"Do you want to go for some sightseeing?" Plaaya asked me, disturbing my self-pity-party. I was still mulling over my problems from earlier.

Plaaya was the only person who was present besides a few guards inside the room. Zywan and the others had gone out to see to the refueling and restocking other necessities in the ship.

"Are we allowed to go out?" I asked as I had thought that the area was too dangerous for two females to venture alone.

"Of course...but secretly, what the mates don't know won't hurt them," she said to me mischievously.

"I am game if it's safe; I don't know when if ever again will I be able to visit a space station again. I want to explore and take a few pictures for memory or anyone back home won't believe me even if I tell them," I remembered that I didn't know where my cell phone was, how was I going to take pictures.

"Plaaya where are the things that were in my possession when I was brought inside the ship?" I asked.

"Oh those were in the General's room in the ship, didn't you see them when you woke up," she asked.

"I need my cell phone urgently; can someone bring my things from the ship?"

"No one other than the General, royal family members can enter his quarters without his permission but as you are his bride I am sure he will have no problem if you took your own things from the room," Plaaya said after thinking.

"Come let's go to the ship then," I said and stood up to go.

Two of the alien soldiers accompanied us silently. Plaaya and I moved through the dwelling and walked out in the bright hall and through there to the dock where our ship was visible amongst the other small ships.

"How large is this space station?" I asked Plaaya as we entered the ship.

"It's half the size of your blue planet. What is the name of your planet?" Plaaya answered and asked.

"My planet is named Earth and my species is called Human or Homo sapiens in the scientific term." I answered and placed my open palm on the surface of the door. The door of Zywan's room slid open immediately.

"Where did you keep my things?" I asked again waiting for Plaaya to enter the room as she had stopped outside the door.

"Inside the wardrobe, the bottom of the wardrobe to be more precise," she answered without entering the room.

"Why don't you enter the room and help me look for my things?" I asked again as I could not find my things.

"I cannot enter the room, it is not allowed to enter the living quarters of the royalty without permission," she said.

"I am giving you permission to enter the room," I said exasperatedly, these aliens and their rules, I mused to myself.

"As you wish princess," she said and found my things inside the wardrobe. She handed me the dress I had been wearing as well as my car's key, the hockey stick and my cell phone.

"Oh thank you," I said as I grabbed my things. These things were the last vestige of my life back home. I was returning back but still these things were the only possessions that I could call my own here. I hugged my things to myself a little teary eyed at the thought.

"Are you all right princess?" Plaaya asked me as I sniffled a few times.

"Yeah I am absolutely all right, let's go and enjoy our time here," I said as I wiped my tears and pushed back my shoulders confidently.

I could do anything as long as I wanted to, I was a grown up self dependent woman.

Plaaya walked beside me silently lost in her own thought. We walked out of the ship and inside the dwelling once again. I wanted to leave my things there. I grabbed my hockey stick in one hand and cell phone in the other and I was ready for my adventure.

Plaaya and the guards looked at the hockey stick with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"My personal weapon for self defense," I explained.

"We will protect you with our life princess, you don't have to carry a weapon," the guard with dark brown hair said, his companion had light brown hair.

"I am not leaving my weapon behind," I stated stubbornly.

The two guards looked offended but the stern look that Plaaya turned their way silenced their words.

"Let's go princess," Plaaya said and lead me outside the dwelling.

Plaaya kept on walking towards another dwelling that looked like a pub. The place was overcrowded and overloud. The ambience of the simply furnished bar was of joviality. The inside was like any common pub on Earth.

I was a bit disappointed to find that other than the spaceship everything I had seen so far had been too anticlimactic. I mean no orgies, no blood bath or inter galactic war. The image Alien movies had formed in my mind were not in any way similar to what I had seen so far. The few aliens who had looked gruesome could be marked as one thing off the list of things I had in mind. I had a list as long as a roll of toilet paper but the reality was too mundane.

The aliens inside the pub were enjoying their time. A few female aliens were serving the customers. I had a serious case of getting disillusioned on the matter regarding aliens. Aliens were like humans, too duh to be even noticed other than looking different.

"Is this a pub?" I asked Plaaya in a whisper even though I had already made the deduction.

