
I woke up to a very irritated Mirella. "Mistress, I know I put you to bed clean," she said with a frown as soon as my eyes opened. "So where did all this dirt come from?"

I looked down. I had not even realized how dirty I was. "I apologize," I answered, looking up. "I had a bit of an adventure last night and I was so tired that I did not even realize that I was dirty."

She shook her head, but her expression softened. "Would you like to talk about it?"

"Can you keep this one between us?" I asked. I recognized that she often shared stories with the other servants, but she had kept secrets for me before so I also knew she was trustworthy.

"Of course."

I quickly launched into the tale, not stopping even when she gasped or sighed. When I reached the end, she stood and smoothed her clean, white apron. "Well Mistress, I don't think I've ever met someone who has as much inclination for finding trouble as you do. I'm just glad you're home safe. I'll go run a bath in the washroom and we'll get you cleaned up. You need to rest today, and so I'll tell your mother."

"Thank you, Mirella."

"You're welcome. Now you just rest a minute longer while I get the bath ready."

I was finished with my bath and dressed in a simple, pretty, green dress with elbow-length sleeves and a wide, flowing skirt when Remdon tracked me down. He found me in my room, sitting in my newly made up bed with a book.

"That is a mighty fine horse you stole," he said, lounging on one of the armchairs near my fireplace.

"Thank you. He seemed the strongest option."

"Are we going to keep him then?"

"I would like to. He deserves a good life after all he did for me last night."

"About that, are you finally going to tell me what happened?"

Again, I ran through the story. Unlike Mirella, who listened in silence, Remdon interrupted with occasional questions. When I finished, he was bent over, resting his chin thoughtfully in his hands.

"Are you going to marry Master Convarta?" he asked, watching me intently.

I felt a blush color my cheeks and I looked away. "I do not know. We are only just friends again. It seems rather soon to talk of marriage."

"You like him."

"I have liked him for months, since before I even met him. That is no secret."

"You are unsure of his feelings then?"

"He tried to explain them to me, but we were interrupted before he actually made any sense. All I know for certain is that he pulled back from our friendship and hurt me and I am not eager to repeat that. I will be more cautious this time."

"That is wise, certainly. But is it truly best?"

"Why would it not be?"

"Jen, you have spent quite a bit of time in his presence in a manner that can only be described as scandalous. Between his rescue of you - twice! - and your saving his life, riding on a horse with him half-dressed, really, I worry that your reputation will suffer."

"But no one knows about last night except you and Mirella. And Del, of course."

"And the men who tried to kill him. They may choose to target you, you know."

"They would have to recognize me first. I wore my dark cloak and hood for most of my adventure. I doubt they would know me if they saw me again."

"Perhaps. I am willing to trust your judgment, I just need you to be cautious."

"I will, I promise."

"That is all I can ask. Well, I will go check on the horse then. We shall have to decide what we will do with him. He is a carriage horse, then?"

"Yes. Though he handled being ridden quite wonderfully, dear beast."

"I will let Megintin know. He will know what is best for the creature. Do you want to name him since you are the one who liberated him?"

"Name him Tendarin," I requested, choosing the name of the main character's faithful horse from my favorite book.

"Naturally," Remdon said with a laugh before kissing my cheek and leaving for the stable.

Almost as soon as Remdon left, Mother bustled in with a big smile. "Oh my dear, you have a visitor," she beamed. "He is awaiting you in the parlor downstairs. Come now, step lively dear! We cannot keep him waiting."

"Who is it, Mother?" I asked, climbing out of bed and smoothing my dress.

"It is Master Convarta himself. He has requested to speak with you in private. How you caught his attention, I do not know, but I am so proud of you!"

"Do not get too excited, Mother. He may not be here for the reason you think." Really, I could not think what he was doing, coming and requesting a private conversation with me.

I would certainly find out. Mother fussed with my simple bun and clucked over my simple dress as we walked to the parlor.

We arrived and she nudged me through the door with a whispered, "Good luck!"

"Jen," Del said, standing as I walked up to him.

"Del." I dipped a curtsy. "What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk." He sat and patted the couch next to him.

I took the seat he indicated and frowned. "But did you really have to request a private audience? Could we not have set up to meet somewhere we could be private without drawing the attention of my family?"

"About that-" He cleared his throat, looking uncomfortable. "Well, I know you asked for a month, but I think it best that we get engaged immediately."

"Engaged?" I laughed. "You are teasing me! I was only joking about the month. Surely we should get to know each other better before becoming engaged! Why would we take such a large step in our relationship when we have only truly known each other for a matter of weeks?"

"There is to be a reckoning for last night," he answered darkly.