Just business

----So I'm not actually writing this, more transitioning it? The source material is on paper. So uh, yeah. I haven't read everything, but pretty sure from this point on secondary pov's are less often.---

I had to admit, I was running around like a headless chicken. It was all procedure and a bunch of steps I needed to preform. As the main character established herself in the science circles and becoming the queen of astronomy. Certain events did have to occur.

Since I wasn't gonna be that Mad AI sending down super soldier drones to purge all life. I had to create a scenario where she would still develop the nanite technology she would be known for. After all she may rise to be the queen of astronomy, but her talents were within micro-sciences. 

So I needed a method to change things for the better. That way I didn't have to do everything myself. Didn't want whatever life I build to be destroyed. After all like half the stuff that happens is just pure fucking chaos. So I didn't want to deal with any of that.

So where better to start than one of the future super powers. I just had to wait for the girl to show up. The person I was looking for was named June. For the first half the the story she was simply the best friend of Stella.

June was working as a police officer, or you would think. However my dumbass wrote her into being a crime boss, later on. What was worse this was on accident as I made her last name and the previous crime boss the same one.

If I could get a headache, this would be the time. Readers made the connection and just kept on about it. So I had given in and made the current boss of the Red Rock gang the father of June. So, I took a sip of my lemonade. Just waiting.

June or her father would eventually show up at this bar. June drank here, and her father owned it. The thing about June was she was predictable. This was because despite eventually taking over her father's gang. She would still remain respectable in terms of her morality. So if something was for the greater good she would agree.

Her father would be more complicated, but the man was greedy. So business was business to him. I paused, I really should stop the habit of explaining my thoughts to myself....

I looked down at my cup and it was empty. "Can I get another?"

The bartender blinked, "H-How, yeah sure man."

I grabbed the lemonade, this was the 3rd one. I knew the bartender drugged the second one. However I can't be drugged so his reaction made sense. Though I did wonder how why he tried to drug me?

I looked up as someone entered the bar. "Hey! Jessie give me the usual."

It was June, as expected. I raised an arm and waved. "Hello, June."

She looked at me and my awkward greeting so I gave her a smile. The bartender Jessie took out a new glass and passed it to June. A second later he took out a bottle and passed it to her as well. 

I gave a laugh, "Drinking this early? It's almost as bad as being drugged by your bartender."

Jessie froze and June's expression dropped. I just kept my smile. "The lemonade isn't bad though, I don't really like alcoholic drinks after all."

I turned to Jessie and nodded, "Mind us the company."

He stumbled into the back of the bar. While June looked at me dead serious. "So who are you? What do you want."

I laughed, I really had to wonder what she was thinking. "Business mostly. You see, soon space will be within our grasps, right? Well, as a fellow thinker I can't help, but feel we forgot our roots!"

I passed her a USB. I compiled it while on my satellite. "It has the blueprints for nanites. Now why would I be giving you this?"

She grabbed the USB and looked up at me. Her face was fairly confused. So I gave her smile, "Well, you live your life pretty predictably. Coming to this bar every Thursday, no exceptions. The rest well, I'm sure you aren't dumb enough not to know."

I got up downed the rest of my lemonade and set it back down. "Oh, and there is more on the drive than just the blueprint. Something I had prepared in case I met your father instead." I booped her on the nose before walking out of the bar. 

Now that I was done there. I needed to sell the rest of the blue prints I had. Like the landing gear used by my drop pod. It could be used in cars and other vehicles to reduce deaths. Selling said blueprints would gain me a reputation.

Not to mention all the blueprints had parts only I could make. So it would become my business. with the nanite though, I knew June would pass it to Stella. She would no doubt look through it herself too.

Once she was done though. She would give it to Stella. At first Stella likely would ignore it as it wasn't astronomy. At least that was my guess. However once she looked at it, she would begin work on it. After all the nanites were essentially a super star.

It gave super powers, made people more survivable, and above all. It allowed one to survive in a vacuum. Meaning no space suits, just oxygen was needed. Now I had no doubt space suits would still be designed. However they wouldn't be the clunky suits that were normally used in space.

I jumped in giddiness. I was feeling so excited. This was pretty fun, I think I will enjoy being the mysterious inventor for a bit.