The End?

Honestly this trip was ok, I guess just like every thing else it had it's lows and highs like when I met and had a very fun talk with professor paradox about the space time continuum anyways this trip also proved a few theories of mine such as, if there were other reincarnated people in the Omniverse which as you can guess was right

although there is something that i found really humorous about some other reincarnated people, I would say about 42% of them were very egotistical calling themselves gods just because they could destroy a universe or two

some were even claiming they were tier 1-A they must have had knowledge about power scaling before they were reincarnated just like me but they probably just learned about power scaling from YouTube shorts and never even looked at anything else

Anyways I observed them for a while and I can say pretty easily that most of them are of no threat but some have reincarnated into verses that could help them reach my level and even exceed it such as the few in the scp verse which is actually just a bunch of different verses with some similarity's put together and forced to sometimes interact

The reason they are so dangerous is because there are actually some very powerful items in the verse that can easily make someone boundless like SCP-001 (Kate McTiriss's Proposal) which is very hard to get but would let you become something above the entity of anime and manga combined

With all that said you might be wondering why I don't go and get it and make myself a god but I can't mostly because of the fact there are many powerful beings such as SCP-001 (S Andrew Swann's Proposal) who can easily find me and kill me this doesn't happen to the other reincarnated people as the world sees them as a natural part of the verse who was always there

I had to figure this out the hard way as when I entered the verse I got erased from existence good thing I have literally all of the immortality's, anyways for now I will just focus on other things as to even enter the scp verse I would need to be tier 0 so for now I will just focus on getting the items I need from the shop and gacha

A couple days later

It took a long as time and a lot of gambling but I finally have the 2 materials needed to go all the way up to tier 1-A, The Ultimate Nullifier and Ghao Maraz from one of my favorite series war hammer with these two weapons ready I went to my home verse and adsorbed all of my clones and absorbed the ultimate nullified first after a few seconds of struggling I was able to absorb it

After that I easily absorbed the power of Ghao Maraz and became 1-A finally I have access to all the abilities in the Omni verse so wasting to time I started dimensional hopping and absorbed all the useful powers I could get my hand on

And after a while I had collected all of the abilities in existence now all I need to do is reach tier 0 and I will basically reach the end point of power, now that all of this is done all I need to do is get to high 1-A and then it will be pretty simple to get to tier 0

To get to tier high 1-A I just need to get to absorb the thought robot and mandrakk the dark monitor which was easy as I was able to hide my presence from the gods/god of the DC verse after a bit of struggle with them I was able to absorb both of them and combine them to make monitor mind the overvoid who was unable to escape as I had already absorbed him of course this would destroy a crucial part of the DC verse but hey the world will, will just have to deal with it

After all of that I went on a rampage absorbing as many high 1-A characters as I could my goal was simple to grow so power full my own system couldn't calculate my power as when that happens that means I have reached tier 0

??? Later

It's been how long? I can't say as I'm so above time that it no longer means anything to me honestly thinking about it after a while I just started gaining power to gain power at least when I started doing this I was doing it for fun, at lest back then this all had a meaning now I have been doing this for so long it no longer has a meaning

But it's to late to go back I have already reached tier 0, I'm no longer anything at all, at lest when I had a "nonexistent body" I still had something's but now I have absolutely nothing my system gone, my body gone, I'm now completely nonexistent

"Now that all the stupid philosophical shit is done it's time to get back to business" as I said that I heard someone say "ya took you long enough though your journey was a lot quicker them most how about we extend it a bit more for the audience"

As he said that I replied with a simple "———"

(Sorry about the super edgy last part)