Chapter 1: Jingle all the way

The wind was howling, it was very cold out. Snow blowing from left to right, making the poor unfortunate soul walking through knee deep thick cold snow shiver terribly.

Each step he took made the little bells on his very wet green furred shoes jingle.

Everywhere he looked trees were covered in snow and it made everything appear the same. He was certain he was very lost now when he saw he had walked in a silly little circle, having followed his own footsteps!

"Oh- oh silly you Bell!" He told himself, arms hugging himself tightly. He had lost his hat some time ago. Which had saddened him. His poor ears were aching badly too!

The tips must probably be cold iciles by now.

He was very cold, lost and hadn't had any cookies for the day. And it was now nighttime.

Rubbing his arms for some warmth, though it did nothing, Bell sang softly in a dry thin breatlebre voice, as his body was too cold for singing.

"Jingle bells. Jingle bells. Jingle all the w-aay!"

He sniffed and looked about. The scenery of white snow making everything look pure around him lifted his heart, it looked beautiful here. Untouched. The snow glistening like diamonds under the pale moonlight.

"Oh what fun it is to ride on a one horse open slay, hey!" He coughed after. "Oh dear Bell. Your coming down with a cold." He told himself. "We must find you shelter. That tree looks okay to find cover under." He says and quickly hurried to the tree, crawling under the low handing branches full of snow, and sighed when the low hanging branches lowered even more around him. Blocking out the wind.

He took off his red velvet short sleeved jacket and placed it on the snow, leaving him in only his green cotton vest, red velvet shorts and candycane stockings and bell tipped pointy shoes.

Laying down on the wet cold jacket, he sighed happily, snuggling into it. "Bell's much better." He said and closed his eyes. "Bell will rest for a bit then Bell will get up and look for home again."

And with that said, the lost elf closed his eyes. Falling into a restless sleep, curled into himself, arms wrapped around the legs that was pressed against his chest and his face pressed into his knees.

Though restless, the elf was soon sound asleep.

Trotting along the snow the next morning, one of the wolves on patrol walked over fresh snow that fell the previous night. Marking trees as he went about his daily routine, freezing when he caught a new scent.

Unfamiliar and strange, it set the wolf on edge.

The wolf followed it and found himself staring at a snow covered tree with low hanging branches.

The wolf curiously and cautiously made it's way closer, peering between the little openings of the branches. He caught a glimpse of a figure, small, curled, it was too dark for him to make out more but that definitely was a trespasser.

It quickly alerted the other nearby wolves with a howl.

He had caught an intruder.

When the Beta came with a few more wolves ready to drag the intruder to the cells, when they eventually got the tree branches out of the way, the Beta as well as the six wolves with him was shocked at the discovery.

And now an annoyed Darkling was looking at his trusted friend with an irritated expression. "I get that it's all things festive and good and fun but no. I am not going to go to some pack thinking they have found a elf in their woods. That's too much. Even for someone like me."

Kisame snorted and sat down next to Aueda. "You promised." The dragon shifter reminded him.

"Promises can be broken."

"But this time it can't."

"Yes it can. I am not gonna believe that there's an actual elf, not just any elf, but Santa's elf out there. Humans dressed a fatman in a red suit and bribed small tiny people into cosplaying dwarves disguised as elves to suck money out of other humans."

"You mean goblins. Dwarves mine for gold. Goblins steel money." Kisame says whimsically.

"Same point."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is. I bet they have the jolly fatman in the next cell." Sarcasm dripped from his words.

The exasperated sigh Kisame made was well earned. Aueda was a handful.

"Fine. I'll just tell the twins you refused to help out a real life elf." The dragon shifter said nonchalantly.

Making Aueda tense up and glare at him. "You wouldn't!"

The 'try me' look he was given said it all already.

"Your evil." Aueda hissed at him, and Kisame just smiled innocently at him.

Aueda couldn't wait until Raven and River outgrew their damn naive years. This was utter torture. If Kisame told them about this, he wouldn't be able to overcome their sad little faces with snot and tears blending together in one big mess of sadness and crying and the mental image made him cringe.

"Fine. Fuck. We'll go. Dammit Kisame." He said, shooting an annoyed look towards the dragon shifter who smirked in triumph.

So, now the the two of them were staring at the nervous though serious looking Beta of the Oakland Creek Pack. And Aueda knew the Alpha brat of this pack too.

This was slowly becoming a headache.

"Well, just, you'll see." The Beta told them and instead of telling them what they were going to face, hurriedly ushered them to follow him.

Aueda and Kisame looked at each other and Kisame lifted a shoulder in a shrug, following after the Beta.

Aueda rolled his eyes and followed. Wishing he was home drinking hot cocoa instead of out here in this pack's cold holding cells. It stank of old deaths and new blood. And vomit. There was alot of vomit.

When they reached the last cell at the end, Aueda did a double take.