No Loss to Me

"Is that what you're going to say to the management? That we're stealing from you?" The manager chased June across the hallway to the HR department head's office where he would need to submit his notice. He would be breaking his ten-year contract with Drawn Wings, so he needed to know the consequences of his move. Not that anything would stop him at this point.

"Why? Are you not? Well, you're not technically stealing… you're just tossing my signed projects to someone else as soon as you realize that it will be big." June didn't filter his words even if they were taking the winding route to the department head's office. "I'm already letting myself be the one breaching the contract at this point."

"June, don't be like this. That's a ten-year contract! Do you know who only receives those things?"

June held the door, but he only smiled darkly at the manager before opening it. "Yeah, the stupid ones who look gullible enough to double as a sieve for another actor."

When he swung the door open, he was not looking ahead. That was why he was rather caught off-guard when the HR department head almost run into him. However, they both managed not to collide against each other.

The department head was a redhead who had the stature of a model. In fact, she used to be one of the agency's talents, but she decided to go full-on office. She then frowned at the man holding the door. "Mr. Verrier, just in time. Follow me."

"Are we going somewhere? Are you also talking me out of this?" June only lifted a brow. He didn't realize he was such a big asset if the HR department head was willing to bargain. After all, June had also seen a lot of other talents leaving without the agency asking them to stay.

"Ho-ho, don't think too highly of yourself." The head only chuckled before breaking into a serious face again. "It's the boss that wants to speak with you."

"Isn't that worse?" June only followed the redhead to a conference room on the same floor, the manager chasing them around as well. "This is getting really suspicious. You guys don't need me apparently. Why are you—?"

The redhead waved her hand and did a gesture to shush him. "Let's talk there, not here."

She then moved ahead again, soon arriving at the supposed conference room. Unlike what June thought, the redhead was not trying to prank him at all. Their big boss was indeed sitting at the table, savoring the coffee that was served to him. It's just that there was only one other chair.

With a hand gesture, she asked June to proceed inside. A side-eye was enough to make the talent manager back off and just wait outside the conference room. June only took in the sight before walking in, letting the door close behind him.

The actor took the chair and sat down properly. "Mr. Stallis, I would make introductions, but… I really have no idea why I'm getting sat down like this. You know my track record, so… you'd know I'm not going to be too much of a loss."

"Do you believe that? I heard that you said that the newest blockbusters we have are supposed to be yours, not Alexander's." The boss looked at June's face. "Do you believe that you're not as good as he is? That you're no loss to me?"

"…with all due respect, Mr. Stallis, I don't think so, but the treatment I'm getting is telling me that the agency thinks that I'm nothing as good as that guy." June only watched the man intently. "This agency has given me good chances of hitting stardom, but after making one movie, my roles… most of my roles have been taken away again and again."

"Hm, should I… give you a counteroffer?" Mr. Stallis's face was hard to read, but it remained to be as stern as an immovable man. "I just received news of a star-studded fantasy project. Are you interested? I can secure the spots for the main leads."

June only smiled before shaking his head, making the boss frown at him. "Sorry, Boss. Even if I say 'yes' to something like that, what's my guarantee that Reed won't take it? It's not like I haven't been trying to fight for my right to my roles. What has the agency done to my complaints? Nothing. I'm not going to be fooled again."

Mr. Stallis then lifted his brows. "I'm planning to send you three, along with Prudence. What do you say? Alexander can't steal a role if he had one in it, can he?"

For a moment, June grew silent. He pursed his lips and only stared at the table.

He had no idea whether it was another hook to make him stay longer. After all, even if he clinched this role and secured it to the end, what's his guarantee that his roles would stay as his for the next projects? It's just that… if that movie was going to be filled with A-listers…

Brent's words echoed in his mind. He needed to prove that he was so good that he needed A-listers to act with him. Maybe, by then…

"Sorry, Boss. Can I call someone to help me decide?" June brought his eyes up. "I made my mind up to leave, but even I can tell that a project like this is too big to miss."

"I will allow that. You can come back tomorrow." The boss smiled widely, but his lips were still touching. "Also, let me lay down the consequences. If you leave Drawn Wings with the mindset that damages our reputation, then I might have to make sure that you will regret it. I'm pretty sure you know how influential I can become."

June only nodded. He was already being backed into a wall. If he chose to leave, he had to be ready to dive into another level of Hell. After all, this Mr. Stallis owned more than a talent agency. At the conclusion of the meeting, June opted to leave the conference room.

When he walked out, his manager was still there. However, he just didn't say anything to the man. No one should know that the boss planned to let the three of them get main roles in that upcoming movie. It's just that… he still had this feeling of loss.

"What will Lantis say?"