I regained consciousness and tried to open my eyes but the lids seemed to be pressed down with something heavy, at last after struggling for a few minutes, I opened my eyes with difficulty. I discovered that I was in a strange room. It was a strange room not just because I had never been to the room ever before but also because it was fully white, without any kind of furniture or furnishings in sight. Too white...the kind of white we see in movies whenever someone is about to die and a door opens up to transfer that dying person to the land of dead.

But the light that always accompanies said scenes was not that bright here, it was more on the well lit side. I was not dying then, maybe I was in a hospital room. I looked around myself more carefully. Everything was white, the comforter that covered me, the bed on which I was lying, the walls were white. I pushed the comforter off my body....even the flowing robe styled dress I was wearing was pure white. The dress was a little to the transparent and low-cut side so a large part of my cleavage was on display.

The dress was made of soft material like I had never seen or felt before. The dress was styled to accentuate my plump figure to the best advantage. The upper part of the gown hugged my bust and the belt like part wrapped my abdomen. The dress flowed down from below the abdomen in waves of fabric. The gown was beautifully tailored.

Strange didn't even cover it because the next thing I noticed was the lack of any window or even a door. I shot out of the huge ....more like monstrous huge bed. As plump as I was it could comfortably fit five like me but that's not the point, the point I was focusing on was the lack of any door or window in the room.

I tried to remember how I got there. 'Mind come on start functioning.....nope, no response' my mind was blank and I couldn't remember how I got there. I closed my eyes 'I am probably dreaming,' I opened my eyes again and looked around to find that nothing had changed. The sterile room was the same...pure white without any blemishes.

I inspected my surrounding more carefully. 'Escape first and get your memories back at leisure at home, later after escaping' came to my mind.

Was I in a container of some kind? Was the air I had already used up until now the last oxygen I had for breathing? Was I going to die due to the lack of air after a few minutes? The thought left me totally terrified and I started hyperventilating.

I had been trying to not panic but the idea of being trapped in a room where even air could not enter made me enter super panicked mode. I started feeling the lack of air and started taking in big gulps of air through my mouth. This action made me feel light-headed and I started feeling dizzy.

An oxygen mask dropped out of the ceiling like an airplane, which helped. I started regaining control over my body. The part of the ceiling from which the oxygen mask had dropped had moved over another part like a sliding door. Maybe the container or cabin whatever it was, was made up of other sliding parts.

I was calm enough now after discovering that the air was not going to finish anytime soon. I dropped the mask and it moved back inside the compartment. The door of the compartment moved back to its place, closing the compartment again.

I moved towards the wall in front of the bed and started pressing it, nothing happened. I pushed and pulled with all my might without any success. I gave up after some time as I had exhausted myself.

"Hello is anybody there? You seem to have forgotten about having captured me. I really-really need to use the washroom. Please open a door." I shouted towards the ceiling.

The wall to the right of the bed slid away and a washroom appeared. I ran....more like sprinted to relieve myself. When I was done, I looked around the bathroom curiously.

The bottles on the counter had shapes and letters like I had never seen before. 'Maybe it's some language I don't know about. It could be the language of some unknown country' I tried to convince myself.

'But where on Earth is this country?' I started panicking again.

'No, I have to calm down or else I am as good as dead. The life I have back home has never been so appealing before.'

I moved slowly looking carefully at my surrounding and entered the bedroom again.

I tried to open the wall again; I had to find an escape route.

'Open', 'open door', 'door open', 'open sesame', 'open you kidnapping bastards. Open the door someone....please open this damn container and let me out...I beg you....' I couldn't control myself and burst out crying. I sat down on the floor in a heap and started banging my head on the wall in front of me. I kept crying and bashing my head against the wall. Suddenly, the wall in front of me, on which I had been banging my head, slid open. I toppled forward.

I moved my hands forward to break my fall and stop myself from falling flat on my face. A pair of dark bronze hands grabbed me under the arms. I was lifted up....up....and up, until I found myself looking into a pair of tilted ice blue eyes.

The irises were ice blue but streaks of white colored furrows present inside them were continuously altering like tiny pinpricks of lightening in a stormy sky.

I was unable to command my eyes from moving away, the little storm inside his eyes was like fireworks. Streaks of white lightening dancing in an otherwise silent blue sky.

I forced my eyes to move away and noticed that the other parts of his face were as mesmerizing as his beautiful eyes. His face was a well chiseled master piece. He looked like any other ordinary male except the color of his hair.

His thick hair was the same shade as his eyes, ice blue with highlights of white. His hair color should have made him look funny but it only added to his allure. His skin was bronze colored without any body hair.

I looked down at the rest of him. He was wearing a body hugging suit made up of some shiny blue material. The body suit emphasized his muscular body's shape. In the position at which he was dangling me I could easily guess his height to be around six four.

I was not the only one making assessment on him; he was also looking at me with avid curiosity. He held me aloft with his hands like my weight was nothing to him. He seemed as fascinated with my features as I was with his. He even turned me this way and that way just to get a look at my body more properly.

He lifted me even more after a while and when my bust was at his face's level, he sniffed my cleavage.

"Hey don't do that," I clocked him over his head for his ill mannered behavior.

He looked up at my face curiously and brought me down to his face level.

"Pasne Yeseme?" he asked me in a deep and husky voice.

My brain had at last decided to function again so I remembered everything that had happened that day. He was the tall alien who had kidnapped me. His eyes were the only thing that I had noticed before I had fainted earlier.

"Sorry, I don't speak alien so I cannot answer whatever you asked," I said apologetically, a little afraid of him.

I checked him out again, he packed muscles and I mean major muscles. Muscles we see on Mr. World in our world. He could crush plump me into powder in mere seconds if he so wanted.

He seemed unfazed by my behavior though.

"Palap Chalat Merine?" he asked again.

"Sorry couldn't understand that too, can you please put me down?" I said and wiggled in his hands. I pointed down to show him that I wanted to get down.

He understood the hand gestures and placed me on the floor. I took a relieved breath but I had been happy for no reason as he picked me up again. This time he picked me in princess style near his muscled chest. He moved out of the pristine white sterile room and moved into a fawn colored corridor.