
I kicked my feet around in the small office. I had driven here almost directly after my meeting with June. However this one was a little more important than that meeting. This one had to be orchestrated. Currently I was a university.

This university isn't very important for the plot other than the meeting place between Stella and one of the love interests. A professor, one of her past named Achilles. The man's office was decorated in trains.

Most of his work was based on transportation. Here on Nearth he was the person who proposed a better version of the maglev. One which required no external powered. This just made me feel worse though. How did they create something like that, but never enter space? It was such a major plot hole i created.

Nonetheless the professors current project was an impossible one. The warp gate! In reality he does get it made, however the other side is opened to a hostile world. After that, it could be guess what happens. Nearth is invaded by the planet's inhabitants.

This then enters a plot where people defend against said planet. While Stella clears her professor's name. Achilles astonished by his old student's willingness to help. Guessed again, falls in love.

I would skip all that, by proposing to him a theory. He could complete the gate by himself. What he needed was how the gate connects to places. See how it normally worked in the novel was that it accidentally connected to something left behind from the forgotten past.

I would give him the proper mea- Professor Achilles walked into his office. "Sorry about that, heh. The lecture dragged on a bit. What can I do for you, sir? I don't recall your face from any of my lectures or classes. So?"

He was a tall man. Bearded, with white hair. Not because he himself was old, but because he dyed it that color. I nodded, got up and shook his hand. "I'm just a big fan. That and I actually have a question. You see, I don't think there is a better person to settle a debate me and a friend had."

He sat down his glasses reflecting his features. He spoke clearly, "What is the question?" I wasn't gay, but I had to admit he was good looking. I actually wasn't sure how I described him in my novel for him to look like this. Perhaps whatever external influence that brought me here, caused a reflection upon the novel?

I pushed such thoughts a side, I wasn't a philosopher I didn't care for that. "Well alright, do you know the theory on ancient architects?"

He nodded, "Uh yeah, I suppose. I don't put much thought into it however. The likelihood of other life is few and far between. The only reason such a theory exists is because of those unknown structures out in space."

I nodded, "That's just context. Let's say said ancients created warp gates or like teleporters, right? If we made our own do you think it would be possible to connect to them? Or what if life on other world made something like that and connected to us. Do you think it would be possible?"

He flinched when I said warp gate, but he maintained his expression well. Not to mention he gave it some serious thought despite it sounding absurd. "Well, it would be possible I suppose. Realistically I couldn't say since it would be hard to predict if the two devices had the same signal. Though..."

He paused and rubbed at his beard. He resounded to himself. "Let's say they didn't. The signal wouldn't connect. However realistically they would have the same signal since if said device worked once. The same signal would still produce said results."

I smiled, "So what signal would that be? It would have to be something a little bigger than magnetism or something."

Professor Achilles shrugged, "If I had to guess... It would be consciousness. A warp gate would only work if a certain number of intelligent being existed near it. So said energy would be something like psionic power. If you ant to call it that. It's more the consciousness of many sentient creatures. After all we have hardly any real understanding of such things."

I nodded, "I suppose I have my answer Professor. I hope you continue to invent, have a nice day."

I got up and walked out of the office. I almost wanted to gag. It seemed as if he realized something though. Hopefully he won't cause problems down the line with such tech. it would be a few years before he got anything.

i jumped when someone yelled. "IT'S YOU!"

I looked to see who yelled in such a crazy tone. So did many other people. My eyes focused on blond girl. She was in a lab coat and a single bag. However I recognized her... She was from the mountain. It was more than that though.

I turned and just marched off. When she saw that she started to follow. "Wait, you! I don't know your name. However I assur-" I turned the corner and dove into the women's restroom. With a sudden shift, my clothes were slightly looser and I resembled that of a young college girl.

I watched as the main character Stella bust into the men's room and yelled. "YOU BASTARD! WHERE DID YOU GO!"

I had to admit she was a bombshell. However, I couldn't meet her. Not if I wanted things to go smoothly. That girl was too smart, while being dumb enough to speak aloud. No secrets could be kept with her earnestly.

 She huffed as she stomped out of the bathroom. She was still working at the college. Meaning she had yet to put out her spaceship design. The most important thing was her engine design. It was far better than anything Earth had. Well, at least as far as I knew.

I was almost tempted to follow her. However i knew that was just my excitement talking. She was truly a bombshell. I needed to leave the university.

I paused though, and I checked a notification I received. It seemed June had just processed a background check on me. That was perfect, I could use tis time for the next step of my grand plans.