Making sweet memories (for Candi)

While Zeph was proving that Archon Crix Zis should stick to politics and leave flight sticks to those who didn't get overwhelmed by the number of gauges and controls found in the cockpit of an SK520 SkyKing, his preferred student was busy making sure the target of Alora's idea fell into their trap. 

"Hay, let's go see if we can find other things that should be sold in the little gift shop on the Enchantress like fancy soaps, higher-quality bathrobes, and stuff. Maybe we can even find some space products the guys can help us test out when we get back."

Candi gave Selena a sideways glance while wondering why she didn't just ask her if she wanted to go shopping. 

"If you want me to go to the mall with you just say so. If you are trying to get me to ask if we can borrow the limousine, you go ask Lilith. It is not like she or Sonya are going to care if you walk back there while they are in the bath."