
A slurping sound came as June emptied the paper cup that housed his soft drinks. June's loathing eyes descended on the cup as it dared make a sound that signified that he had already finished his third large cup. He hadn't even eaten the last of his four quarter-pounders. In this state, he wanted to cry.

He was suited for the gym later, but here he was in a fast-food chain, eating more than he should. He wasn't even satisfied because Eurkodach's cooking was too high a standard. It's just that he wanted to eat burgers, so he went to get some.

"I thought making a deal with a demon only needs you to sell your soul. Why am I selling my dignity with it?" June grumbled as he took the last bite of the third quarter-pounder. When he opened the next one, He heard some loud group entering to take a table. He didn't care about them, however.

"Shit, isn't that June?"

June choked on the bite he took, but he knew better than to spit it out. He only covered his mouth as he tried to cough it out and chew it right back. After gulping the food down, he slurped at the fourth cup. His eyes glared at the approaching group, seeing some people from high school. It was not the best time for anyone to recognize him.

The guy ran to his table and laughed as he sat down, excited to find a famous high-school classmate. He didn't even care when June was trying to lower his head. "Yo, damn son. It's really you!"

"Can you not? I'm eating." June tried to hide the wrappers of the three quarter-pounders and the large fries that he had eaten beforehand. However, the rest of the group invaded his table as if he welcomed them to sit with him. "There's another table over there, next to the hot chick."

"Why are you shooing us, huh? Just because your face appears on TV?" One even poked June's cheek. He then realized the wrappers on the table. "Damn, are you depressed, dude? Why are you eating like there's no tomorrow?"

"No particular reason." June just reached out to pull his drink closer when another person came with their tray of food and another for drinks. He just snorted as he was faced with eating his last burger with this bunch. However, they were not strangers; they were his high-school peers.

The talks soon shifted to their own topic. Even if June was sandwiched by them, he could just simply shut them out and concentrate on his burger. However, he saw another strange scene outside. It was as if she kept on running into him for some reason.

Prudence was donned in her tank top and jogger pants when she pushed the glass doors open. She had her hair tied up in a ponytail, her bare face safe from the smudging of makeup from sweat. Moreover, she didn't wear anything fancy as if she was indeed out for a jog. It's just that… it was noon.

When her eyes met June's gaze as if she was called by it, she smiled and waved at him. Her action was caught by the boys around him, all of them wondering who it was. It's just that June got up as if using her as an excuse when she ordered a takeaway instead. The actor only looked down at his high-school friends and left without a word for them.

"…wait… that's… Prudence Lang, right?"

Outside, June carried his drink and burger, his gym bag behind him. He exchanged gazes with Prudence, who only chuckled as they walked together. She took a sip of her own drink. "We seem to meet earlier than expected. Is it because you're not yet busy?"

June only sighed, finding himself in a conversation he didn't want to have. "Yeah, probably. It's not like we won't see each other in this small city."

"Are you going somewhere, June? You're walking very fast…" Prudence didn't know, but she ended up speedwalking while June was taking long strides along the street.

"Huh? Sorry, I was just angry." After he said so, he felt like socking himself in the face. "I mean… I'm getting a lot of cravings these days. I'm not even supposed to be eating this early. I'm headed to the gym, so I don't think I can walk you."

"You're going to the gym? Can I see?" Prudence chuckled as if she was not shocked by his words earlier. "The gym in Wings is getting stuffy, and the men there can't keep their eyes on me. I can't even wear my shorts because they always stare. If you're around, then maybe I'll feel more guarded."

June glanced at her. "Hey, I don't mean the offense, but… don't you have a boyfriend? Why don't you ask him to guard you in the gym?"

At this, Prudence only shrugged. "I go there with him sometimes, but he's too focused on his own thing. He doesn't even care about me. Ah, sorry, you probably would have to focus on yours, too. That… didn't occur to me. You're right, maybe I should just—"

She moved her vacant hand and hooked some stray fringe behind her ear, but her bracelet seemed to break on cue. Still, it dropped beads on the walkway. June hurriedly got down to pick them up with her, the girl even saying how clumsy she was. It's just that… when she bent down like that to collect the beads, June could see so much of her chest and the deep cleavage that led down to fantasies.

His eyes automatically darted to the ground to pick up more beads, despite holding a cup of drinks. He then got up and brought the beads to her, but her hands made a bowl against her chest. June dropped the beads carefully in case one jumped to a problematic spot. "The nylon snapped. Is your wrist all right?"

"Oh, it didn't look hurt." She cupped her hand and collected the beads, soon dusting her chest from the dirt of the beads. June didn't know why she had to hit herself hard enough to make her breasts jiggle. However, she didn't care much as she pocketed the beads in her hand. She then picked up her drink from the ground. "Sorry, I even end up inconveniencing you."

"It's okay." June then bit into his straw and drank from the cup. He thought for a while before just smiling at Prudence. "Hey, you're quite unlucky today. I should just walk you back to your place."

Prudence darted her gaze at him as if he had said something out of the script. He smiled at her, but there was this strange look in her eyes. It was as if she was confused and somewhat terrified. June then chuckled as he moved his bag to the other shoulder. "Let's go. I thought you were not scared of me."

When his hand reached out to wrap his arm around Prudence's shoulders, she felt some kind of electricity that rattled her soul and her very body. No, it wasn't the kind of signal that men would send if they were asking for some loving. Actually, Prudence suddenly felt like she wanted to run away.

It was because the more she stayed in June's company, the more it felt like he would eat her alive. No flesh, no bones left to identify.