Coincidental meeting and the viscount.

"So this is your world in which you live in Slade."

Slade turned to his shadow and found part of it branching out and changing shapes until it formed into a black cat with deep blue eyes.

"I keep trying to tell you that this is not a mere game, besides we are going to be together from now on so better get used to me being around."

Slade thought for a bit before accepting the situation and thought that having a pet is not so bad until he tried to pet the cat.

"Treat me like a pet and I will crush your heart again, and I'm only in this form because not all my power came through with you."

Reluctantly retracting his hand Slade asked.

"So what's going to happen to this world from now on, is this an apocalyptic situation we talking about?"

"Nothing is going to affect this world for about two years, I am a special case where the system has no control over me so I could come here in a limited form through you and if you people can get strong enough in the "game" nothing major would happen here."

"Well I have you as a potential nuke so I am not that worried, so should I explain this world and its technology to you?"

"Please do."

So Slade unlocked his phone and download a few videos for the cat to watch before he took his nap.

When Slade woke up he found a black cat playing games on his phone, thinking nothing of it he felt a bit peckish.

"Kitty cat do you want some food I'm going out."

"Sure let's go out I want to see the world, and you know I can turn you into a cat in the game right."

"Haha, we will not be in your cave anymore try that and watch as they find you."

"I will remember this. Oh, and can you get one of those phones for me."

"No problem just wait till the update comes."

It might have looked weird as a young man walked nonchalantly through the streets with a black cat on his shoulder looking at everything curiously but Slade had better things to worry about as he sat down at the restaurant. After ordering food for him and shadowless the waiter said...

"Sorry sir but if you bring pets to this, you will be responsible for its mess," and then left.

"Hear that don't be a bad cat and shit everywhere."

While Slade and the cat were bickering amongst each other in their minds and eating their food a voice interrupted them.

"Hey, brother fancy meeting you here."

Sighing Slade looked up and saw Andrew and thought that he has to now change restaurants.

"Sure it is now what do you want this time."

"I came to apologize for last time I was inconsiderate."

"Ok so what now.'

"I just want us to add friends in the game so we could hang out in there."

"That's fine we could play together when I'm free."

"I'm guessing it's you who got top ten in rankings with no class then switched to a unique class, congrats," Andrew said with a smile

"Thanks, man."

"So can you tell me how you did it and if there are other opportunities?"

Looking at the cat that is shaking its head Slade replied...

"No I'm afraid not."

"That is unfortunate, I see you have a new pet never figured you were that type of person."

"Well I sort of stumbled across him and now we are and by the way, I'm in the eternal empire at Evergreen city if you need me."

With that Slade headed home integrated the cat into his shadow and logged back into Limits.

Back in the city, a few well-armed guards stopped Slade who thought he was in some kind of trouble.

"Stop traveler our lord wishes to meet you urgently."

Without waiting for his response they escorted him to the biggest mansion he had ever seen where they stopped as they reached the open gates. an elderly man with a butler suit came to and bowed...

"Please follow me our esteemed guest my lord Viscount Hemington is waiting in his office."

'So that is his name'

While following him Shadowless warned...

"Remember this, people are in power because off reasons you do not want to find out about currently."

"Do I look like I would offend everyone I know what, never mind."

And with that, they reached the office where a middle-aged man with thick muscles was waiting.

"Greetings traveler Slade, come sit down we got much to discuss." boomed a loud voice.

Unintentionally bowing half-heartedly and sitting down Slade replied with...

"Greetings Viscount Hemington I heard so much about you glad to meet you in person."

"Before we begin I want you to serve your allegiance to me and my cause."

[ Name: Slade

Species: Shade(demi)

Gender: Male

Level: 10 [0%]

Title: Mythological

Class: Shadow reaper

Blessing:Shadowless(+10% to every stat;Revive skill)



Physical damage:78

Magical damage:740

Strength: 35+5+4

Agility: 75+15+8

Endurance: 20+2

Intelligence: 34+3

Vitality: 22+3

Charisma: 20+2

Luck: 32+3

Attribute skills:0

Physical defense:22+55

Magical defense:50%(except for light and holy magic)


Inspect Lvl.1: Cost: 1 MP, can see information about monsters that do not exceed the user's level by more than 10 levels.

Meteor Strike Lvl.2: Cost:90 MP, when falling down heights greater than 2m while perpendicular to the ground while facing it with a weapon, you can perform a falling strike that can impale the enemy. The greater the height the greater the damage caused(beware fall damage will still count).<220 Physical damage x (0.6 x maximum height(m) before falling(maximum of 20m) >

Kick you while you are down: Cost:10 MP per kick, when an enemy is immobilized to the ground you can start kicking them for extra physical damage.<+50 Physical Damage when kicking>

Sprint Lvl.1: Cost 20 MP/S: while active the skill increases your movement speed by 10%<+10% movement speed>

Deadly strikes Lvl.1: Cost 50 MP: Unleash a set of three fatal strikes where each one is progressively faster.<1st strike: 90% of your physical attack;2nd strike: 100% of your physical attack;3rd strike:110% of your physical attack. (30-second cooldown)

Ignite Lvl.1: Cost 100 MP: Set your weapon ablaze and deal fire damage that scales off your intelligence

Instincts Lvl.1: Cost ?:?

Revive Lvl.max: Cost 200MP:?]