He changed back to his alien form and pulled on his body hugging suit once again.

"You are a werewolf....oh my God...oh my God....I am kidnapped by an alien werewolf prince." I babbled on and looked up at the ceiling, "You are punishing me for some serious crime aren't you? What did I do to bring upon myself such a huge misfortune? Was it due to my lack of it must be because I never went to the temple? My mother and sister-in-law were telling me the truth; Gods really punish us if we mock their existence. I am convinced that you all really exist, I promise to start fasting once every week. I will visit the temple every Sunday mornings. Please Gods let me wake up from this nightmare now." I kept babbling to the ceiling.

"Do you think she is in shock?" the female alien commented.

"Seems like it, we should not untie her right now just to be safe," a male voice commented.

"She sure is funny, the life on the spaceship will be interesting from now on," another male voice commented.

"She is not here for your entertainment, you seem to have forgotten that she is the second princess of our Kingdom," the older alien was speaking this time.

"She is my bride and no one is allowed to talk to her without my permission," my captor commented.

"All of you should remember that I can hear you all and now thanks to the translator that you fixed in my brain without my permission, I can understand you quite clearly. I am not anyone's bride nor am I here for your entertainment. I am a living human being and I have rights...human rights. I want to be released this instant and returned to my own planet," I finished after I glared at every alien present inside the room.

"What should we do General; she seems to be a little stubborn. Should we release her from her bindings?" the older alien asked my captor.

"I will release her from her bindings myself. I won't be able to take it if any other male touches her now," my captor answered as he moved over to me and started opening the straps that bound me to the cot.

The moment my body was released from the restraint I shot out of the bed. I moved to the farthest corner of the room and picked up a scalpel like thing in my right hand.

"Don't come near me and take me back at once," I said as I pointed my scalpel towards my approaching captor.

"Put that down before you harm yourself," my captor kept walking towards me leisurely without any fear.

"I am not bluffing. I will stab you if you come any closer," I threatened in a firm voice.

He just kept approaching me without taking any heed of my warnings. He stopped just out of reach of my outstretched hand with the scalpel and raised his hands over his head as a show of surrender.

"See I am harmless, please put away the scalpel, you will hurt yourself," he spoke to me in soft voice.

"No, you listen to me and ask your pilot to turn this spaceship to my planet or....or...I will kill you all. You don't know that I can also change into an animal when I am very angry. It's not pretty when my inner animal makes an appearance so let me go when it's still dormant." I tried to bluff my way out of the ship.

"She is a shape shifter as well general, maybe that is why your wolf has shadow marked her. Her animal must be really as powerful as yours to be the mate of your powerful wolf General," the older alien commented.

"Ask her to change General, we also want to know what she looks like in her animal form," the alien female Plaaya requested.

"Bride can you show us your inner animal? We will be very happy to meet her," my captor asked me.

"I told you, my inner animal only appears when I am totally furious. It doesn't make an appearance otherwise. Just trust my words and let me go if you all want to remain alive," I bluffed once again.

"I don't think so bride. I am sure I can tame your inner animal form too. My wolf has chosen you for a reason and once shadow marked, we can never be separated again for as long as we are alive," he proclaimed softly.

"You are talking about marrying each other when we don't even know each other's names yet. I don't know how it's done in your world but in my world we get to know each other before marriage. We call the process dating and it's like a courtship that takes a year or more to become sure of each other's feelings." I lied straight faced for the first time in my life.

These aliens were unaware of anything in my world so why not use that to my advantage, I thought to myself.

"My name is Zywan Kling; I am the second prince and General of the planet Demarzah. I have introduced myself, now it's your turn bride. Tell me your name and what status do you have in your blue colored planet with only one sun?" My captor asked me as he snatched the scalpel from my hand and captured me in his arms once again.

"Unhand me this instance...I...I am a princess too," even if only for my family, "my name is Kuhu Pandey, the princess of Dreamland," well I can be a princess in my own dreamland, "and my family will send a rescue party to your planet if you don't send me back. My family loves me very much and it would be in your best interest if you would return me to them posthaste. If you really want to marry me then you can ask for my hand in marriage from my parents." I can always get rid of you in the population of my own planet easily just be stupid enough to fall for my elaborate lie just one time.

"My inner animal is named a Banshee in my world and is the strongest shape shifter there. It's very rare for a girl to have the power to change into a Banshee. Banshee rarely makes an appearance and when she does nobody is able to control her so I am warning you once again to not make me angry for the safety of your fellow crew members on the flying saucer," they seem to be buying my lies, good job sure know how to make up stories on the spot after reading so many books over the years. I complimented myself and smiled at my clever ploy.

"Banshee you say, the name seems to be of a very fierce being indeed. I am sorry princess Kuhu of Dreamland for abducting you. I will ask the crew to change the direction of the flying ship at once," Zywan said and turned towards the other aliens.

"Please look after the princess for me, I will go and talk to the captain at once," Zywan said and walked out of the room.

I did it...I really made the stubborn alien agree to take me home, I was very happy with myself.

I am so clever with words and imagination; I should pursue my dream of becoming a fiction writer when I return back home, I thought again and smiled at the other aliens in the room.

"Are you hungry princess?" Plaaya asked me.

"Yes... but do you think that I can eat the food that you people eat?" I asked and waited for her answer for I seriously was famished by now as I had only eaten once that day.

"I think the fruits are safe for you," Plaaya answered after thinking for a while.

"Princess my name is Yulaa and I am the head scientist of the planet Demarzah," the oldest alien introduced himself, bowing down smartly.

"I am Vedo, a scientist working under the head scientist," one of the other aliens came up next to introduce himself.

"I am another scientist named Kumaal," the last alien introduced himself.

"You already know my name," the female alien spoke up.

"Hello everyone, it wasn't a comfortable first meeting but I hope we can get along from now on," I said as a way of greeting.

They all looked a little sheepish but smiled nonetheless.

"Please come with me princess and we will find something to eat before the General returns," Plaaya said and started walking out of the room, leaving me no choice but to follow her.

She walked through the same way my captor had brought me earlier. The lounge where the male aliens had been resting was still filled with them. They noticed as we passed them and looked curiously. One of the alien who had grey colored hair walked up to us with a swagger.

"Where are you taking the beautiful lady Plaaya, let her get acquainted with us first," he said as he stood before us blocking our way.

"Maybe later, she is hungry right now," Plaaya answered.

"Let me escort you beauty," he spoke to me with a smile.

"Umm....okay," I answered a little hesitantly. I was not aware of their alien customs. What if I made an issue by turning down their friendly invitation, their General had just recently consented to taking me back to Earth, I did not want him to change his mind.

"Can we join too," several of the male aliens chorused.

"Of course," I answered a little bravely. What could go wrong by letting a few male aliens join me for dinner, I am a professional teacher. I have handled males like them in school. It will be a piece of cake for me. I thought to myself and walked to the dining area confidently.