You Already Have Me

["You've reached me, but I can't…"] The message was not even done yet, but June had already ended the call. How stupid was it to think that Lantis would be available any time he called? Wasn't the guy supposed to be part of a big family? He must be dealing with a lot of difficult businesses connected to the Castelli.

When June pocketed his phone, he only looked up at the bright blue sky. This was supposed to be his freedom day, and yet… he continued to suffer.

"What's interesting about the sky?"

June's entire body trembled. He darted his gaze at the space in front of him, seeing how Lantis walked up the stairs leading to the entrance of Drawn Wings. The actor looked around swiftly, not knowing why no one seemed to recognize Lantis.

The demon only laughed out. "Don't be like that, June. We are demons. We have our tricks to avoid getting recognized unless you start introducing me to the people around you."

With a soft growl, June pocketed his hands and walked down the steps, not even waiting for Lantis to reach him. "How convenient. Can I have some of that? Let's hit a café or something before talking. I have something very important to ask you."

"I hope it's not how I get here in time."

"You're even late. I've been calling you since five minutes ago." June chuckled as he hid the joke. Actually, he just called minutes ago, and Lantis came regardless if he wanted to meet the demon or not. Perhaps, he didn't really have to answer the phone if he could just randomly come when called.

The two then walked around for a while, June liking the fact that he could walk in his normal getup and not be mobbed by paparazzi and reporters. After all, the rumors were still hot on the Internet, and he shouldn't be out here. However, look, he's walking like some average person getting his coffee before heading to a 9-5.

Just because the lines for cafés at this time of the day were abysmal, Lantis dragged June to a little bakeshop instead. The pink-orange-cream color scheme was cozy and warm, getting June drunk from the atmosphere that the place was making. Even if they didn't have his favorite signature drink, they served him his new favorite.

The steam coming from the coffee in front of Lantis was not enough to cover his view of June's side of the table. Seeing that side was making Lantis laugh, especially when the coffee arrived. The actor didn't seem to care about his diet again, grabbing a latte with art on its foam… along with slices of bread. It was as if he was sampling all the flavors that they could offer.

"Don't laugh at me. I'm depressed," June whispered as he glanced at the demon. He then used a finger to choose which one to eat first. After taking a big bite at the chocolate-mousse-flavored one, he then asked, "I normally see you just drinking. Don't demons eat?"

"Not only is human food too processed for my taste, but I'm not really big on eating. We get our energies somewhere else, so no need to bother about me." Lantis leaned his chin on his fist. "Just continue eating. I can buy you anything you like."

"…that bothers me. I will look like someone you pick up from the streets ALL the time." June looked down at the multiple plates on his side of the table before cutting up slices from his bread. He got some of them on one plate. "Here, here, you eat. They're good."

At the offer, Lantis only looked down at the bread that he could smell from where he was. Realizing that June was watching him, the demon couldn't help but take a small bite from one. Even if it was better than the food a thousand years ago, it was still not enough to tickle his fancy. He just hoped that June would grow bored watching him eat.

It's just that… June had mastered the ability to eat without looking at his food. It was as if he often did this while reading through the script while taking his lunch. Moreover, he would also cramp all his other activities altogether due to the tight schedule of the shoots; how many nights did he eat while watching his streamed shows?

"Are you really not going to stop watching me?" Lantis smiled deeper, but his brows frowned. He was already more than halfway through the coffee and the bread slices. "Aren't you worried that someone would find it odd for you to continue doing that?"

"You won't eat if I don't watch." June took it as a complaint and stopped. He brought his eyes down and ate. "Anyway, I got so carried away I forgot why we came here in the first place. So… my big boss just offered to get me a main role in another project with other A-listers. Reed and Prudence will join me, so there can't be any role theft. I just… don't know if I should take it."

"Don't take it. You already have me." Lantis took a sip of his coffee, bathing in the intensive gaze of the actor. "If it is a project of that caliber, then a lot of money is needed to be poured into it. Producing it will be too heavy on one person alone."

"…I forgot that producers have that kind of power." At the thought, June only nodded. He then looked up at the man again and flashed a meaningful smile. "So… does the Castelli have something that I should celebrate?"

Lantis only smiled. "Nothing definitive, but don't you love surprises?"

June's brows lifted before he chuckled, taking a sip of his latte. "Well, yes… yes, I do, but I would appreciate it if I could react properly to it for maximum effect."

"I don't think you won't have trouble keeping up with such a thing. After all, your skills are impeccable." After he spoke, Lantis glanced down to eat the last piece of the bread given to him, satisfied that he didn't disappoint June about the food at least.

At this, June knew that he might never know the moves of the demons until they were already dealt. For now, he should just think of a way to prepare for whatever scenario they were hoping to draw. It's just that…

June suddenly laughed. "Crap, I left my car at the agency."