A Stellar Shower

The sky lit up as meteors streaked across the sky. It was the first time I had every seen something like this. Even when I volunteered at the observatory I never saw something as pretty. I leaned back on the grass and stretched out my fingers through the grass.

One day, One day I would be out there. Out there in the stars. Mom and Dad spent years trying to get into space. Getting there myself was the least I could do. Besides I loved space. I would have to climb down the mountain tomorrow. It was best I go to sleep.

I had long sense set up my tent. Getting up I poured some water on the camp fire.


I jumped as the mountain lit up brighter than the sky. I blinked and shook my head. No it wasn't the mountains it was a meteor! It was flying toward the mountain. I estimated the place it was gonna crash. I stumbled to my shoes and put them on. Grabbing a flashlight I ran toward the the direction is was falling.

"Like, oh my gosh! This is so exciting!"

My first meteor!


The ride was bumpy as hell. After a full year I had completed all my task. Which just left the ride to ground floor. I was essentially an android and mostly indestructible. However the bumpiness was something I hadn't expected. I felt sick to my stomach. Soon I would hit the mountain.

I further curled up in a ball as the pod spun into a death spiral. When it made contact with the ground I felt the impact in my bones. My bones? Eh, I felt it. I felt it hard.

The landing gear I had installed was called a kinetic distributor. It absorbed the impact for you, this could be useful in car crashes or whatever else. However just because it absorbed the kinetic energy of the crash. Didn't mean it stopped the inertia.

I stumbled out of the pod. A third of it was buried in dirt. No creator, go figure. I grabbed the pod, unbuckling to metallic straps and buckled them together. Just like that the pod turned into a relatively ugly backpack. 

I stretched out and began traveling down the mountain. "OMG, Wait!"

I froze stiff, and turned to the voice. I let out a heavy sigh seeing it was some woman. She was strawberry blond and wearing some monster street themed pajamas. I couldn't see her face well, but the clothes alone meant I could likely get away.

I spoke as she got closer. "What is it?"

She was breathing heavily and raised a hand. "Like, sorry. I don't exercise much. Did you see a meteor fall around here? Perhaps, like in your possession?"

What was with all the likes? Was she a 2000s teenager or something? With her closer I could see more of her features. This girl looked like one of those teenage drama movie bitches. The ones that always harassed the main character for whatever stupid reason. 

Her eyes looked like stars though, it doesn't seemed like she saw me crash or get out of my pod. However she might've seen me put it on my back. Thinking I had put a meteorite in it. I gave a shrug, "No clue, sorry lass."

She jumped up and huffed, "I saw you messing with that... bag?"

I gave a shrug, "Sorry it's empty. I was camping and just cleaned up. Now if you don't mind I am going back to my car."

The girl followed me as I walked away. "Like, Wait! You don't have any other equipment. how could you have been camping."

I sighed, "I made multiple trips. What's your deal?"

Her face pinched into a frown. I rolled my eyes, "Why are you even out here in pajamas. Are you not scared to be assaulted by some weirdo?"

The girl's expression shifted. "Totally not, see?"

From the pocket of her pajamas she pulled out a small hand gun.

I paused, I didn't expect she'd pull out a gun. I thought if said that she'd leave me alone. At this point I was getting annoyed. So I slapped the gun out of her hand and it disappeared into the dark.

She froze and I grabbed her wrists. "Lass, take this this as a lesson." I changed my demeanor quickly and the looked on her face contorted. I grabbed at her chest through the fabric of her pajamas and she looked scared.

I pushed her down and stared down at her. I turned and walked away, without the company.

Once I was further away I relaxed and remembered the feeling of her chest. It was so soft! I only ever touched one girl in my life and said girl was my girlfriend. Though we broke up, we still did some... heavy petting.

Between that girl and my ex. Oh boy, that girl was ten times better. Thank god I left, I might've done something more I'd regret. I may be a villain in the story currently, but I personally wasn't that bad.

I found my self at a parking lot for the one of the camping sites. There was only one car and I was like 80% sure was that girl's car. Thinking about my previous thoughts about being bad... I decided it was relative. I smashed the window and unlocked the car. I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that the car didn't have any alarm system.

Getting in the car I analyzed it. It was different than the cars I was used to. It was a lot more teched out. The buttons weren't where I suspected. thankfully I had packed things with into the pod I came here on. Digging into my supplies I pulled out a a box of small tools.

Pulling off the dash board I dug into the wires. Finding the proper wire I cut it and did a little magic. I never stole a car before so this was pretty fun. A second and the car turned on. I pressed the pedals and they were the one's I was used to. So I put it in reverse and got the fuck off the mountain.