
It's been a couple days since I talked to the world will of the nasuverse and I have been busy creating weapons like the fucking Infinity Gauntlet and All Black The Necrosword aka the first symbiote and don't worry I wasn't just creating weapons but also armors like Model 38 aka the Phoenix Buster

I'm not gone lie creating all of this was a ton of fun I can finally see why people like to do stuff like painting tho I'm getting a bit annoyed that the world will hasn't contact me yet

Couple hours later

the world finally informed me that it was done and I would need to come as soon as I could as it was so unstable that it would destroy itself i minute I opened a portal and went to the nasuverse as fast as I could

World will: hmm you a lot taller then last time tho I did suspect that you were actually transformed last time we met

"That doesn't matter right now so this is it right" I say as I look at the massive ball of energy that looked like it was about to explode any second

World will: yep but be careful it can negate your regeneration although I'm going to guess you have multiple types of immortality to save you even if you actually die

"You're right but right now is not the time for small talk system check my chances of me absorbing that thing"

System: it's 50/50 sir and yes none of you abilities right now can change those odds

Hmm fuck it I thought as I put my hand into the massive ball of energy and started absorbing it and slowly but surely I started to loss to it until finally I exploded after that tho I just appeared next to my corpse and said "well that failed"

World will: I kept my end of the deal but you got unlucky so you're not allowed to even touch the root

"yea yea I will keep my end of the deal see you later I have a plan B to do" I said as I made a portal and left the nasuverse

when I arrived home I went to the 9th dimension and started gathering an infinite amount of energy you see there are multiple ways to go into higher dimensions such as getting the ability to do so from an much more powerful being or even being so technologically advanced you can just use your machines to go into an higher dimension

But I have found a much simpler way of doing this a higher dimensional being is meant to be infinitely stronger then a lower dimensional being so what if a lower dimensional being has infinite strength would it be comparable to a higher dimensional being the answer to that is simple in most verses no but I'm not in most verses

This verse aka the one created by the guy who reincarnated me is special as if you have the ability to move to different dimensionality's and have infinite power in you dimension then you can ascend which I found very weird as dimensions only become prevalent after you have already as I like to say reached infinity and you don't even need to have higher levels of infinity

Well that doesn't matter as this feature will allow me to grow much faster then I thought would be possible for me

Couple hours later

It took a long ass time but I was able to reach high 1-B i was stuck at 1-B for a while but I managed to find a way to break through that barrier so now the next barrier to break is low 1-A which I did find a way to do but it's gone require me to hone my abilities even more and also absorb more high 1-B people

Well I think all of us know what I'm gone do next clones or I guess duplication so I just spammed it until I got a infinite amount of them it's a good thing the multiverse is also infinite after that I went to the hyper verse and did the same thing to a higher degree as it had much more space and with that I was done

You might also be asking why not use the higher dimensions as well, well you see the multiverse and the dimensions are kind of the same thing I'm not gone explain it to you

Author: lol jk here's a grossly simplified map

Anyways after all of that I decided to go on a trip around the Omniverse tho I do have to say it might be a bit boring as I have reached an awkward middle point where anything is either weak as hell fro me or just to hard for me to kill so it might get a bit boring after a while

But you know I wasn't just creating weapons and armor when I was training my creation skill I also found a way to upgrade and add features to my system so I decided to add music, videos, games, books and much more I was thinking about completely getting rid the shop and gacha features as I don't have a use of them anymore

But I found something very interesting there were some very useful items in the gacha and shop tho expensive I would be able to get enough points in a matter of weeks and with these items I would be able to reach high 1-A easily the whole reason I'm training my abilities is to be able to handle all that power because going from high 1-B to even low 1-A is a very big jump

You might also be asking how do you get credit well that's simple you can 1: sell items you get but you can't sell items that you created or 2: do quests a feature I have never used before so it was filled with some noob crap like killing a being classified as a god like seriously that so easy I can do it while unconscious

But anyways it seems I already have a ton of quests completed so that's nice, to do all of these quests at once tho I decided to abuse my duplication ability a bit more and by that I mean infinite clones again

Finally I can just put on some music and fuck around in the Omniverse *The Only Thing They Fear Is You starts playing*