Internet Cafe

Free internet was always wonderful. Though having to pay was less than productive for me. Thankfully the wonderful owner of the car I stole had 70 dollars? Eh, each of the bills looked wonky. I also had no idea what they were called. I never named the currency they used in the story. So I just paid for myself and used the computer.

----The currency is Zeni-----

I got one near the corner facing away from the store's camera. It could see me and the computer, but not what was on said computer. The clerk also clearly couldn't careless so I was left in private.

First I needed an identity. I had long since decided on the identity and my 'backstory'. My name was Finn Ryle, I was an orphan. I had found an orphanage that had relatively new workers, but a long history. I had entered myself into the system just before the new manager of the orphanage started there.

Second I made a security ID for myself. I had fabricated a few basic ID templates. Digging into my pack once drop pod. I took out the templates. I had found one that matched the ID I had created. Once I did that I just had to scan the one on the computer and burn the information onto the template.

Now I had an ID, second was a phone number. I didn't need a phone since I had all the proper devices built into me. So I made a phone number that wasn't being used. Once that was done I created a history of use on the phone number.

This world did have a credit system, so I sighed and just gave myself the average credit. Creating a bank account and placing a literal ton of cash into said account was dubious. However I made a history for that too and made a credit and debit card as well. Taking out another two templates, and I burned the information onto the blank cards. Now I had an ID, phone number and a cash.

Since I was an 'orphan' a proper birth certificate wasn't really needed. I got it! I needed a social media. So I made one, it was simple. I made some history of following people and liking random images. Most of the images were just cats, nice and simple. 

Now I was left was history of a learning. This consisted of literal learning like in a school. As well as the need for my own knowledge.


I yawned, I didn't really need to. However I did it anyway. The sun was shining at this point. I had spent the entire night and early morning setting up everything I needed. The last step was a home. Now I had actually prepared this based on the story.

I started walking to the place. The home I had put under my name was an abandoned house. Now in the story this house was the home of a long dead scientist named Arthur Ryle. The name was, a tad much. I came up with it during my time in schooling. I groaned, such a dark past of silly decisions. 

Anyway the building was actually a residential house. However the scientist Ryle made an underground laboratory. His body is likely still down there too, since I had written that they found his skeletal remains.

I his mysterious orphaned son. Recently discovered my inheritance and thus it is now mine. I mean who is gonna question a shut-in about whether or not he has kids. Hell he had no family members, so he was truly forgotten.

So as I arrived at the dusty building I checked the mail. I didn't need it, but the action had to be done. I walked up to the steps of the house. I grabbed a dead plant and lifted it out of the pot to grab the spare key. 

Then I opened the door to my new home.


"He really did all that?" June had asked me this the third time now.

I huffed, "Yeah like, thank god I have the tracker on my car."

June laughed, "You always did say that would come in handy."

I leaned out the window. I had to call June to pick me up from my campsite. All because that bastard from the mountain stole my car. So not only had he embarrassed me he stole my car! "OH! I am so mad."

"This the place?" June turned o me and I lifted my phone again. I gave a shot nod, "Yeah, Yeah, this cafe is the place."

June pointed, "There it is."

She parked next to my car. June got out and pulled her electronic cigarettes. I rolled my eyes, "You know those are just as bad as cigarettes."

June scoffed, "I'll stop when you fall in love."

I opened my car, of course it was still unlocked. I dug through everything and I sighed. "Well he busted the dash board to drive it without the keys. It also looks like he stole some money. Nothing else is out of place."

June spoke up, "Stuff in the trunk?"

I was just getting to that. "Yeah, my telescope and all my equipment is there. So it seems he literally just stole my car to drive off the mountain."

I wasn't gonna mention that I had no idea how the guy got onto the mountain. I had my suspicions about him. However I had no real idea or even evidence. I would figure out who he is though, I had to. Too many things just didn't add up.

June laughed, "You have the worst luck with guys."

I rolled my eyes, "Fuck you too, June."