chapter 9

lily pov

Dinner was tasty, he made what I wanted rice with chicken broth. It was really good; it was delicious I thought to myself as I took another bite of the rice. All I got to eat was cold pizza with Apollo, I hated the smell or the taste of pizza. I thought as I finished my bowl, I got up and handed my dirty dishes and I went to help him clean the kitchen and the dishes. Even before I could the doorbell rang, "Aizawa" a bright cheerful voice sang his name out. " my friends" he simply said, as he left through the kitchen then walked to the front door.

I slowly came out, there I heard a very happy voice tone, a female voice. I thought as I saw the woman, blonde - brown hair that was in a bun, with paintbrushes she had. White shirt, light blue jeans shorts and matching white shirt, with matching blue jacket. She had these bright red high heels, I saw as I came out, there was a man with long blonde hair, wearing all black pants, a shirt and there was a matching jacket. They saw me, they were confused I could tell by their eyes, " this is mic, Hina ….this is lily, my niece.

Something happened with her father, now she had come to live with me. Her things got lost" he explained, I just nodded in agreement. " oh, that's awful...I brought you some clothes. I hope you like them !!" I nodded as I took the box from her than I left the room with the box headed upstairs.

Once I got into the bedroom that I was told was mine, I put the box on the bed. I found a white shirt with a kitty cat and blue jean shorts. I thought it was cute, when I went to the bathroom, I got dressed from the big baggy black shirt and into the clothes that the women brought. I walked out of the bathroom, and had the clothes, in my hands lay them down on the table, then a large orange kitty. Ran into the bedroom Then I carefully picked up the kitty, held the kitty as I went to sit down on the bed. As I did the kitty climbed out of my arms, lay down on the bed. As lay down next to the kitty, maybe I am finally free from Apollo's arms. I thought to myself at the moment.