The Same Blood

"Is Simon finally dead?"

June was still trying to fight the need to rise, but he heard his brother's voice. He even spoke of a future that they all wished to be so near. It's just that June could actually make Simon disappear through the demons. He just didn't know how much it would cost him.

Since Pete was awake, June decided not to budge more. He didn't want his brother to see him and grow wild again, especially in front of their mother. Even if he should be making his way to Perseus by then, June wished to stay longer—just listening to his family's voices.

"Pete, that's not nice." Freya, however, laughed as she hooked her hair behind her ear. "He's my mistake, and I want him to vanish as well, but… we shouldn't wish bad fortune on others as it would be cast on us as well. Here, I brought you some undergarments. You should change when they wipe you down some other time. Oh, and do you remember Lantis? June's friend from high school?"

"He doesn't have friends—ouw! Wait, you're pinching me again! This is good!" Pete didn't like the force of his mother's pinch, but she had stopped pinching him after she fell into depression. Even if she had, she still forced herself to work as a waitress… causing her to space out from time to time.

"Pete, be nice. Lantis is a nice person." Even if her gestures were minimal, Freya still tried to huff in derision to chastise the other son. She then smiled at Lantis. "Lantis, do you remember Jupiter? Pete? Though, I can't recall a time that you had come to the house. June must have been very sneaky."

Even if Freya was not calling June's attention, Pete could see the older brother sleeping at the side. He was even moving as if trying to quietly pull the coat to cover his face. Since he had his own coat, Pete figured it came from that guy next to him. Actually, he really didn't recognize Lantis, but if it's how June wanted to hide it from their mother…

Pete grunted as he made an upward nod at Lantis. "Yo, Lance. I'm surprised you still recognized June even if he was ugly back in high school."

"Things had changed since June made an effort to look the part for his dreams." Lantis was a little appeased that the younger brother just rode along with it. It's just that he also admitted that no one around June could believe him when he said he wanted to be an actor. Perhaps, only Brent remained to believe him and even saw the great results.

Still, Lantis insulted June's looks from before. June's hand snuck from under the coat and swatted at Lantis's thigh, only making Lantis giggle without a sound as he caught the hand.

"June looked nice even back in high school, though. Why would you say that?" Freya pinched Pete again as if he was just a ten-year-old and that she was decades younger as well. As for Pete, he was more focused on how June behaved with that guy. Rather, on how the other guy treated June.

"So obvious…" Pete would spit if his mother was not there. He just took his eyes off of the two and looked down at his body. "So strange. I was so sure I was dead when that thing wrecked my skull wide open. What happened to me? I don't even feel pain…"

"Your skull?" The mother gasped, causing Pete to shudder.

Pete darted his eyes at his mother before rubbing his neck. "Come on, Mom. I wouldn't really know if it did split my head open. I just felt like it because it hurt so bad. It didn't seem to be the case. Erm, aren't you running late from your job? They will get angry again."

At these words, Freya only looked down. She held onto her hands. "I resigned from the waiting job, Pete. Lantis here asked me to take up an internship for a receptionist position. I will start later in the afternoon, so the manager could train me without having too many people entering the building."

For some reason, Pete frowned. "Are you sure you want to stand as reception in a hotel? All the weirdest people—even weirder than June or Simon—will be there to greet you. I don't think it's a good thing. Can't they give you a backroom position instead?"

"I… I already agreed…" Freya balled her fists. "Don't worry, it doesn't seem to be a bad place. It's not a hotel. It's a talent agency…"

"…hey, it better be yours. I don't want anyone bullying Mom when you can check up on her from time to time." Pete spat for real, making sure that June could hear him. However, June just ignored him.

"Pete, don't be like that…" Freya moved her hands to stop Pete from yelling. He looked well, but his body might have hidden pains.

It's just that Pete grabbed his pillow and threw it in June's direction. It prompted Lantis to catch it, even if Pete continued to yell at June. "Hey, I know you're awake, you asshole! Don't you know how much Mom wants you to be around us? She was even keeping you away to protect your goddamn second-rate reputation! The most you can do is to promise me you'll get someone to take care of her!"

June's eyes opened from under the coat. He then chuckled in ridicule. "Protect my reputation? What do you mean 'protect my reputation?' Aren't you guys keeping away from me because that Simon told you to? How is this my fault again?"

"Pete! June!" Freya swatted the bed, trying to diffuse their fight. "Please, don't be like this. You're already adults. No need to hurl words like this at family. Please… Pete, you need to rest. June, you should, too. Don't get into a fight… I can't stop you…"

"Simon Grant is using that court order to scare your mom. He plants vile thoughts into her mind, such as matters that will happen should it go public." Lantis only hummed, making Freya freeze as the other man decided to join their fight. "Your good-citizen image will be punctured. As a B-list actor, it might get you blacklisted by the studios."

June then slid his eyes at the demon… before looking at Pete and Freya. He only smiled. "Oh… but I'm gathering controversies left and right now, am I not? I don't think something like that is powerful enough to break me now. Why didn't you tell me, Pete? You're so angry at me, but you never told me how fragile my worth to the industry is…"

At this, Pete grabbed another pillow, but he didn't throw it. "I was going to. I was headed to the bus station to smack the shit out of you when I got hit by that goddamn motorcycle. So…? What are you going to do about it now? You're even telling people that you're going to quit acting."

"What? No, June. I like your films. Don't quit." Freya scooted to face June. "H-How about this? Maybe if I do good in my workplace, I can ask them to sign you up. There should be auditions happening there somewhere. You're the best. You can make it!"

She pursed her lips. "Your career shouldn't end in just one agency, dear."

At this, June froze. He even covered his face with a hand and cried, "Wait, this is so messed up. I'm so confused. What is happening?"

Lantis wanted to comfort June, but he saw the same lost faces that June had… on his mother's and his brother's faces. The demon could only giggle. "You are indeed of the same blood. It's fascinating."

"…I give up. Wake me up when you sort it." Pete threw his hand in the air and lay down to sleep, tossing the blanket up and letting it rest on his body.

Even without looking, June did the same with the coat and hid from the world. It's just that… he had to show up in Perseus in a few minutes.