

Archon Crix Zis glanced at the door and then at Zeph, wondering who would be knocking on his door as it was a day that most individuals had off. At most a few dozen staffers and Consuls, who had proposals to work on would be on the same floor, and they would be busily at work behind desks in their own offices.

"Oh, that is right you did mention something about having your drone bring us up a pot."


Aa expected Lilly was standing there holding a silver tray with a practical yet ornate tea set on it while dressed in an outfit that made her look like a beautiful living doll.

As she stepped through the door, another figure became visible behind her, and it appeared to be holding a tray full of something as well.


Zeph called out in surprise.

He was quite shocked to see Candi standing there holding a tray full of cookies a few feet behind Lilly.