I got on the bed and lay down on the farthest corner to the left of the bed. The monstrous bed felt like it had shrunk to a single bed's side after Zywan too laid down.

Zywan was huge, I moved a little more to the left to avoid touching him. I already knew that my starved body craved his so it was my biggest concern to keep my own body acting against my principles.

Zywan moved a little towards my direction after he switched off the light by commanding the same girl he commanded earlier who was named Kyla. The girl must be sitting at the main computer that controlled everything on the ship.

I moved a little more to the left slowly and felt myself falling off the bed, a small shriek left my mouth in surprise but I never dropped down. Zywan had caught me midair. He swiftly pulled me in his arms and moved to the center of the bed.

He chuckled silently, "you are so hilarious, I will have to move the bed towards the wall tomorrow or else you will fall off the bed like a newborn," he mocked me in the pitch black darkness.

His tone of voice made me clench my teeth in anger.

"I don't fall off the bed on a regular basis, I was unaware that I was lying so close to the edge," I retorted.

"We will find out after sleeping together for a few nights won't we," he mocked again.

"I am not going to fall again so you can let me go now," I said as I struggled to free myself from his hold.

"Your wiggling will make me forget my vow to not touch you before you ask for it so do us both a favor and sleep silently," he warned in a soft voice. He had started breathing a little faster so I stopped my movements.

He chuckled again, "you are a little obedient right now, good now sleep," he spoke again and fell silent.

I tried my utmost to relax in his hold but my body was not ready to hear any argument and I lay there sleepless most of the night.

"Your breakfast princess," Zywan's amused voice woke me up the next morning.

I opened my eyes and looked sleepily at Zywan standing near the foot of the bed with a tray of breakfast in his hands.

"Oh...what time is it?" I asked as I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Well past the morning, we are docked on the space station and the others are making arrangements for the accommodations as we speak. I waited for you to wake up but you seemed to be unable to wake up on your own so I decided to wake you up for breakfast," he answered and moved to place the tray on my lap.

"I have to go freshen up before eating," I said and placed the tray on the bed stand.

I walked inside the bathroom and returned to a clean room. The bed was already made up and a fresh pair of dress was waiting for me on the bed. The color of the dress this time was ice blue, the same shade he was wearing. He was in one of his body hugging suits once again. His body suit was a little more extravagant this time. There was embroidery over the collar of golden and silver colors. He was wearing a cape over his shoulder embroidered in the same design as his clothes. His knee length boots matched his clothes too.

I picked up the dress and saw that a huge brooch was nestling in the midst of the area which would cover my bust. The brooch was made of ice blue and white stones that were sparkling ostentatiously. The brooch was in the shape of a wolf.

I touched the brooch wonderingly. It looked to be very expensive.

"Where did you find the dress and why are you dressed like that?" I asked curiously.

"We are about to enter a lawless land so it's easier to keep the low lives at bay by showing them our position openly. Poor or weak are easy game but outlaws keep away from royalty and others with a prominent position and as for the dress, it was tailored by our main computer in the same way the one you had worn yesterday," he explained.

"Your main computer designs dresses too," I was amazed.

"Kyla can do almost everything," he stated.

"Kyla is the name of the main computer?" I asked. I had thought Kyla was some female working in the server room and was in charge of the ship. These aliens sure knew how to live up to the stereotypical image of human males. I was amused. Be it Earth or any other planet in the galaxy males would always act like males.

"Yeah," he answered. "Will you eat first, the food won't taste the same otherwise," he spoke again gesturing towards the tray.

"Oh...OK," I placed the dress back on the bed and ate the breakfast he had brought for me. I did not ask him about the contents on the tray, I had to eat something. The more I knew, the more I would feel disgusted so it was bliss to live in ignorance till I returned back home.

Zywan sat on a chair waiting patiently for me to finish eating my breakfast and placed the tray inside another compartment when I was done eating.

"Go and change your clothes, we have to leave the ship in a few minutes," he instructed.

I moved inside the bathroom and came out after putting on the dress. Zywan was waiting with a pair of matching boots and cape when I walked out.

