives permission." Mateo told the young man. "If he's not here, then what's with the food?" The young man questioned. "Is it not obvious? I'm bringing it to the Captain. It's less rowdy going this way." Mateo replied. The young man looked skeptical and Mateo sighed. "Laddy, do you know how I got my two fingers missing?" Mateo asked him, giving a serious look. The young man shook his head. "What's ya name lady?" Mateo questioned. "Burk" The young man replied. "Well Burk I lost my fingers because I made a mistake going the main way to deliver the Captain's food. It got spilt because you young sea dogs are so rowdy. I had to go back get more food, causing the Captain to be very upset and chopping my fingers off. I got off lucky considering one guy went missing." Mateo told Burk. "Why did he go missing?" Burk asked shaking in his boots. "He went into the Captain's room, shame really I liked him." Mateo replied.

"Be more careful with the door, I won't scold you too bad only because you're dressed like a man." The Captain sternly spoke while walking in past Lilly. "My apologies Captain and, thank you for your kindness." Princess Lilly replied. As they walked in and Lilly closed the door the Captain stopped in his tracks. "We have an issue." Lilly felt herself freeze at the sound of the Captain's words. "Wh....What is it?" Lilly stuttered. "We have to change course, we are being trailed." The Captain spoke. "Why? If you keep on this course, I'm sure we could get Maybelle's help." Lilly protested. "Because we are going to take advantage of the storm and shake them by changing course." The captain replied, non-chalontly. "O-okay..." Princess Lilly replied before falling silent. "We will still get you home so don't look so gloom Princess. Remember it can't be discovered I let a woman aboard.... Or have you forgotten?" The captain replied coldly. "N-no, of course not sir." Lilly replied. " Then keep your hair up and the length hidden." The Captain snapped before storming out and slamming the door. "He's only protecting you Princess, should you be discovered he'd have no choice but to behead you on the spot." Mateo reassured the Princess before handing her tray to her. Lilly nodded her head, taking the tray and Mateo walked out, locking the door behind him. "No disrespect Captain, but did you have to be so harsh? She's a woman after all, you have to be more kinder," Mateo said in a hushed tone. "HA! This coming from the ol' sea dog that just two days ago was begging me to throw her over board? Not going soft on me are ya? hahaha I can't get caught being soft, you know this. I can't get caught speaking any other way." The captain replied, walking with Mateo behind him. The Captain was still waving his hand like he was waving at something not to bother him.

Lilly took a sigh as she listened to the fading voices of the two men. She felt anxious and worn out from the seemingly never ending roller coaster. "Is Zeal really following us? Is the storm going to somehow stop him from knowing where we are once we change course?" Lilly asked herself these questions, praying that she would be home very soon. "I wonder how my family is, will there ever be a chance I could see Prince Brandon again?" Lilly asked feeling her heart break. She collapsed on the floor crying as she felt despair creep in. Tired from the crying, the sun had set and thunder was rumbling in the background. A quick flash of light made Lilly jump, she quickly got up, put her tray on the desk and began to eat her cold food. Rain began to pour down and she could hear the droplets tap on her window and on the wood of the ship. She took in the therapeutic sound, quickly digging into her green beans and turkey leg, saving her dinner roll for last. Most meals usually contain fish or other types of sea food. Lilly wasn't really one for sea food so she ate all her food this time. She enjoyed it but felt a bit embarrassed. First rule of being a Princess you're never supposed to finish all your food. No matter how hungry you are. Good thing she wasn't in the palace then because she scarfed her food up like she hadn't eaten in weeks. The boat began to sway back and fourth, the sea was beginning to get restless, the boat began to tilt side to side as it began to climb the mountain waves. "Will these waters ever stay calm? Why must they be so bipolar?" Lilly asked herself. She was just finishing eating her dinner roll when she heard a huge CRAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!! in the sky. Lilly shoved the last of the roll in her mouth, used both her hands to cover her mouth and tried to swallow back a scream. She was scared of lightning and thunder, so this was not fun for her.

Lilly covered her ears, blew out the candle and walked over to the bed. She crawled underneath the covers still holding her hands over her ears, trying to keep her cries contained. Her body was shaking and her heart was racing, a feeling she was getting accustomed too. Sometime during the night fighting broke out among the ship. Lilly couldn't hear everything thanks to the storm and hands being over her ears. But she could hear swords clashing, things breaking and some yelling. No one came down to her room yet, so she stayed put, looking around the small room for a hiding place. She found a letter opener and held onto it incase she needed to defend herself. Looking around, she found a small old wooden trunk in the closet. Lilly quickly hoped inside it after she closed the closet door. Time went by and her legs began to cramp, her back and arms were aching, she hadn't heard anyone come near the room. She could still hear the clanging of swords, drowned out yelling and banging, the thunder was still making its presence known, but other than that, it was calm where she was. Lilly was thinking about hopping out of the trunk. She felt silly still inside a grown man's things inside his closet. Especially since no one seemed to be coming and all she had to defend herself was a dull silver letter opener of all things. It wasn't until Lilly began to sit up she heard the Captain's door bust open. "Where are you?!" Lilly recognized the voice and quickly hopped out of her hiding place. "I'm here." Lilly replied, holding onto the door of his closet. The Captain stood there in front of Lilly covered head to toe in blood, Lilly feeling her blood run cold from the shock, dropped her mouth in disbelief. "Y-You're covered in blood Captain..." She said in shock. "Yeah....You're little boyfriend decided to gift us an interesting little surprise Princess... three of my men are wounded and one is dead...So I suggest we up the price on getting you home." The captain replied. Lilly shaking just shook her head and said "O-okay."

