chapter 10

Lily pov

It's been a month since I had saved, taken away from my pain and suffering, and away from Apollo. In a couple of days, I'll be going to attending ua, since I was eighteen, pretty much I would need to graduate in a year. To become a pro hero, was my dream and I needed my dream to come true. I thought as I felt my backache, slightly burn this happens almost every night.

I thought to myself as I started to wake up slowly, and I was trying to fight the fact I needed or my body wanted to wake up. I let out an annoyed groan before, I finally got up I went to the bathroom and I started my daily morning. stretching, like I did every morning, I thought to myself after I got dressed. At the moment I decide maybe a morning walk would be good, Aizawa told me I could go to the park. I thought as I put on the shoes, that a nice friend of Aizawa gave me.

Then I left the room then I went downstairs and I went to the kitchen, on the table. There was a note, it was from Aizawa it read " gone out, be back later" I frown at the note. I hated being alone, I thought at the moment that I had gotten an idea. To take a walk, in the park nearby where Aizawa show me the other day. He did tell me I could walk around the neighborhood, or take a walk in the park nearby. I thought as I grab the spare keys, as I left the house headed to the park.

Once I got there, the sky was a beautiful baby blue color I noticed as I enter the beautiful. The wooden park was pretty much abandoned I loved it I thought as I started to take a relaxing walk through there. In a couple of weeks, I'll be starting at ua which I was nervous and excited about. At the same time, I thought to myself as I had my hoodie up while walking. Deeper into the woods, while I did I heard a noise, I hid behind a bush quickly. Then I saw it come out, a stag a male deer I thought as I slowly came out of the woods. I watched it from afar, it was beautiful deer I thought as I watched and study it from the distance of the bush. At this moment I had never felt this free from Apollo I thought as I enjoy this morning and watching a stag.