He helped me with the cape, boots and even my hair which he pulled up in a bun with the help of studded combs. I was ready in a few minutes and he nodded his head in satisfaction after looking me over carefully.

"Come it's time to go," he said and placed my hand over his arm. We walked out of his room and he lead me out of the ship.

The dock was buzzing with activity. We were surrounded by a few of his soldiers as soon as we walked out. The soldiers were carrying strange looking weapons in their hands.

I looked around at my surrounding. The aliens that I could look at were all different from each other. A few looked like how humans look but some were so different that they looked like a few experiments on genetic engineering gone wrong horribly. The place was filled with creatures that made for a horror story back on Earth.

I kept looking at the strange aliens curiously and a little fearfully while they too looked at our party in turn. A few of them were more than curious and did not look away after a perfunctory look, they were warned away by the loud growling sounds that our guards were emitting. We walked to a vast cave like dwelling which was the most populated one in the dock. The area inside the cave was well furnished. It was extravagantly decorated. The walls were made of glass that reflected the lights on the ceiling making the huge hall like area well illuminated.

Two beautiful female aliens wearing matching sundresses of white color were standing behind a large desk near the main door surrounded by other aliens.

Our entourage grabbed the attention of the two female aliens immediately. They turned towards us with a smiling visage.

"What can we do for you General?" the first alien asked. Her hair was green colored and the one standing beside her had white hair.

"We have booked accommodation here," Zywan answered in a firm voice.

"Of course General your regular suite has been prepared for you, do you want anything else?" she asked checking him out surreptitiously.

I was amused, her eyes were about to eat him up. I looked over at the other female and found her glaring at me.

I was surprised, what warranted such look; I mused and looked at Zywan. He placed his hand on my waist and glared at the male aliens who were staring at me.

"Nothing else for now, I will inform you later if I and my bride need anything else," he stated in a steady voice.

All the aliens present there looked at me in wonder as Zywan ushered me towards a pair of doors at the end of the hall. We entered a flight of stairs there and moved a few stories upwards.

The whole floor was booked for our entourage. Zywan lead me to the most posh room in the suite and closed the door.

"You can stay here," he said and moved out of the room.

I looked around me and found that the room was like what we have in nearly every hotel on Earth. I got out of the room after five minutes as I was getting bored by myself and the television like thing in the room had programs and news that were beyond my understanding.

All the occupants of the room looked up as I entered. Zywan stopped speaking to the scientists and a few soldiers who had been standing near him.

"I am sorry to disturb you all but I was getting bored by myself. Can I join you all?" I asked and stopped just inside the room.

"Of course, come and sit here," Zywan said and made room for me on the large chair he had been occupying.

"The experiments up until now show that the samples may be of use General," the oldest scientist who had introduced himself as Yulaa said to Zywan.

"As we would be returning to the blue planet again maybe we should pick up more of the same samples we had collected before," Zywan spoke this time.

"That would be best for the sample we collected are already about to run out," Plaaya spoke up.

I looked from one person to another, trying to understand their conversation.

"We can ask for help from the princess' father this time and won't have to leave the planet with haste," Zywan said and looked at me expectantly.

"Uh...can I know what you are talking about first?" I asked hesitantly. My father, 'the king of my imaginary Kingdom Dreamland', had to know what to help them with.

"We have to collect fauna and flora samples from your planet to make our own planet more fertile, the vegetation in our planet is dying due to some reason in the recent years and we have been trying to find a method to stop the plants and trees from dying," Zywan explained in a sad voice.

"Oh... I don't think that would be a problem. My family will help you in acquiring the things that you want," I assured him.

He smiled at me, "Thank you for saying that you will help me," he said.

"Mention not," I answered as I thought how I was going to explain his presence to my rather reserved family. I had lied to these aliens too, how was I going to explain my lies to them, I was feeling my conscience making its presence known. My family was in for a huge shock if I took these aliens back home who looked like grown up humans going through rebellious phase by dying their hair with different colored hair colors.