Playing Games

When June came to the film school to take a look at their final product, he didn't realize that he would run into someone… he wasn't keen on meeting, either. Instead of speaking with his friend for a bit longer, he ended up staring at the woman straight in her eyes. Since she was still smiling, he decided to walk with Brent toward the directress.

"Director…" June only feigned a smile toward her. "It's been a long while. How have you been?"

"Ecstatic. Alas, I have found a weak point in your impregnable defense." The woman only chuckled at her joke. "After you suddenly dropped [House of Paradise], I was not offered a good reason from your management… or a good one as a replacement. That Reed guy is good enough to carry the role you vacated, but my standards? Jonathan must be crazy."

She then linked her arm with that of June as if making sure he was not going to escape her. "Not only me, but you also skipped Mariano once. He took it more seriously than I did. You little child, you only know how to make Quinn happy. But now, you even volunteered for a final exam? I'm only lucky Brent here has been a good student. Else, I would have missed the chance."

At her words, June felt more uncomfortable. He wanted to send signals of discomfort to his friend, but Brent was only frowning at him while they walked to the auditorium. The fatty teacher looked scary when he was the one angry.

"Director, what do you mean… he dropped [House of Paradise]? Isn't that like… one of your most recent blockbusters?" Brent's eyes didn't shine the way they used to as if he was so confused he grew furious.

"Before the film was publicized, we had a different roster." The director huffed. "June here was supposed to play the main role, but lo and behold, his management suddenly shoehorned someone else in his place. We already got everything ready, and some scenes already had sample takes to give everyone the vibe I was after. They're lucky June had done so much for the film."

At this, June snorted at her claim. He then sighed as he ended up taking the attention of the two. "Sorry. You didn't hear this from me, but Wings took away a lot more. Not only [House of Paradise] and [Season of Paper Planes]. Mostly all of Reed's new movies are all supposed to be mine."

He then waved his hand when he felt that they were trying to say something. "But that's all in the past now. I'm quitting Wings, so… there might some delay before you see my face out there on the big screen. That's why I don't want to taint this memory of me judging a college film."

A smile graced the director's face before she only shrugged to give in to June's request. As for his friend, Brent was sent into a thinking frenzy. He then regained his normal mood and laughed darkly. "I knew it, something is wrong with your other films. So, you are getting paired with other A-list actors…"

"Nah…" June just made his friend forget his own thoughts with another wave of his hand. "I said drop it. Erm, Director, are you one of the panelists? I'm surprised an award-winning director like you would show up in a school."

"I already said so earlier. I came here to see you… your documentary, rather. Brent was a student of mine when I was still teaching. Since he asked me to come and grade his class's product, I did." The director chuckled at her palm. "I saw [Her Boss in Giantess City] earlier. That girl has potential."

As they sat in the auditorium, June took in the background shots of the class. It was as if he could delete himself as the narrator for the film. The tomb was indeed older than what the papers could prove. For that place to be where a grand demon like Lucirien was caged … he wondered what he did that broke the chains holding down the supposed cursed creature.

After the viewing, he had a discussion with the other panelists about the film for a few minutes. Based on the rubrics given, the class already gave a commendable output. It might not be the best, but there was only so much that they could do for a documentary. Next semester, June was looking forward to seeing what they would do for a short literary film.

Then again, it was as if the panelists were all happy to come because June was the narrator of the film. They didn't expect to find him there, but they were just talking about his new film [Her Boss in Giantess City] and the injustice of making him act with those B-list people. It's just that June had no choice. A job was a job to him, especially when it was the only thing feeding him.

"To think about it, Mariano is preparing for another star-studded film." The movie critic, who stood as one of the panelists, hummed as he tapped his pen on the table. "You should audition for a role in it, June. Mariano doesn't know that you have quit the agency yet. He swore to blacklist you and Wings because of what you did to him with [Season], but he will understand if Wings is shortchanging you."

"Can we keep that as a secret, at least? I don't even know how Director told you without me hearing when I'm here the whole time." June only laughed at the suggestion. If the new star-studded fantasy film was the one to be directed by Mariano Gaza, then June didn't know how to tell them that Drawn Wings offered him a lead role in it.

"Alex Reed is worshiped by the media, but by the pros, not so much." The critic shrugged his shoulder. "I haven't released my critic on that new movie he launched with Prudence Lang, but some scenes made me doubt my eyes. I thought I was watching you with the delivery he was doing. Even in [House of Paradise], I had the same feeling."

The directress named Christine Cavanaugh laughed. "I'm right here. Why are you not asking me?"

June only made a strange face. He then turned to another panelist, who started asking questions about the tomb where they shot the documentary. Of course, June only said what was in the files that were given to him. With everyone having their own conversations, they even forgot to compute the grade of the documentary with the time first given to them.

When June got home, it was already past eight. He was still wearing the nobody guise that Lantis had cast on him. However, he wondered why a lot of reporters were camping outside his home. Because he was so absorbed with taking a stroll around the city with Lantis after the school appointment, June forgot to check his phone and everything else spoken about him.

He moved cautiously as he scrolled through the tidbits of showbiz news on his feed. However, he stopped walking when he came across one piece that had blown out of proportion. The people who took photos were so good at manipulating them that it looked like June wanted to run over Alexander.

A smirk only curled his lips, but he simply slipped inside his home without bothering with the reporters. "You really want to play this game with me, Reed?"