I Don't Care

When Dean stepped into his office later that day, Kellum scowled at him.

"What? What would you have me do?" Dean said as he sat down, scowling as well.

"Did you really have to involve Aueda?"

"Yes. You didn't care about the elf-"

"I don't care at all. Why not contact the supernatural board? Let them take it off our hands!" He hissed at his Beta and closest friend.


Kellum scoffed, as if that alone was enough to brush the difficulties he's gonna face at what Aueda thrust him in.

"Look, if it were a man dressed in elf clothing for Christmas, a human, it'll have been easy to send him on his merry little way. But it is not. It's an elf, Kellum!" Dean stressed.

He seriously didn't get what's so special about an elf showing up.

What Dean said next though, made him frown.

"No one's seen a elf for decades Kellun!"

"And? Doesn't mean anything. Nor does it mean anything that it stumbled upon our land. Seemingly out of nowhere too," he says nonchalant. Not really caring about this.

"But that's the thing! Why would it appear now all of a sudden when elves vanished for decades? It doesn't make sense!" The urgency in Dean's voice made Kellum sigh.

"Why are you so worried about this elf? Aueda is a dick to make it my responsibility. I don't care for it. We've enough to deal with already, we don't need the added stress."

Dean shakes his head.

"Look, Elves up and vanished in thin air decades ago alright? No why or how. And for one to appear out of thin air in our lands, doesn't that sound a bit suspicious to you?"

Kellum looked at his friend and said, "No."

Dean's face twisted in a scowl. "Can you stop being a careless bastard for once and listen?"

Sighing once again, he sat back and motions for him to speak.

"Kellum, I know you don't know much about supernatural lure but since I grew up in a pack and trained to be this pack's Beta, I know a bit more than you do. And I'm telling you, this,is more than it appears," says the mated wolf.

Kellum knew what Dean said to be true but, he didn't want to be involved. Last time he tried involving himself in matters that were no concern of his at all, the pack suffered.

And he knew Dean was only expressing his concern over this unexpected situation they have found themselves in.

He couldn't blame his Beta.

But while Dean wanted to work out this problem, Kellum wanted nothing to do with it.

"Fine. Okay. Tell me about them then. Elves. You won't stop pestering me until I find a way to deal with it," says Kellum, although reluctant to actually listen.

Dean let out a sigh of relief and nodded. Expressing turning grim.

"Okay. So, about seven thousand years ago, it was easy to find pockets of space to walk into Elven realms. There weren't many, but enough for any supernatural being to go through. Only if your intentions of the heart were not meant to harm them.

"Elven creatures are creatures of nature and all thongs natural and balance. They are rarely the sort for violence. They are gentle creatures.

"As cousins of Fae they too have magical abilities. Only without the wings and the otherworldly beauty Fae are often related to. Elves though, are impish creatures, pixie sort of jovial beings.

"They are the kind to cater to others in need, even if the cost is their own lives. Though they don't partake in any sort of violence, they do have a bad side to them.

"Elves turn subinimal if you break their mind-"

"What?" Kellum questioned, interrupting Dean.

"It means dark. Elves will turn bad, rotten and evil."

Kellum's eyes narrowed at this information. "And by breaking their minds you mean?"

"An elf is a selfless creature. It's not greedy and seeks only the same kindness in return. Once they love and bond themselves to another, it's impossible to break by another, only the one it bonds itself to has that power and power alone."

Kellum shuddered a little at the grave way Dean said that.

"And once that person breaks the bond, it's like the elves soul cracks and withers away until there's nothing left but a empty vessel for any evil to take over. Basically the perfect vessels for demonic possession that can't be broken unless the elf is killed, and trust me, evil demon living in a vessel such as a elf with magic is a bad recipe."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Dark magic."


"You can say that again."

Kellum rubs a hand over his mouth, frowning deeply at Dean.

"And Elves are basically the nicest creatures to be around, very submissive-"


Dean blinked owlishly at Kellum when he heard the alarm in his voice. "Elves are nice creatures-"

"No no not that, the submission part." Kellum said, heart beating to hard.

Dean frowned, not quite understanding why his Alpha looked so alarmed by this fact. "They are submissive. Non-threatening. Almost like a omega only different."

"Different how!" Kellum demands, palms sweating.

"Well, I did say elves are selfless creatures. And they show signs of submission more strongly than a omega. Especially if interested or bonded to another. They really would do anything to please their object of desire."

Kellum's throat felt dry when he swallowed.

Paling at the nightmare he has been thrown in.

And he realised Aueda knew. He goddamn knew!

"Kellum, what's wrong? Why are you looking so spooked?" Dean's voice carried a note of concern.

"Because Aueda basically not only thrust me into a responsibility I not want nor care for, he also knows that being around a sub for me is a damn trigger to my primal nature. One whiff, or the the elf submitting to me could lead to me freaking marking it!"