Give Me Back My Pants

The day was barely starting, and Reese sat at the reception desk of his agency. Starting tomorrow, he would be facing real-time troubles as a talent manager and owning an agency of his own. The other staff members had already come in and were being broken into by Devin. Reese then used his hands to simulate the corners of a photograph and imagined the cars that would soon line the parking spaces.

Unlike everything else, Reese couldn't foresee the future of his agency.

While he was doing such a thing, he saw how the silver Audi pulled over one of the parking spaces. He noticed some small-time journalists covering June's arrival at the newly opened agency. With a big smile, Reese greeted him. "Mr. Savior! Welcome to Perseus!"

"I knew it, it was you." June shook his head. He then removed his coat and hung it on his own arm. "We should start with the formalities. When Director Gaza's office started calling, at least it would be legal for you to represent me."

"Yes, yes! Follow me, Mr. June!" Reese happily led June to the seventh floor, where his office was.

The building only had seven floors: the first floor had the lobby, utilities, and parking; the second floor had the audition halls and conference rooms; the third to fifth floors had amenities; while the sixth to seventh floors had the offices. Though, not every crevice was already filled.

June entered Reese's office, along with the owner. It was spacious and minimalist, keeping the visitor focused on whatever was happening at the desk. What made it strange was that he could see the entire city center from the glass walls covered with reflective film. So much for not being distracted by the surroundings. Even he was spacing out at the mystery.

"Mr. June, this place will get a lot of getting used to, but we should start." Reese held onto his folders and facilitated the contract signing with June.

However, June noticed that the date of effect was two weeks later. He took a look at Reese. "Are you giving me a vacation? Why is this not effective immediately?"

Reese then hummed. "It's because Drawn Wings hasn't given me a copy of your contract termination with them. They seem to be trying to stop you from being available too early. Don't worry about it. I have secured a copy of your contract with them, and it said that if you don't report to them within two weeks, your contract is good as voided. It's automatic at that point.

"You don't have to worry about the new movie. I can still work it out for you as a third-party manager you hired for the project. You are not yet under Perseus, so your early papers will show that you are independent for the first few days you will be transacting with them." Reese smiled. "It's not illegal.

"What is illegal is if I forced you to sign with Perseus effective today while you are still under Drawn Wings. You might need to wait things out if they would not actively work on your termination." Reese prepared the other documents to be signed. "Sadly, they can buy time to counterattack. Not that they won't after you are completely under Perseus."

"All right. I never liked industry politics, but if it's how it is… I'll just rely on you." June then continued reading through the contract that he was supposed to sign.

Since it would take a while, Reese prepared white coffee and snacks for June as well. Then, he stood in front of the glass walls and watched the scenery from there. However, even June could tell that Reese was being dazed as he stared out. For some reason, the man… seemed to be daydreaming while standing in front of the glass walls.

June still had two weeks that he couldn't be officially signed as part of Perseus. That meant that he had no right to make use of the amenities offered to the talents inside the building. He just rode back to the condominium residences that were just a walking distance from the agency. It was owned by the Castelli, so they could offer a unit for June.

It's just that… the more he looked around, the more it looked so empty. June murmured, "Since I can break Mom and Pete out of that goon's hold, can't they live here with me? Though, it would look strange for two adult children to still live with their mother…"

"Perseus offers housing for their employees. However, the dormitory is yet to be polished. It will be ready in a week or two." Lantis phased in existence and sat on the bed as June pulled off his shirt as if changing. "Should I look for a place for your brother as well?"

"The planetarium is too far from here. It'll be best if you look for a spot for him nearby that place." June opened his closet and looked for gym clothes. "I'm hitting the gym just like I said. Are you following me there, too? The gazes of the women might get really sticky."

"And men." Lantis chuckled as he got up from his seat.

When June dropped his pants to quickly change into gym pants, the demon stood behind the actor and held onto the sides of June's waist. He even slid his hands slowly to the side of June's hips. He could feel June freeze under his touch, but he chose to grin and whispered in June's ear: "Sweet child, I have recorded the size of your waist. I am expecting results from you."

As he finished, June only slowly turned to him with a glare and a blush. "How dare you. You did this to me—come clean. You're making miracles at my body shape's expense."

"It's funny how you put it." Lantis laughed and stepped back, his hands sliding as he moved. "Worry not. Humans have their own methods. Come now, before you miss lunch."

"Don't you dare get near me." June kicked toward Lantis, but he forgot that he was changing. It caused his pants to fly off toward Lantis's face. The actor froze at the matter before racing to retrieve it. It's just that… Lantis vanished with it, only leaving a laugh behind.

"I shall take this as an offering, then."

June growled and covered his face with his hands. "I can't… even scream… give back my pants… what the shit… I expected more terror from having contact with demons… not humiliation…"

However, it was what it was. He only slipped his gym pants over his boxers and even remembered the way Lantis held his sides. His own hands traced where he felt like Lantis's hands grew clawed. The actor's lips pursed before moving to look for a shirt again.

Slipping on his cotton t-shirt, June began to choose among the gym bags he had. "This is going to be a long noon ahead. I can already feel my hunger creeping up. Damn, I will eat first."