Come Back to Me

Cough! June's concentration was broken by the fact that Soren started coughing out blood. His body was too tattered because the demons were let loose on him. June even figured that because he knew Soren… the former hitman got to keep his life. It was no question that he would have killed without mercy if June didn't hinder the result.

At this, June wondered if he should help the person who killed a member of the Castelli.

"You're one of their masters? I thought you were just a slave to that young master that suddenly sprouted out of existence." Soren hissed as he felt the wounds on his chest. His blood dried on his skin, but some still seeped out when he pressed on the cut. 

"Say, Neptune Verrier, how long have you been heading this feared family in the Underground?" The hitman hummed. "How come you're getting denied by studios if you're one of them?"