My mind registered that I was able to read the alien alphabets but I wasn't able to focus on the thought for too long.

Prince Manan carried me straight to the room where Zywan had left me earlier and placed me on the bed. He undid my hair and boots. He took off my cape next and stood in front of me.

I had made several attempts to stop him from doing the above mentioned things but he had easily overpowered me.

"You can't handle me in this way mister....I am a human female with human rights," I said and hiccupped loudly at the end.

He looked at me with an amused expression and did not speak.

"Do you think you are a CEO or something to stand there looking at me with that amused expression on your face....I will have you know I am not to be trifled with....I...I am a teacher and a damn strict one at that," I glared at him and hiccupped again. The hiccup made me lose my balance and I plopped on the bed.

"What has happened to the floor damn it...why won't it remain steady..." I said as I glared at the said floor which happened to be the mattress on which I was sitting.

A deep male chuckle made me look at the source of the sound. Prince Manan was laughing out loud.

I smiled at him, "will you share the joke, I want to laugh too," I said to him.

He chuckled some more and sat down on a chair by the door.

"Looks like I will have to guard the Shadow Marked Mate of my second brother for the time being. You are the most interesting female I have come across in my whole life. If all the females in your Planet are as amusing as you then I would love to visit your Planet too," he said as he relaxed on the chair.

"You want to go with us to my planet...okay then tag along as we are going to return there after a week," I said to him again.

"Brother did not inform anyone that he is making a return trip to the blue planet again," Prince Manan mused aloud.

"He is taking me back as I am the princess of Dreamland and my father will send a rescue party to your planet if you won't return me back to my family and I will only marry him according to my planet's custom otherwise I won't let him try anything funny with me," I said with a wink and giggled again as I was still lying to yet another alien straight faced.

"Try something funny..."he asked with a puzzled expression but then his expression cleared and he chuckled aloud.

"Getting lessons on restraints is he, I will be damned. His balls will surely turn blue before he reaches there and marries her. He cannot even think of touching other female after shadow marking, poor General," Prince Manan said and laughed some more.

"Do you know that since you have made an appearance in front of us, I have not been able to understand the cryptic remarks that everyone has been making." I told him sternly.

"I want to look at brother's face when he finds you in this condition. I am glad that I decided to come here instead of going for carousing as fourth brother had suggested. It looks like that the voyage to the blue planet will be most entertaining." He said again to no one in particular.

"So how long did my brother say his errand will take?" Prince Manan asked me.

"He did not tell me anything other than that he would return as soon as possible," I was still slurring my words and hiccupping.

The fuzzy feeling that had taken over my body felt good though. My body felt as light as a feather and I was happy. I was euphoric for some reason and I was missing my life at my home a little less.

"I will make him run back," Prince Manan announced and took out a small transparent piece of plastic from his pant pocket. The plastic piece was totally transparent and was about two inches in length and around ten inches in breadth. Prince Manan pulled the transparent screen from around two inches to fourteen inches and waved his hand over it. The screen like surface lit up. The image of a lovely scantily clad alien female filled the screen which was visible on both sides.

"Kyla can you make a call to my second brother?" prince Manan said to the image.

"Of course my prince," the sexy female gave the answer in a seductive voice from the screen and the image of the female disappeared, replaced by an image of an arrow and the sound of a dial tone.

The image of Zywan filled the screen next, "hey little brother, are you free to remember a mere brother when you can forget the whole universe in the wholesome heat of a Poranian female," Zywan asked smiling at Prince Manan.

"I did not go to the pleasure planet Polania with fourth brother. I heard from one of our informers that there is something of interest on this space station Tarania so I came here to take a look. I found that you have shadow marked a very fine female when I went to the pub here and brought her back to the Cavern as she is totally wasted. Take a look at your mate brother, she seems out of sorts a little," Prince Manan said and turned the screen to face me.

I smiled and waved my hand, hiccupping. Zywan's smile turned to a scowl when he looked me over carefully.

"How much did you drink bride?" he asked me.

"Just a few glasses of the tasty mango flavored drinks," I said and lifted five fingers to show him that he could count them and find for himself.

"Are you coming back brother, your bride was at the pub with Plaaya and only two guards," Prince Manan informed him.

"Mother of all Gods, Plaaya will have to be kept on leash or else she will be the cause of my early demise," Zywan exclaimed angrily while Prince Manan chuckled.

"I will be there in a few minutes; can you please keep an eye on the troublesome duo till then?" Zywan requested Prince Manan.

"Of course brother, I am guarding your bride till you return. You don't have to even ask," Prince Manan said and the screen turned back to the image of the female from before.

"Anything else my Prince," the female purred seductively again. She pouted at the Prince and blew kisses at him.

Prince Manan said no and shut off the plastic piece once again.

"Can I take a look at that thing?" I asked and moved my hand forward in a silent demand.

He brought the screen to me after unlocking it and placed it on my hand. I turned it to look more carefully when the female appeared on the screen once again.

"Who are you and why did you steal Prince Manan's Compucomm?" she asked in a stern voice.

"I did not steal it," I answered the image as I moved it closer to get a good look at the female.

A shock like electric current made me drop the thing on the bed with haste.

"Did you enjoy your punishment, now return it to my Prince at once or else I will blast you with a destroyer," she commanded again.

Prince Manan picked up the thing in his hand hastily and turned the female's image to face him, "I am right here Kyla, why did you do that to my new sister?" prince Manan asked angrily to the image.

"New sister?" Kyla questioned sulkily.

"My second brother's shadow mate," Prince Manan explained as he looked at me with concern.

"If you have done any lasting harm then be ready to be replaced by a newer version," he threatened.

"I am sorry my Prince and the new Second Princess," Kyla spoke apologetically.

"It's all right," I said and avoided touching the thing again.

"I will have to inform Second Brother about what you did and only he will be able to decide your punishment," Prince Manan stated and switched it off.

Zywan entered the room followed by his entourage for the day and walked straight to me. The others stopped at the door and greeted Prince Manan.

Zywan sat down beside me and pulled me in his arms. He lifted me up and placed me on his lap as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.

I hit him over his head, "hey what are you doing?" I asked angrily. He was getting intimate to me in front of others still present inside the room.

He did not let go or mind my hits. He pulled his face away after a while and looked me over carefully.

"Vedo you should be itching to get your hands on your own female by now," Zywan said to the Scientist named Vedo.

"I am itching to spank my female General," Vedo answered with clenched teeth.

"You can go and take care of your female, you all are dismissed for the day," Zywan announced as he pulled me more tightly in his embrace.

"See you later Princes and Princess," all the aliens said and left the room.

"Should I spank you too?" Zywan asked me in an amused soft voice.