"Hey I told you to put me down not to carry me around," I wiggled in his hold but he kept on walking as if my wiggling was of no consequence.

He moved in a swift speed. His moving speed was the same as my sprinting speed. I knew by now that he wasn't putting me down again so I looked around myself. The flying saucer- if that was where we were still at- was filled with males like him. They all were similar to him but their hair color was different from his.

The whole of the area looked like men filled with different color dyed hair. These aliens were enjoying their leisure time but stopped their activities as soon as we came into view.

They looked at me curiously but didn't approach us; they bowed as we passed them. The one carrying me did not slow his pace or break his stride to acknowledge anyone. He moved inside a room filled with various machines.

I was terrified out of my wits. Were they going to experiment on me like I had seen in alien movies back home? Was I an experimental subject for their research about human species? These thoughts made me fight the hold of the handsome alien with all my might. He tightened his hold reflexively.

"Put me down, I am not a lab-rat to be experimented upon." I shouted and struggled in his hold. I hit him over and over wherever my hands could reach but he seemed totally unaffected. He looked at me curiously with a crooked smile on his full lips.

Four males and a female like him with different colored hair entered the room wearing lab coats of light blue color. I started struggling in earnest now. I hit, kicked and even tried to bite him but his skin was like steel, my teeth could not break the skin and do any harm. I was amazed at the discovery that his skin was not like humans'.

The aliens who had entered the room saw me with amusement in a similar way like how we humans watch animals or small children throwing a tantrum. The female alien said something to my captor in their alien language. The handsome devil, who was about to gift me to them like a new lab-rat, chuckled softly and moved to lay me on a cot that had straps on the sides. The straps were there clearly to tie me to the cot.

They did this on a regular basis then, I was about to die. I kept struggling to escape my fate in these aliens' hands even when I started praying to the billions of Gods to help me. I kept shouting and struggling when he tried to bind my hands and feet with the straps. He easily overpowered me and strapped me to the cot securely.

I was weeping loudly by now. Hard spasms shook my body. I could feel my face getting soaked with tears and my nose was running too. My captor took out a handkerchief from his pant pocket and cleaned my face. I glared at him and tried to move my face away but he held my chin with his other hand when he kept drying my tears and even cleaned my runny nose.

I noticed that the oldest of the group of aliens was approaching me with an injection in his hands. My whole life flashed before my eyes. 'This is it...this is how I am fated to die. I am going to die inside an alien spaceship like a lab-rat,' I spoke up for the last time as I closed my eyes tightly to prepare myself for unimagined torture.

The alien injected me with an unknown medicine and I felt myself drifting off. I tried to struggle against the effects of the medicine. I could not keep my eyes open and gave up the struggle at last.

'The aliens are kind enough to have knocked me out before using my body for the experiments at least,' I thought to myself as I lost myself to oblivion.

My eyelids were laden with weight again and the backside of my left ear was burning with pain.

"Why isn't she awake yet? I thought you knew the amount of Drowzer that can be used on such a small person," I heard the voice of my captor talking to someone. I could recognize the voice quite clearly. I could even understand what he was saying.

My eyes popped open. ' can I understand alien language?' I wondered as I looked at my captor; he was standing near the cot talking to the one who had injected me.

"General look, she is awake," the older alien said to my captor in an excited voice.

"Bride are you feeling alright? Does the operated area pain?" My captor asked me, bending low to look at my face more closely.

"Why did you capture me alien bastard? I am a person, not a lab-rat for you to capture and bring to your lab to be experimented upon. You are more than a are a kidnapping alien bastard," I shouted in a loud voice. The area behind my left ear throbbed with pain and I winced.

"Ahhh...ouch...what did you alien morons do to me? I will kill all of you as soon as you untie me," I threatened in a loud voice once again. The pain intensified making my eyes water.

"She is in pain, give her some pain reliever doctor," my captor said to the alien standing next to him, ignoring all my threats and curses.

"I am not eating any of your alien medicine. Don't you have a brain? Don't you know that your medicines can be fatal to a human like me?" I glared at him.

"The medicines are safe for your kind bride," my captor spoke to me in a soft voice.

"Doctor please give her some medicine to relieve her pain, then I will take her to rest in my quarter," he spoke again in a firm voice.

"Plaaya bring some pain reliever at once," the older alien said, looking at the female alien.

"Here it is," the female alien named Plaaya handed a small black colored pill to the captor.

I closed my lips more firmly, refusing to swallow the disgusting looking pill.

My captor pried my lips open forcefully. He crushed the pill with his fingers and dropped the powder inside my mouth. He forced my lips close again when I tried to spit the pill out.

"You are blessed by the Senemar [God of marriage] my Prince. She sure is feisty, fit to be your soul mate General," the older alien commented with a chuckle.

"Yes she is," my captor said with an answering chuckle.

"I think it's high time for you to explain what operation was done on me earlier," I spoke up once again.

"I fixed a translator in your brain near your left ear for you. You will be able to understand and speak almost every alien language from now on," the older alien replied.

"I think the translator has malfunctioned as I heard him," I said gesturing towards my kidnapper, "calling me his bride," I finished.

"The translator is working properly then, you my dear are the bride the second prince and general of the planet Demarzah has chosen for himself. You two will be wed as soon as we land on our home planet," the older alien announced with a smile.

"What...says who? I am not marrying some alien prince. Turn your spaceship right back and drop me to the exact same place from where you captured me." I ordered in a firm and loud voice.

"You are not returning to your own planet because you are going to marry me. My wolf has already shadow marked you, you are mine," my kidnapper announced in a soft yet firm voice.

The female alien named Plaaya looked at me with an envious look, like I was happy after hearing his declaration.

"What do you mean your wolf has shadow marked me? Do you marry girls if your pet takes a fancy to them? Oh my god don't tell me you have married many girls before me because your pet wolf likes them. Look...from the world I come from, males are allowed to marry just one woman, I won't be a part of your alien bride harem," I glared at my captor once again.

All the occupants started laughing at me like I had just recited a very funny joke.

"She called the wolf your pet general, why don't you make her acquainted to your pet wolf general?" one of the other alien commented in between bouts of chuckles.

"Yeah general let her pet your pet wolf," another of the aliens commented.

My captor smiled as he turned to face me. "I will let you meet my wolf then my bride," he said as he started stripping his body hugging suit.

"What do you think you are you call your private part a pet wolf? You people are really sick; get yourself checked by a doctor in my world..." I trailed away as a gasp of shock escaped my mouth.

The area around the alien captor started shimmering and his body started changing shape. The light faded and in place of my tall and dark handsome alien, a huge wolf stood majestically with white and ice blue colored fur on his body. He walked towards me and stopped with his huge muzzle near my vulnerable neck. He bit me lightly on the area where my neck joined my shoulder.

I came out of my surprised trance and screamed at the top of my lungs. He let go in surprise and moved back a few steps, wincing due to the loud voice.