3. Kira X Rena

When Kira was about to leave the Sakurazaka dorm and Rena grab her hand and ask her something to her about something else about her.

Kira: Rena what did you want from me?

Tamura: Kira someone needs you to fix something at the storage

Kira: okay I'm coming to sorry Rena

She let go of Rena's hand and walk where to the storage and fix the light bulb and another staff inside the room.

Kira: did somebody call me?

Out of a sudden, Kira fix the light bulb and she can hear see that someone is walking outside the dorm and she saw it was Rena and she start to run but Kira push Rena away from the car is going to hit her and she fell on the ground that hard.

Rena: Kira...Kira, can you hear me?

Kira: Rena...I'm sorry *cough blood*

Rena: Kira!!!

Tamura: what happened to her?

Rena: she was helping me from getting hurt from a car

Takemoto: call an ambulance now

Once the ambulance came to the Sakurazaka dorm and they bring her body to the bed and we left the hospital after Kira was inside the ICU room.

Doctor: don't worry we can bring her back alive

Rena: please do everything to save her life

Doctor: I'm sure okay

They do their job and we wait for her result the next morning at the Sakurazaka dorm Kira is resting inside the room full of the machines and everything that they need to bring her back to be stable viral.

Kira POV.

What am I doing here at the hospital bed why my below leg is growing huge while Kira was touching her futa cock when I got this futanari cock.

Kira: what the fuck is this!

In the meantime, Kira wakes up out of a sudden and the doctor sees that she had woken up but she saw something impossible to happen to her.

Doctor: Kira what happens?

Kira: why did I have a futa cock on me

Doctor: you are futa and half male and another half female

Kira: What is that mean?

Doctor: I know you want to fuck Rena that bad right?

Kira: how?

Doctor: don't worry you stay here while I call her to go inside the room with you

Kira: yes, please

Doctor: okay

After an hour later Doctor lead Rena to see Kira inside the room and went she open the door and see that Kira is good health but there was some news about her.

Rena: Kira are you feeling okay?

Kira: yes but can you close the door

Rena: of course

When she close the door and Rena go and seat next to her but Kira drag her hand and she was on top of Kira's body against her.

Rena: Kira?

Kira: Rena I want to do this here with you

Rena: what did you mean by doing this with you?

Out of a sudden, Kira started to rub her futa cock and Rena feel so good but she covers her with a hospital blanket Kira open her pant and put them inside into Rena's pussy and she get closer to Kira's face.

Kira: Rena your pussy is tight

Rena: Kira...Kira!! *moan*

Kira: I love went you moan

Rena: stop you embarrassed me

Kira: Rena...I'm going to cum

Rena: yes...yes fucking me hard

Finally, Kira cum inside her wet pussy and her futa cock semen is inside Rena's body but she wears a condom and they start to kiss each other in a new couple of moments.