What About the Horse?

"What are you going to do with the horse?"

I was startled by Del's hoarse whisper in my ear. I had not even realized he was awake.

He sat up, tightening his arms around me as he stretched. "I, uh. . ." I paused. What was I going to do with the horse? My mind ran through ideas, discarding them as quickly as they came until I found one that would work. "Remdon!" I exclaimed.

"Your brother?"

"Yes. I will tie the horse out front and sneak back in and get Remdon to take care of him. He is forever doing strange things with his friends."

"And you are sure he will not complain?"

"Oh, he certainly will complain, but he will not refuse. That is all that matters," I answered cheerfully.

"I owe you my life, you know." Del lowered his head and whispered into my ear again and I shivered.

"Then we are even," I answered. "As you refused the payment of my friendship, you can take this in exchange for saving my life."

His arms again tightened for a moment and he rested his face against the side of my neck. "I should not have rejected your friendship. Will you forgive me?"

"I could probably do that." It was hard to think with his eyelashes tickling my neck every time he blinked.

"Then we are friends?"

"Yes," I answered breathlessly. I sounded like a silly schoolgirl, but I could not seem to slow my racing heart as Del placed a gentle kiss on my bare shoulder.

"Your nightgown is quite ruined."

"I have more."

"If anyone saw us, we would probably be forced to marry."

"Very likely."

"Does that concern you?"

"Not terribly. We are quite unlikely to be seen."

He laughed. "That puts me in my place. You have no interest in marrying me?"

"Is that a proposal?"

"Would you like it to be?"

I snorted. "We just got back to being friends. Shall we try that for a bit and see if it works out better this time before we go any further?"

"And how long would you consider 'a bit'?" He seemed strangely serious, but I answered in a light, teasing tone.

"I would say at least a month."

"A month it is," he answered, resting his head again on my shoulder. Before he could fall asleep again, I pulled the horse to a stop, catching Del by surprise and nearly tossing him off. His grip tightened around my waist like a vice, surprising a squeak of protest out of me.

"What was that for?" he muttered.

"We have arrived at your destination, master," I answered in a decent imitation of the local cab drivers.

"And so we have." He slid off the horse and looked up at me, placing his hand on my knee. "You will be safe getting home on your own?"

"Indeed. It cannot be more than a five minute ride."

"I will see you soon, Jen. Thank you for tonight."

"You are welcome. Rest well, my friend."

"Rest well."

I looked back as I rode away and saw him watching me, standing right where I left him.

"You have to actually go in the house if you want to sleep," I called back.

He laughed and turned towards the house and I turned my attention back to guiding the horse. As predicted, it took only five minutes to reach my family's pretentious mansion, as I quite enjoyed calling it in my head. I tied my horse to the hitching post just inside the front gate and hurried around the house. My bedroom window was open, waiting for my return.

Climbing through, I quickly changed into a new nightgown and hid the torn one in the back corner of my closet before making my way silently to Remdon's room.

"Remdon," I hissed, poking him. "Remdon, wake up. I need your help."

He groaned and opened his eyes, glaring at me in the dim moonlight that snuck through an opening in his curtains.

"It is far too late for you to have gotten into mischief tonight, Jen," he said, turning back over.

"But I have a horse out front that I need you to take care of."

That caught his attention. He sat up and looked at me in surprise and exasperation. "How do you have a horse out front? It is-" He squinted at the clock on his mantle. "It is going on two in the morning. What in Solnara could you have been up to this late?"

"Can I just tell you the story tomorrow? I need you to take the horse to the stables. He has had a rough night and deserves a rest. Just tell them you won him in a bet or something. You are always doing things like that. They will not even bat an eye. In fact, I am surprised to find you home so early."

"My friends all had plans with their families tonight," he explained, stretching. "Well now, is an angry owner going to be coming for this horse tonight or tomorrow?"

"I am not sure. I had not really considered that possibility," I answered. "But I sent the rest of his horses off as well, so hopefully he is too busy with that to worry about this horse tonight. And really, the men driving the horse were engaged in an illegal activity, so I doubt they will be eager to claim him."

"Illegal- you promise you will tell me what this is all about tomorrow?"

"Yes. I promise, as soon as I wake up."

"That will probably be rather later than usual, from the looks of you," he said, scanning me from head to foot. "You look like you are about to collapse. Go rest, Jen. I will take care of your horse. I love you."

"I love you too. Thank you, Remdon. I can always count on you."

"Yes, well, someone has to clean up after you and your impulsive ways. Come on, off with you." He shooed me towards the door as he pulled on a coat and a pair of boots. "We will talk tomorrow."

I hurried to my room and was asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.