"Mateo, are the rest of those men dead?" The Captain asked coldly. "Yes Captain." Mateo replied. "Good, put their corpses on one of the small boats and send them back to their ship." The Captain snapped. "Yes Captain." Mateo replied, quickly leaving the room. "Why is this man so hell bent on getting you?" The captain asked as Mateo was closing the door. "He needs me as his bride to fully assume the throne, he's already wiped out his blood like. Children weren't even an acception. It's unclear why he didn't just marry his sister in law Lady Elizabeth. According to some rumors, he didn't want his older brothers left over." Lilly replied exhausted. "So he's coming at us with everything he's got for your hand?" The Captain replied feeling annoyed. "Yes sir." Princess Lilly replied. "Why doesn't he go for someone else?" The Captain asked. "I don't know." Lilly replied. The Captain sighed and sat on his bed. He rubbed his forehead, feeling very aggravated at the situation. "Why didn't your parents marry you off?" The captain asked in an angry tone. "Not enough time, plus I never showed up to my coming of age party welcoming me into society." Lilly replied. "Go get the shower running for me and take off my boots." The Captain commanded Lilly. "Pardon?" Lilly asked. "Don't make me repeat myself I know you heard me!" The Captain snapped causing Lilly to rush to the shower turning it on and running back to remove the Captain's boots. "Don't move from the bed I'll be back." The captain again commanded. Lilly didn't move she never saw this side of the Captain before and now she was feeling scared again.

Lilly sat on the bed staring down at her feet, she twirled her thumbs hoping not to breathe too loudly. She heard the thunder stop and her heart dropped. She stared even harder at her feet, praying she wasn't in any danger. She heard footsteps approaching her and she looked up without thinking. Only to quickly avert her gaze back to the floor, she felt a blush form over her face, down to her neck. The Captain was shirtless and even made direct eye contact with her, his dark eyes and sandy blond hair made him look so handsome. While Lilly stared down at the floor, she felt the bed dip, she looked to her side and watched the Captain lay down. Lilly didn't know what to say or do. The Captain found the answer for her, he grabbed her and yanked her down. Guided her head to his chest and said. "Deal with it Princess we're bed mates tonight." "O-okay..." Lilly said feeling tense. "Relax Princess we are only going to sleep, I won't do anything, not even if you wanted me to. I'm not in the mood tonight." The captain said coldly. Lilly was confused with his remark but relaxed herself until they both drifted off to sleep. She had to admit he felt warm and, cozy laying the way they were was pretty relaxing. It gave her comfort not being alone. The boat did continue to rock back and forth through the night and she could hear the all too familiar groaning of the old ship as it complained due to the restless waters. Knock Knock Knock "Hmm..." Lilly stirred in her sleep, the captain gently moved Lilly off of him and went to the door. "Mornin Captain, brought ya your breakfast sir." Mateo said with a grin. "Thanks c'mon in." Mateo quickly brought in the tray and informed him of what the crew was saying. "So they are speculating a woman on board?" The Captain asked after about 10 minutes of Mateo rambling. "Unclear Captain." Mateo replied.

"Hmmm.... We will need to keep the situation under control, sounds like they are at least clueless for now." "The crew are getting restless about why we are headed to Maybelle." Mateo continued. "Tell them we are delivering a prisoner to them, under the agreement of no harm to us, plus large amounts of rewards and a treaty that could aid us. Go no further than that." The Captain told Mateo. Mateo nodded and walked out, leaving the Captain and sleeping Princess alone once again. "What happens if you don't have a prisoner?" Princess Lilly asked while sitting up in the bed, rubbing her eyes. "You will act as said prisoner wearing men's clothes like you have been, only the people that know you're aboard will escort you to the palace." The Captain replied handing the Princess her breakfast. "Oh that's smart." She replied still trying to shake off her drowsiness. "You get home, we get paid and my men remain none the wiser." The Captain replied. He took a bite of his apple, turning his back on the princess to put his boots back on. It was still storming outside, so he wanted to go on deck to get a clearer look on the situation. "Remember keep your disguise on and door locked, I'll be back in a few." The captain said as he walked out the room. "Yes Captain." Lilly replied, getting up and closing the door behind the captain. She double checked the lock then walked back towards the bed. Lilly passed back out thanks to the sound of the rain fall.

Once the Captain made it to the deck, Mateo had already addressed the crew's concerns. "Captain, is what Mateo saying true? We are being some royal Kingdom's lackey?" One of the crew mates asked. "Yes, for a good price too. With the money they will be rewarding us, we could get a bigger and better ship. Hell, we could get 10 of them, on top of a treaty that would allow us to doc and trade. Maybelle is a volcanic-rich kingdom, with the amount of gems there alone, we couldn't take all of them back with us even if we tried." The Captain replied. "One measly prisoner and us rolling in riches, simple job no catch, we don't break any laws we have nothing to worry about... So what's the problem?" The captain asked daring them to challenge him. "Nothing Captain, no issue at all. What do we do after?" The same crewmate asked. "Simple we get a new ship, more furniture, some supplies than we head out to the original job we were supposed to do." The Captain spoke making his crew happy. The captain looked at the sky and told everyone to get ready to bunker down, the storm was going to hit hard. The crew listened and tied everything up and went to their rooms to wait until the storm passed. "Mateo follow me." The Captain demanded once he was done looking for signs of the ship and to get a better reading on the storm. "Yes Captain right away." The two men walked to the Captain's office where they discussed some plans on what to do in the next coming days.