The price of power and the scythe.

"Now about your class as from what you can see you never got any bonuses from it right? disappointed, don't be yet for what you have is special a shadow reaper absorbs powers from souls you have defeated. Once you absorb your first soul you will get your "souls" stat that quantifies how much much soul power you have as for what to do with that, that's for you to find out about." Shadowless said in amusement.

"Haha cant wait to find out actually," Slade smiled and asked, "Not that I'm ungrateful but I must ask why are you doing this for me?"

"Three reasons actually the initial reason was that we share the same affinities to our essences without I would have killed you on sight."

"I figured as much, please continue."

"Second reason is I find you quite unique, I read part of your memories and from that, I can tell you have quite a twisted perspective as you are quite indifferent about life. Even right now I can see you hardly care about me reading your memories and are more interested in how I did it."

"You are right I stopped caring long ago I am only here to find if there is anything of interest to me in this game or whatever this is. Now for the main reason, please?"

"As you can tell I'm currently absorbing a lot of souls, and the reason is that I was injured a long time ago by mighty beings you can not even fathom. I'm about 95% healed and a lot stronger from then but they are close to finding where I am hiding. I can kill them all but it will come at a price, so when you came stumbling into my cave I got a great idea."

"So basically you made me into your vessel so you can hide your power inside me and possess me."

"Wrong, where is the fun in that. I made you my kin that has the same potential as me so you could hide my soul next to yours and hide my power in your shadows. I will help mentor you while you will actively find items that can heal me completely then we will both grow strong enough to conquer everything on our paths." Shadowless said excitedly.

"You are right this is far more exciting, I look forward to working with you," Slade said with a grin.

After talking about their future goals and plans they made a soul pact promising to not betray each other, where if one of them tries to they will die immediately. Without the need Shadowless gave the scythe to Slade but not before taking the bleed gem and melting it into the scythe, turning the accent from blue to purple.

[Bleed Enchantment Gem

Type: Weapon enhancement

Grade: Legendary]

[Spectral Scythe:

Type: Scythe

Equipment Requirement: Shadowless or Slade.

Grade: Mythic (unique).

Property: Multiplies physical and magical attack by 500%;

Ignores defense;

Essence adaptable;

Shadow essence amplifier;

Deals extra damage with how much you make the enemy bleed through the weapon;

Skills: Integration: You can integrate the weapon with your body effectively hiding it but keeping it equipped at all times.

Sacrificial slash: Cost: 80% of HP: By sacrificing your health you empower your next attack by 500% for a single target or 200% across multiple targets.

Description: An ordinary scythe that gained its power by slaying millions of lives in a single slash by a powerful being.

Cannot be dropped, stolen, lost, or traded]

After seeing all of its stats Slade could see why this scythe was mythic, especially the essence adaptable property allowing him to switch the essences he is using through the scythe effortlessly.

With that settled, Slade felt something pass through his body and settle to a part next to his soul before attaching itself to it. As shadowless's enemies are tracking its soul, by attaching himself to Slade's soul he can hide and stay low until he recuperates. Shadoless's power and body will be separated and sealed into Slade's shadow where none can find it.

"Word of advise before we leave and blow up, I will be able to share your senses but if you get yourself into major trouble I will not be able to help much as soon as I use my powers outside we will be in a far greater trouble." its voice sounded in his head making Slade realize he will have to get used to it from now on.

"Noted but I prefer it this way but when the time comes, I will with or without your permission." He said in his mind.

"Hahaha you can try but if your soul gets corrupted by my dark mana don't blame me."

With one last look at the cave where this all began his body blew up to pieces along with everything around.

[You have died but through some unknown power you did not lose any items or EXP]

When he respawned next to the fountain in the city he found a quiet place before logging off.

Getting up from the pod was horrified when he heard a voice in his mind.

"So this is your world in which you live in Slade."