
"Hurry up!" Nera shouted forcing Natasha to pick up the pace. "Why, of all people, did I have to get stuck with you?" She asked. "It's not my fault we're one in the same!".

[Name- Nera

Masked name- Death Rush

Skill- Death Rabbit

After countless experiments, Natasha developed a split personality, manifesting its own name and Skill. They both fight for control, usually Natasha coming out on top.... Usually. This new skill allows the user to not only use lightning, be temporarily 'kill' an enemy. Thankfully this is never permanent!]

"Let's just find your friends, and then I can leave!" Nera said as they continued through the hallway. She stopped to turn towards a door, water leaking from the bottom of it. She grabbed the knob and said "Time to switch places.".




'Is that light?' James thought. He was shocked awake and went into a coughing fit. "*cough* Wh-what the hell?!" He said looking around. "Oh great, he lives. Happy Nat?". He turned around to meet her purple eyes and said "Natasha?". She balled up her fist and grabbed him saying "DO I LOOK LIKE NATASHA?!". He winced and said "Who are you then?!".

She released him and sighed saying "I'm Nera. Just follow me and don't die!". They continued walking and James asked "So, Nera. Call me crazy but I have a feeling you know more than you're letting on.... Am I right?". She stopped in her tracks and said "You know what your problem is? You ask a lot of questions, and for a hero that's a dangerous thing to do.".

Jame smirked and said "Actually, judging on how it's worked out so far, I'd say it's a great idea!". The two stopped talking to hear chains and muffled screaming. "JUNE!" James shouted earning a questioning muffle. The two kicked down a door to see him tied down, covered in chains. "Those chains won't release him, he'll have to be dead for that!".

Nera smiled and walked over to him. She then touched his tail, his whole body going limp. James paled as she smiled at him saying "Lets move the body, I'd hate to leave him here!". James backed up as she dragged him into the hall. She then snapped her fingers and he woke up. "ACK- OH GOD!" He said clutching his chest. James created his whips and said "What did you do to him?!".

"It's part of my Skill, I can temporarily kill anyone I touch. The deceased will rise shortly afterwards!" She said cheerfully. "I died?!" June asked. He stood up and said "What is happening?! Where are we?!". He looked at Nera and said "Why does Natasha look different?". She balled up her fist and socked him in the arm saying "Nera, my name is Nera!".

"Still doesn't explain where we are!". She sighed and said "An amalgamation. It goes by the name Vendettox. Let me explain,

There are Fusions, and then Amalgamations. Amalgamtions can be split into 3 types:

Self harm Amalgamations- Amalgamations that cause harm to themselves to fuel their abilities.

Mentallity Amalgamations- Amalgamations that use the sanity or mental of itself or others for power.

Grudge Amalgamations- Amalgamations that take petty annoyances, arguments, or even quick thought of vengeance, and increases them a thousand fold. This can turn even the most docile being into a seasoned killer.".

The two stared blankly at her and June said "So that must be it, Mentallity. It's using our fears to power itself!". James sighed and said "So we just need to get over our fears?". Nera smiled and said "Talk to me, think of it as.... A confession.". James sighed and said "I'm afraid of drowning.... Go ahead and laugh.". June bust out laughing and said "Wait wait- you've literally got a volcano packed behind each arm and you're afraid of a little water?".

He glared at him and said "Okay wise ass, what's your fear?". June stopped laughing and said "Ah- I'm afraid of being judged....". James laughed and Nera actually joined him. "You mother fu-" June started saying before Nera stopped him. "Just- just come on, we need to save everyone else!". They continued through the hall until the reached a door.

"Oh yeah, this is Nathan." Nera said before they even opened it. "50 bucks says you're wrong!" June said. "BET!". June punched down the door and saw Nathan huddled on the ground, hands covering his ears. "Fuck!" June said as Nera walked over. "Easy now brother, I'd hate to have you die before stopping Overdrive.". Nathan looked up at her and said "Natasha?".

Nera bit her tongue to not cuss out the rabbit, and said "Nera, not Natasha.". "What's going-". He couldn't finish as June ran over carrying Aura. "Let me die!" She said struggling out of his grasp. She looked at Nera and said "Na-". She interrupted her and said "Nera.". She looked at Nathan and he just shrugged. "Come on, we've gotta find Z". They kept moving


From the outside, their bodies stopped shaking, no one was moving except for Z and Kate. "Heroes, have friend. Help them to escape Vendettox's fear. We shall kill them all!" The amalgamation said getting ready to lunge at them. Before it did, a bolt of purple lightning hit it, earning a small yelp from the hyena. "Natasha?" The beast questioned. She lost it.

"For the last god damn time....". She charged at the beast, sending a powerful kick to its gut. "IT'S NERA!!!!". One by one, Nathan and his team woke up, prompting Nera to switch back to Natasha. She ran over to them and said "Can you stand?". She helped them all up, hearing a scream. The hyena began to melt away and the two began to split apart.

Nathan ran in the moment Overdrive was at a safe distance. "OVERDRIVE!". He jumped at him, but witnessed Overdrive activate his abyssal touch. "DIE!".... 1 minute.... 2 minutes.... Nothing. Nathan looked up, shocked at what he saw. "Well, well, well.... Isn't this interesting?". Natasha was standing in front of him, purple haired, Overdrives hand touching her arm.

It had a few gray cracks in it, hinting she wasn't completely resistant to it. "Nathan, listen to me closely." Natasha said slowly. "Get your team out of here, and run! I can handle this bastard!". June grabbed Nathan saying "WE GOTTA GO!". Nathan struggled seeing the cracks spread. "As for you Overdrive.... If I'm going down....". She grabbed onto his arm and shocked him, sending him flying back.

"You ain't leaving in one piece.". Celerity got behind her and said "You think you can stop us? We're the best of the best!". All of a sudden, Z got back to back with Natasha, saying "You were.... Then you fought us.". She flew past her sister, causing her to turn around towards her with a glare. She went after her, leaving Overdrive alone. "Could be worse-". He then got punched in the face, everything went dark.