"What are we doing here Overdrive?!" Switch demanded. "Well, my new boss demanded that I return to the scene of a rather glorious crime. I've learned a few things with my powers that'd be of use!" He said walking to where he disintegrated his teammates. "I don't get it, you killed them all, so why are we here?". "Actually, not completely.". Switch stared at the Villain and said "You turned them into dust, they can't come back!".
Overdrive smiled and said "I learned how to reverse my Abyssal Touch.". Switch knew what that meant as overdrives hands glowed a clear wite color and he said "Celestial Touch!". He put his hands out, and all the dust in the area started coming together. That's when Switch saw it. Overdrive's hands, began to get black crocked cracks in them, slowly dusting.
"DRIVE!" He yelled once he'd finished. Overdrive fell to the ground pain flowing through his hands. "What the hell was that?!" He asked him. "There you have it.... My own weapon is my greatest weakness! When I overuse my Skill it begins to destroy my body, starting with my hands, and if it gets through those there's no stopping it!". Switch sighed and helped him up.
"Well, at least you didn't die.". "Why don't I finish the job then?". The two both turned around to see the one and only Speed Hawk. "Yaru Dark, so my efforts did work out well-". He didn't get to finish as she suddenly appeared in front of him. "I don't know what you did.... But I like it!".
*In class*
As the teacher was speaking Zora began to drift off. Something snapped in her head, waking her, forcing her to stand. She saw something heading toward them and said "GET DOWN!". A large boom was heard, as an entire wall was gone. Z looked up to see a person wearing a large facemask, styled with multiple orange and purple swirls, a black hoodie with the inside being sunset colors, black combat boots armored with a few red spots, long black stretchpants, and black gloves, no fingers exposed.
Nathan ran over and said "Who are you?!". When they didn't answer, Nathan shot a bolt of lightning at them. To all their surprise, the person turned see through and the lightning passed right through them. They stepped down in front of the two heroes and Z said "We'll have to attack head on!". The figure then split into two, one having oranage on the inside of the hood, the other having purple.
"That's spore split.". Nathan and Z looked to see june walking over with the rest of their team. "I saw Death Cap use it to make clones!" He said balling up his fist. "And Blink's ghosting ability!" Aura said following up with it. The figure laughed and the purple clone lifted their hand, sending out small bullets to attack them. They all got down and Kate said "This bastard has all of FEROCITY's Skills!". "All but one!".
Z charged at the figure, her drones popping up. But when the drones got close, they stopped. "Hey, what gives?!" Z said, her temper activating. "Registered user detected. Attack protocol denied." They said in a robot voice. Z gave a confused look and said "WHO THE HELL IS HE THEN?!". "Scanning.". The robots took a few moments and the next words they said shocked them all.
"Registered user: Yaru Dark!". Z slowly turns to see crimson red thread wrap around her, the mystery person coming together, removing the mask. "Geez little sister, still got that temper huh?" She said smiling. Z's face paled, seeing a literal ghost.
[Name- Yaru Dark/Y
Villain name- Celerity
Skills- Spores, Beef-Up, Ghost, Light Ammo, Hawk Moth]
"This isn't real, you're dead!". Y just laughed and said "I was, but then Overdrive brought me back! The best part is I don't get to deal with the downsides of any of these new powers!". Nathan went over to her and said "Z, that isn't Yaru in there. It's just overdrive trying to get into your head!". "OH I BEG TO DIFFER!". They all looked to see Overdrive walking over.
June got on the coms and said "We need backup!". Overdrive held out his hand and Y took it. The two began to fuse but the color instantly became dark and evil. A burst of energy was released and all they could see was black.
"Where am I?" Nathan said looking around. It was like he was in a dark void, only seeing black. He then turned around, seeing Overdrive's hand- hands, grab onto his teammates and turning them to dust. "NO!" He said as he could hear his teammates whispers fill his ears, each on mocking his leadership.
"Am I dead? What's going on?" June said looking around. All of a sudden, chains appeared and wrapped around him, tying him to the ground. They began to squeeze tighter, restricting his movement. "LET. GO!" He said struggling. A bunch of hands then appeared, pointing at him, as chains wrapped around him further.
"Great, this must be the work of an amalgamation.... But what?" Kate said waiting for something to happen. The area around her then shifted and she was locked in a cage. "HEY! I'M A HERO!!!!" She shouted trying to use her Skill. Around her signs appeared that said "BEWARE THE VILLAIN!". "I'm not a villain! Let me out, please!" She said falling to her knees.
Z was falling through a dark abyss. "These clowns don't know me!" She said bringing out her wings. When she did, they were almost immediately torn apart. She let out an ear piercing scream, still falling.
James was covering his mouth. 'Of course I'm underwater!' he thought. He couldn't hold it anymore, as a huge weight appeared on his ankle, dragging him down into the depths.
"STOP. WATCHING!" Aura yelled with thousands of eyes and cameras surrounding her.
"Where are these guys?" Natasha questioned walking through the school. She then heard something and got down. She looked around the corner to see what looked like a giant black hyena, with multiple red eyes all over it's body, laughing. It watched team POINT's bodies toss and turn as they were in a state that looked like they were sleeping.
Amalgamation name- Vendettox
Amalgamtion trait- Mentallity
Amalgamation Skill- Fearacle
It can use a black substance to put its opponents in a coma-like state. It then summons their worst fears inside of their dreams, adding strength to its fractured mind.]
"HEY!" She yelled running at it. She jumped at for a kick to the head, but a black tar-like substance wrapped around her, slowly drifting her to sleep as it said "Fuel in Vendettox tank.".
"Ugh.... What happened?". She slowly got up, looking into a mirror. The mirror then showed her other side in the reflection. "What the-". She didn't get to finish as that side of her broke the mirror and grabbed her throat. She was pinned to the wall and the dark version of her said "Well lookie here~ Trapped inside your own mind, with your greatest fear!".
She grabbed her hand and said "If I die, you die too Nera!". The opposite sighed and said "Clever girl.". She released her and the two appeared in a long hallway. Natasha looked at her and said "Let's go, we don't have much time!". Nera just sat down and said "First, explain something to me. This amalgamation, it reveals the worst fears of those around it, so how come I appeared?".
Natasha sighed and said "It's because my greatest fear is you winning, which will never happen!". She smirked and said "Fine, but you'll have to tell your brother eventually!".