Leave Me with Lucirien

The next thing he knew… there was this good smell of flowers nearby. It was normally the ones he could smell in hospitals. Combined with the antiseptic smell that pervaded the air, June was so sure that he found himself in a hospital. He didn't even know what happened to him.

His eyes weakly opened and looked around. It was one of those spacious private rooms in the recovery ward, and he couldn't help but remember the one where he last saw Pete wearing his perpetual grimacing face. For some reason, he could only think of how people were not scared of that face his brother wore.

A coping mechanism… June felt like his brain was deploying a coping mechanism to relieve itself from the fact that it didn't know where they were exactly. Yes, they were in a private ward in a hospital, but why were they sent there? Did something happen to him that Lucirien couldn't fix?