"Yes, it is the most famous pub in this space station. The drinks here are simply divine and the performances on the stage are most entertaining," she said as we took our seats near the bartender.

The bartender was a well built male who had four arms. He was busy mixing drinks with his arms four at a time. I looked at him and wondered how easy it must be to do every work by using four limbs at a time and his tailor must have to make clothes according to his body.

"He makes the most famous drinks," Plaaya commented again after she placed order of drinks for both of us.

The unwanted aliens who tried to approach us were being warned away by our guards so we were free to enjoy our time without any hindrance.

A handsome alien who resembled Zywan a lot entered the stage with a few beautiful alien females. He looked to be enjoying his time with them.

"Holy Menemar [God of life], we are screwed," Plaaya exclaimed loudly and swore a few times at herself. "I shouldn't have brought you to this pub. General is going to skin me alive for sure and if he doesn't complete the task his younger brother and my mate will complete it for him," Plaaya said in a panicked voice as she looked at the alien I had been looking at too. Plaaya was looking at him with fear.

"Princess I think we should leave before the youngest prince Manan becomes aware of your identity. Come let's leave quietly," Plaaya whispered in my ear silently and tried to usher me towards the overcrowded door of the pub, none too hastily.

"What...who is prince Manan?" I asked when we reached the door.

"Prince Manan, we are here...." The guard with light brown hair shouted at the top of his lungs.

Plaaya stopped in her tracks rigid with shock and fear. She too looked in the direction of the handsome alien on the stage.

The alien Prince named Manan looked at us sharply. His eyes moved over the two guards with a friendly smile. He moved his smiling gaze towards Plaaya next. His eyes stopped at my face and his expression turned to curiosity.

He moved to join us.

"The time to run has gone, it's time for punishment now, I should as well enjoy the tasty drink to numb my senses," Plaaya muttered and dragged me towards the seat we had recently vacated.

I sat down waiting for Plaaya to explain everything to me but she just sat there waiting silently for the newcomer to join us.

I looked up at the newcomer. He was about as tall as Zywan, with the same stature but the color of his hair and eyes were indigo blue with streaks of white.

His hair looked like someone had dyed it with the liquid women on Earth use to dye white colored cotton clothes to make the clothes look blue white instead of the pale white cotton changes to after a few washes. I giggled at the thought.

I knew that I was babbling in my mind but I was feeling kind of woozy after I had drank a few glasses of the strange golden colored fruity drink that the bartender had placed in front of me.

The drink tasted amazingly fruity. It tasted a bit of sweet, sour and smelled like ripe mangoes in a hot summer noon. I gulped the whole drink after I took a small sip and the taste hit my tongue.

I had thought the drink was non-alcoholic so I kept on gesturing to the bartender to refill my glass as soon as I finished.

"Plaaya what are you doing here without your mate and who is this beautiful lady accompanying you?" Prince Manan asked looking at me curiously up close.

"Uh...nothing I came here with the Princess to enjoy our stay," Plaaya answered in a small voice and an innocent expression.

"I did not know that brother was tasked to escort Princess of some alien planet. So your mate knows that you have come to the pub with the princess?" Prince Manan asked and looked me over carefully again. His eyes stopped on the brooch nestled on my more than ample bust. His eyes narrowed and he moved a little closer. He sniffed me like an animal.

I giggled once again, "Are you going to sniff my crotch next like a dog?" I asked in a slurred voice.

Everything had started to shake a little, "why are you shaking, can't you stand still? I will get a headache if you keep doing that," I complained to him, closing my eyes for a second.

"Tell me she is not and you did not come here without informing my brother and your mate," Prince Manan said and pulled me in his arms when I was about to drop down from the seat.

"Hey don't get so close to me or I will kill you," I said again as I tried to swat his hands.

He had the same reaction as Zywan that is....none, I chuckled again. "You aliens are so powerful huh...don't you feel that I am hitting you," I kicked his shin next but he just looked at me with an amused expression.

"She sure is feisty, my brother must be thanking Senemar," he commented as he picked me up in his arms.

"Help Plaaya to the Cavern," Prince Manan commanded the two guards as he walked out of the pub.

I took a last look over his shoulder 'The Great Taranian Pub' was written over the huge wooden double door of the pub.