The Reckoning

"What do you mean, a reckoning?"

"I mean that your actions last night have made you a target as well."

"But how could they even know who I am? I did not show my face."

"They have eyes everywhere. They know. You will not be safe."

"Not until you find out who is behind this and stop them."

"Even then, now that you have been tied to me, you will be targeted by my enemies. Either I marry you so I can protect you or I will have to cut off all contact with you."

"So we are to be either strangers or betrothed?"


"And you would rather be betrothed?"

"I will admit that it was my fault the last time our friendship ended and I will likewise admit that I did not enjoy it."

I looked up in surprise and found myself lost in his intense gaze. "I did not enjoy it either," I finally whispered, wrenching my eyes from him. He placed a calloused finger under my chin and raised my eyes to meet his again.

"I think we could deal well together. You once said something similar- that we could be good for one another."

"Yes, but I certainly had no idea of marriage when I said that."

"It is the best plan. We will marry and I will be much better able to protect you."

"You are marrying me to protect me, then?"


I leaned in, my eyes riveted on his. "And that is the only reason."

"The only reason," he repeated in a hoarse whisper, leaning closer. His eyes fluttered closed. The moment before his lips met mine, I pulled away.

"Then my answer is no."

He blinked and looked at me with a dazed expression. "No?"


The confusion in his eyes quickly cleared, replaced by a searching look. "Why?"

"I want to marry someone who cares about me, someone who knows me and loves me. I am not just going to marry to secure a protector. I will protect myself."

"And if you cannot?"

"Then I will die fighting. But I am not unprotected as it is. I have my father and Remdon. I can hire a guard, if necessary. I can certainly be more cautious, spend less time alone."

"You really do not want to marry me?"

"I would not marry any man who proposed marriage as a business arrangement."

"And what if I do care for you?"

"Then you grossly mismanaged this proposal."

"And how would I go about remedying that?"

"I do not know if it is possible," I answered honestly. "Now I will always wonder if you truly care for me or if you are just telling me what I want to hear to achieve your own ends."

He shook his head and growled. "There must be some way to prove it to you."

I tapped my chin thoughtfully. "If I were no longer in danger and you proposed to me, perhaps that would do it."

"I cannot promise that you will ever be out of danger."

"Then I cannot promise that I will ever agree to marry you."

He growled again, then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him. Before I could protest, his lips met mine in a tender kiss, much softer than I expected from his tight hold on me.

I was surprised to feel myself responding to the kiss. I had only been kissed once before and it was a memory I tried to block out. This kiss was different: sweet and tender instead of violent and forceful. Even as Del deepened the embrace, I followed his lead, feeling safe and cherished.

I am not sure how long we might have remained in that kiss, holding each other close, if he had not wrenched back with a groan and pushed me away with his hands on my shoulders. "I will convince you somehow," he whispered roughly.

"That was a very good start," I admitted breathlessly. I blushed, realizing how forward I sounded.

He laughed lightly and his hands moved to cup my cheeks. His thumbs brushed my jaw and he looked into my eyes. "If you will not accept my proposal of marriage, will you at least let me court you? I cannot prove my sincere interest if I cannot spend time with you."

"I suppose that is fair," I answered slowly. "Yes. You may court me if you so desire."

He leaned in and whispered, "Oh, I do." Pressing a soft kiss under my ear, he pulled back and dropped his hands to hold mine. "I will leave you now before I give into temptation again. Expect to see me tonight."

"What is happening tonight?"

"I am to be your escort to the ball."

My eyes widened. "But you hardly ever attend social events."

"Until now. How am I to court you if I cannot spend time with you? And how am I to fight off my competition if I send you out in society alone?"

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. "Are you just going to use courting as an excuse to stay close to me so you can protect me?"

"That is assuredly a perk, but it is not the main reason."

"What is the main reason?"

"Like I said, I have to convince you somehow that my intentions are true. Besides, how else am I going to steal private moments with you?"

"But are yo-" He cut off my protest with another heated kiss, much rougher than the first. It nearly sent me into a panic, but he pulled back quickly.

"Until tonight," he said softly, squeezing my hands. He stood and strode from the room before I could respond, leaving me dazed, breathless, and hopeful.

Mother bustled in the moment Del was gone and I gathered my strength to break the news to her that she was not about to procure a new son-in-law. She was upset at first, but when I told her that he was going to court me, she bore the disappointment surprisingly well.

"Well, we shall catch him yet," she said with a cheerful smile. "Now let us go pick out the perfect gown for you to wear tonight."