4. Karin X Kobayashi

There was Karin was doing inside the toilet and she close the door but Kobayashi rushing inside the toilet went she saw that Karin had futa cock on her but she touch her futa cock and suddenly, her semen is flow and she ask her.

Kobayashi: Karin when did you have futa cock?

Karin: I'm vampire but we born as a vampire and for women we have futa cock but for male they have huge dick

Kobayashi: it is my first time I saw a futa cock

Karin: why you want to test it out?

Kobayashi: wait did you do at here inside the toilet?

Karin: if you want to...

Out of a sudden, Karin passion kiss on Kobayashi neck and she touch her area and Kobayashi moan inside the toilet while everyone can hear there something inside the dorm toilet.

Takemoto: wait did you hear that?

Matsuda: yes I hear it too

Inoue: where did the sound coming from?

Seki: I think the sound coming from inside the dorm toilet?

Inside the toilet went Karin pull her pant down same with her boxer and she wear condom to protect her from getting pregnant and once she put inside her pussy than we start to move his hips against Kobayashi ass.

Kobayashi: fuck Karin your futa cock is so huge

Karin: shut up and take my full vampire semen

Kobayashi: yes...yes fuck me hard Karin!!

They rest of the 2nd gen member are walking to the sound at the dorm toilet and they put their ear and once they hear it was Fujiyoshi Karin and Kobayashi Yui was inside the toilet together.

Yamasaki: wait...where is Karin?

Inoue: ssh....

Yamasaki: why did you ssh me?

Inoue drag Yamasaki hand and put her ear against the door where she can hear that Karin is have a moment together with Kobayashi.

Karin: Yui...I'm going to cum!!

Kobayashi: Karin...Karin please give me all of your vampire semen

Finally, Karin cum her futa cock semen inside Kobayashi pussy went she take out her condom and we see her semen is keep flow but she wear back her pant but Karin just passion kiss Kobayashi lips while her hand push the door while everyone outside the dorm toilet get surprised by Karin.

Inoue: what the hell happen inside?

Takemoto: we don't know but we have to wait for them finish whatever they are doing inside

Yamasaki: what?

Later the rest of them seat at the living room and wait for them finish whatever that happen inside the toilet.

Karin: Kobayashi... can I suck your blood?

Kobayashi: you want to drink my blood but I thought they drink cow blood?

Karin: not anymore they now drink human blood but we can heal once we drink

Kobayashi: it could be pain

Karin: yes but you can hug me if you feel pain

Kobayashi: okay

Karin open her mouth and she saw her vampire fangs and finally she sucking her blood and Kobayashi hug Karin tight after that she finish drinking her blood and she heal her bite and they continued their kiss each other at their lips.

Karin: I love you Kobayashi

Kobayashi: I love you too Karin

Karin: let go and tell them

Kobayashi: wait did they hear us?

Karin: yes

We holding hand and open the dorm toilet and saw that they are seating at the living room with surprised look on the 2nd gen member but they didn't what they do inside the dorm toilet.